Retail Community

Ah, you didn’t even read OPs post. Makes sense.

Oh im sorry “retail bad” post. Sorry. The community is virtually the same between retail and classic.

FF14 is very close tho

In some TCG communities it’s referred to Casual Elitism. Which is to say that casual players deride competitive players for “only playing to win, and not for fun” or “only playing meta cards.”

It exists in every game/community unfortunately.


I can’t speak for all players of course but my experience in FFXIV has been very positive. There was much more player interaction than I get in WoW. It wasn’t uncommon for me to go back to Limsa and get lost in conversations with complete randos. Most of the time when I attempt to talk in WoW it’s met with silence. Bards are a great tool for that too as people naturally gather around them in main hubs.

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Yeah, I mean it’s interesting being called an “elitist” as a bad term. I dunno, it’s kinda a compliment

I’m not.

It didn’t take me longer than a few hours for someone in Classic to scream at me for fighting mobs around a chest and getting it before he could snipe it. The one and only dungeon I did, I was berated for the talents I had chosen.

In FF14, there’s more passive aggression. Of course, once you try to get into the housing community, you’ll be insulted and laughed at for not having a house while trying to get one.

You basically have discovered that humans on the internet, regardless of game or community, have good and bad.

I think we’re getting a lot of “player is much better than me…must be elitist”. I think it’s insecurity projected. How many people are just flat out attacked and harassed in wow. How many times do good players belittle casuals, or any other skill level. I literally have not seen it in over a decade.

Maybe because I don’t confuse gamesmanship for toxicity. Something doesn’t sit right in a place where people say it’s “all sunshine”. It’s literally humanly impossible.

Do some leveling dungeons, super common there. If you’re not doing the skips it’s not uncommon at all to get yelled at.

Dude, I must have done hundreds, maybe thousands of leveling dungeons altogether. Yea, the occasional idiot appears, just like they would irl. Yea, sometimes the people are more quiet, maybe they’re tired or shy, and there are times when people are talkative, friendly and que again, or at the least say Hi, and bye.

Competitive pugging is where people are having the issues because there’s things at stake, and random people working together without even knowing each other in highly skilled gameplay is not a good mix. That’s not even to say pugging is completely bad, because there are some good groups too.

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Classic is the worst of them all lmao.

I am pretty biased when it comes to this because I believe all games should have a few brain dead specs/classes. It can be fun to just zone out and play on “ez” mode. People are going to label a whole host of things as elitism but that does not make it true. Class or spec changes are so hard. I can understand people wanting a class they enjoyed to keep some of the complexity that made it fun.

People are always going to like the more inclusive option, not about justifying beliefs.

Hasn’t been my personal experience. People tend to be more chatty, and there’s an actual culture in WoW. FF14 by comparison has always felt sort of sterile, to me.

The tribalism for both games is horrible. Some people here act like FF is the devil itself. Same goes for some of the FF community thinking wow is the devil itself.


I have messed up the trek to the final boss in freehold many more time than I’ve gotten through clean. My experience is very different than yours. It is a much more common response from groups to be understanding because it is a leveling dungeon.

I dont really see much actual toxicity in wow unless im dumpster diving in trade chat or one of those mass invite guilds that seems to always have at least one chatty charlie who complains about every minor inconvenience. Really i have to wonder what people are basing their assumptions of wows community on sometimes.

I’m just wondering why people can’t hang out in their forums if they love the games so much.

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It’s funny because the majority of the responses pretty much sum up the garbage community of this game. Instead of asking how they can improve and make the game more welcoming, the responses are mainly, “deal with it” or “stop being bad” :roll_eyes:

And yes, in my personal opinion based on 16 + years of playing wow and also other MMOs is that the community in retail is garbage. Don’t tell people to deal with it, do better!!!


ah yes the classic community of GDKPS, boost sales flooding chat into being unreadable, rampant RMT everywhere, and groups unwilling to take you unless you’re decked out in 4k gearscore. such a great community

How dare you not know


Because they refuse to believe that there’s a problem to begin with, regarding the community. I saw a similar thread and people claiming that no one is toxic or they’ve hardly ever witnessed any toxicity towards other players.

Its G&D. Forums are meant for pretty much, trolling, I never take anything or anyone seriously here. Or try my best not to. lol

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