Good question, the ignore functions mostly the same, and no one interferes with who you want to ignore. I’m referencing more severe actions, such as suspensions or bans. The community management staff is much, much more robust for FFXIV. It also isn’t front-ended by an automated system. It also helps IMO that the FFXIV community is more willing to teach when there are knowledge gaps, including etiquette.
Maybe you should learn the “super secret ways” before tanking (even if it’s just a mythic 0). Everyone expects the tank to know the route. So do it as DPS and learn the route.
Alternatively, just ask the whiners and complainers what route you should take.
Well, if that’s how you feel about it then cool. For me I just ignore somebody if they get nasty, and call it a day. In a game with hundreds of interactions with random players. Confrontations will occur no matter what.
Manderville is a comedic questline where the actual comedy is going to be hit or miss for people. For some reason, it has higher budget than basically anything else in the game cutscene-wise. I got chuckles out of it, but it drags on and doesn’t always land. Anyone who recommends that questline as a reason to get into FFXIV really is scraping the bottom of an already half-empty barrel.
Reaper is a good class, but very simplistic, and the latest story stuff essentially screwed over the Void - where they get their power from, via a pact with a Voidsent (a demon, essentially). I really liked it aesthetically and gameplay-wise since I’m not fond of melee anyway, but it definitely isn’t a class I’d consider worth trying FFXIV out for. Really, I don’t know if there’s any class in the game worth trying the game out for outside of pure aesthetics. Maybe Gunbreaker? Idk.
Gold Saucer is essentially a giant gaudy waste of time. Nothing you do in there matters outside of it, all it’s worth is some glamour items and mounts/minions. Most of the side games are okay to bad, none are really worth any actual time investment, TT is poorly implemented from FF8. If you like AFKing somewhere that isn’t Limsa Lominsa, it’s good, I guess.
Maybe the gear designs in FF are better, but it actually has a far worse glamour/transmog system than WoW does. You have to store anything you want in a limited-slot glam dresser, or otherwise keep it on your person somewhere, and you have limited plates to make outfits with, in addition to needing to be in rest areas to swap, and it’s difficult to make unique outfits for classes that share gear. I vastly prefer WoW’s transmog system where if you find it, it unlocks its appearance for you across your entire account forever, and you don’t have to have it clog up inventory somewhere.
Lmao its housing implementation is literally one of the worst in the industry. Sure, you can do a lot with them… with third party tools we aren’t allowed to use, and if you can even manage to get one to begin with! Oh, and don’t unsub for longer than a couple of months, or you’ll lose it and probably never manage to get another again!
Their listed reasons for trying out FFXIV are abysmal. Save yourself the disappointment. What little is worth trying the game for has been slowly killed over time anyway, at this rate.
FFXIV’s community can be very charming on the surface, but, take it from me, don’t call their game weeby.
Brillaint post. Thank you.
I have a bit of a confession. I already kind of knew I wouldn’t get drawn into FF14, but I wanted to see some legitimate reasons (from fans) to play other than “community”. Community is important sure, but its 1 piece of the pizza pie (yes, some on the east coast call them pies). Nothing about FF14 draws me in. Wow I know im getting engaging challenging combat, an interestingly detailed world (the art team is one of the best in gaming imo).
Maybe the story is lacking comparatively, but it gets the job done enough for me, even with Wow’s story blunders. It’s still a super rich world to draw inspiration from. I’m happy for people who enjoy FF14, but I just have to be honest and say I dont get the appeal personality.
The community isn’t really worth it either, unless you like passive aggressive toxic casualism and witch-hunting for not subscribing to whatever group-think is most popular among the ‘positive’ places for the game. A lot of FFXIV players act like people who never grew out of high school drama mentalities. It was exhausting to deal with the equivalent of 20~30+ year old entitled brats every day just to do what little lasting content there was (dungeon roulettes).
I still have some friends playing XIV religiously, and I am truly happy they can still find enjoyment in the game. But for me, 10ish years of dedication to it and seeing it slowly degrade in quality - both game-wise and community-wise - really got to a point of being too much. Endwalker was the nail in the coffin of a death by a thousand cuts, for me. I am enjoying my time (short though it has been so far) in WoW much more. It’s also been a bit eye-opening to see how different of a game and community it is from what people in FFXIV-dominated spaces will claim. Quite refreshing!
Which is why the constant posts from XIV players on here about how it’s going to kill WoW and how much better it is and how much more positive experiences they have there get… grating, to say the least. When I quit FFXIV, I was hoping to leave the cult-mentality community behind, as well.
(And now it’s time to head to bed!)
