So I’ve been away most of the last two x-packs because I haven’t liked them very much. During that time I’ve been playing mostly FFXIV, TBC Classic, WOTLK Classic and I have to be honest, compared to FFXIV and the classics the retail community is terrible.
Let me give you an example, last night I was tanking a Mythic 0 which I had only done once or twice when the expansion first dropped. Before the first boss I get yelled at for pulling “unnecessary” stuff, and not nicely either. Apparently the two people from the same guild were very angry that I didn’t know the super secret ways to avoid most of the mobs, which to me is silly, what’s the point of playing the game if you don’t actually want to do what’s intended?? After this one of them starts taking off on his own and wipes us because he and the healer died while running off on their own. Of course I was to blame because you know I didn’t know the super secret way to avoid the mobs.
Here’s my point, instead of being nasty and yelling and calling names, why not offer to lead and help show me what I don’t know?? Why not be nice about it??
If you’re wondering why so many people prefer FFXIV and the classics, community is a big part of it.
This has been asked a gazillion times. The topic of the nasty Wow community has been mention a gazillion times as well. I’m with you on this, but it will never, ever change. It is what it is. And I’ve found there’s nicer people in game than are given credit. I don’t know about endgame though.
This is why I play both games. It’s not going to change here anymore than at FF
I was going to argue with you, but I’ve changed my mind. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with players in classic. SL dungeons stress me out. Too much pressure to know things and not back into a mob.
That said, if you get a good guild it could change your SL experience.
The community there is not all good but there are less negative experiences when trying to do group content there. Where as on here it can be a toss up.
Why not open a youtube first to study on how the dungeons are done?
Everybody expects you that you have prior knowledge of the dungeon especially right now at the very end of the season. If this is not the case, tell the group the truth that you are a noob before you start.
Ah, another ‘someone was mean to me, X community is so much better’ thread. Lol
If you can’t ignore negativity from strangers, then maybe multi-player gaming isn’t your best option. I heal, so in new content I screw crap up all the time and it’s evident because when I don’t do my job wipes happen. I don’t care if someone gets mad, I’ll go get into another group in 2 seconds with more experience than I had in the last one, and eventually learn what I need to know.
I don’t have time to worry about mad people, Ive got phat lootz to farm.
It is not about ease of gameplay but just that they have less try hards and people watching meters. A lot of WoW players are obsessed with high performance, perfect rotation, perfect talents and etc. Even if the content does not need to be done at that level. Sure there are also a lot of players that are happy just making their timers and killing the boss but getting group with one obsessed player can ruin your mood. If you keep running into them that makes you not want to play at all.