To be honest, if you’re completely new jumping in well into an xpac where the majority have the knowledge of dungeons at that point, and plan on tanking them when you know nothing about mechanics or routing, that’s kind of on you and you deserve to take some flak for it.
You’re essentially picking a role that requires you to lead the group and know what you’re doing. To not at least go in there a few times while spec’d dps to at least get somewhat of an idea and watch the tank and learn off that, is setting yourself up for failure.
In no way am I defending toxic behaviour or people being rude, but at the same time there is blame to be put on you for wasting peoples time by not being prepared for a role that requires the most knowledge and planning. I get that everyone has to start somewhere, and that mythic 0s are a good place to learn for sure, so I’m not saying that what you did was wrong.
But coming from a player who mainly tanks and had to go through rough patches early on, if people in your group are complaining, you need to listen and adapt rather than let it get to you. Hearing tanks say stuff like “my dps are pulling for me”, and getting upset by it, rather than realizing you are actually in fact pulling way too slow, is a lesson you need to learn. Hearing people complain about your route and getting upset by it, again doesn’t help you get better. If people are complaining about your route, chances are you have not put any thought into it.
The biggest thing I find with tanking is ignorance. When you don’t stay up to date with your routing, the mechanics of the dungeon, your groups CDs, etc. it’s easy to get mad when people call you out for it, when in reality they are right and you can either get mad and not change what you’re doing, or you can learn from it.
Regardless of how “rude” someone’s comment comes across, if your route sucks, or you’re pulling too slow, or not pulling around CDs, at the end of the day if you aren’t willing to change, you’re going to continue to get these criticisms until you do. The “rude” comments I can guarantee you will stop, when you learn to take the time to realize whether what they are saying is right or not and making changes
Very interesting. Have a good night!
Best thing I ever did in WoW is started my own guild, with just me in it and stopped running any group content outside GF enabled content…
My expereince with GF stuff is that nobody really talks and I like it when people keep their bags in their own cart.
WoW is a terrible game for current content… It’s a game best served 2 or 3 expansions old.
What mechanics?
It’s a mythic 0, tell them to just be quite. If you were trying to time a “20”, sure pulling extras can hurt but in a “0”?
I always hate this as the solution. You should not be required to have prior knowledge of a dungeon prior to doing it! It takes the soul out of the whole experience. I acknowledge that it is now a requirement for so many though, I just think it is ridiculous. When I ‘dungeon’ I tank but am happy to let someone else lead the way. I’ll do my job as a tank. Will I know the specific boss mechanics immediately? No, but I’ll work out it out during the fight. I guess I’ve been lucky, maybe. I haven’t actually encountered any toxicity directed at me, or others in dungeons that I can recall. Is it actually as widespread as the forums claim?
They design them with too many shortcuts, and too much trash.
I don’t know why they go out of their way to design them like this, they do the same with raids.
People find skips, and it is up to tank to just know, frustrating as all get out.
My first time back to retail, just the other day actually. Was met by a guy… (this was around level 20) I am using two different heirloom trinkets on my lock. One that gives haste, and the other that does intellect. He for some reason was so annoyed by this. Felt the need to tell me that the trinket wasn’t unique or whatever and that I should use both. I just ignore him. I mean, what really matters? Then he starts spamming trade with me, showing me the trinket as to try and force me to see it so I’ll use it. When I ask him to stop, he just tells me to shut up. So yeah, retail community is something else. Apparently you have min-max at level 20 now. Like you, I never get this kind of stuff in classic. It’s crazy how people defend the behavior
Idk why people get so mad. Watching people fail at the shortcut in everbloom back during wod was probably the most fun you could have with the expansion outside of raid logging.
Yeah, I think 2 people and one bad experience is for sure, indicative of the community as a whole.
Well, enjoy FFXIV and the wonderful community they have to offer.
Go on-- git.
So they got angry because you went the wrong way, started to lead the right way, you didn’t follow, they died, and you’re complaining other people wont lead?
I play an older game that has come back to life. I need another partner for some things in it. If you are interested at all (at least just to hear me out); let me know here and we can meet in game?
I am on several servers. I am mostly on Mal-ganis. If you are interested at all and you don’t have a character there just let me know when we can meet, create like a level 1 toon and I will meet you wherever that starting area is?
Now let me give you an example of FFXIVs toxic community. Was lvling SMN during Endwalker, got into a dungeon. Dungeon starts, we start moving towards first pull. I stopped for a second because FC friend asked me a question. Tank and healer start saying “SMN afk, kick after pull.” They kept that up even when I joined them and explained. Ended up getting kicked.
Point is that other community’s are just as toxic as WoWs.