Retail-Classic Players are Clueless on PVP Consequences

How delusional can you get actually get? I mean, you’re seriously telling me to read what I said because you think that I think I know what I said but I don’t? Put down the glass and tune into reality, dude.

I’ll clarify: again, as I said, I am a major advocate for appearance changes in Classic. A very common theme in the responses I get is “no changes”, which I have always found to be a very weak argument and have argued against numerous times. Take this one for example, in response to someone parroting “no changes” at me:

The problem is that you responded to my post in opposition of me, and started rambling about nochanges. Now you claim it was unrelated to me, but also that I’m delusional…??

I’m sorry that makes 0 sense.

Think of it less as a jab at you, and more of a jab at the community who has derailed my threads suggesting appearance changes with weak responses like “no changes”, who are now posting threads en masse suggesting changes to alleviate the PVP situation affecting Horde players.

Does everything have to be broken down and explained to you in great detail like an ELI5 post? Ffs.

FFS???!!?? You come on my post, post some unrelated rant about other people posting on your threads in response to me, and then you are surprised when I call you out on it?

John McEnroe… you can’t be serious! You must be kidding me!

They’ve been doing this. It’s actually hilarious how many hypocrites rant and rave on here.

Wow. I might as well go into my pantry, take out a potato, and try having a conversation with it. Hell, I might actually get more of an intelligent response from it.

See ya dude, I’m out of here before I end up finding out the hard way that your neurodegenerative disorder is contagious.

They’ve been doing this. It’s actually hilarious how many hypocrites rant and rave on here.

The problem is he/she/zhe/zher replied directly to me with that argument and it has nothing to do with me. #Nochanges is already over anyway, as many changes have been made to the game.

Later he/she/zhe/zher said the comment wasn’t about me, but some other group of people…

Right, right, that’s why he/she/zhe/zher replied to me to criticize me and mention that…


Wow. I might as well go into my pantry, take out a potato, and try having a conversation with it. Hell, I might actually get more of an intelligent response from it.

See ya dude, I’m out of here before I end up finding out the hard way that your neurodegenerative disorder is contagious.

Sorry your bad logic/arguments/trolling did not work.

Oh wow! Personal attacks claiming mental illness… stigmatizing mental illness and using it as an attack me…

You know who that really hurts? The people who are actually mentally ill. And the people who actually are are the ones, we should be supporting, not attacking.

You are completely out of line, and the only person you are making look bad is yourself.

Stopped reading right there. Go back to your pirate servers. Pirate server players have been the problem from the beginning.

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Stopped reading right there. Go back to your pirate servers. Pirate server players have been the problem from the beginning.

the problem? Without Nostalrius, Classic WoW nor Classic WoW TBC would not exist in the current day…

maybe you should do your research before you speak.

Start with looking up Nano Nostalrius on youtube.

Without Nost meeting up with Blizzard in person, they wouldn’t have gone down the classic route.

Citation required.

You admit to being a pirate server thief. What you have to say is irrelevant on the legitimate game. I remember the good old days when you would get a forum ban for talking about it.


Uh… Hi. Classic player here. One who you know, played in Classic and had long queue times. You know… a Classic player who monitored the forums as people complained and warned about this? Yeah, not a retail player thanks. Still no excuse for you not doing your research when we had this problem back in the very original TBC. Nice try passing the buck though.

Citation required.

You admit to being a pirate server thief. What you have to say is irrelevant on the legitimate game. I remember the good old days when you would get a forum ban for talking about it.

Citation needed for what? Go watch the Nano Nostalrius documentary about meeting with blizzard and the events that followed. Classic WoW as it is a direct descendant of that meeting with Nostalrius and Blizzard in person. You know they met with Mike Morhaime in person.

What’s up with this denialist propaganda you are pushing. J. Allen Brack said at Blizzcon in 2016 (before the meeting occured in JUNE 2016) that Blizzard did not intend to make legacy servers…

You admit to being a pirate server thief. What you have to say is irrelevant on the legitimate game. I remember the good old days when you would get a forum ban for talking about it.

A pirate server thief ! LMAO. You crack me up. Do your research before you flub your mouth about something you don’t even know what you are talking about.

Hold on a second. Are you telling me that the people who accurately predicted the future are the ones out of touch? And not the people who lived in their own little bubble and who failed to see the writing on the wall?



  • n.

One who commits the act or crime of theft.

  • n.

“A person who steals, or is guilty of larceny; one who takes the goods or property of another without the owner’s knowledge or consent”

Stealing a company’s intellectual property makes you a thief. Don’t try to sugar coat it and pretend you are some kind of hero for being a thief.

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2 questions.

1- What did I steal?

2- Why didn’t the Nostalrius team get sent to prison?

Yep. You’re right. It’s not only untrue. It’s malicious. Alliance players have a distorted sense of fairness and literally don’t care if the game experience sucks because ‘they had it bad too.’ It’s completely delusional.

Blizzard is making a huge mistake by not alleviating the problem.

Yeah just a heads up this forum represents less than 1% of the actual playerbase so making claims like “alliance players” and “horde players” and then attributing ideologies to them is out of touch with reality.

He is right actually.

I’m not a retail player (played vanilla WoW, quit for 15 years before coming back to TBC classic) and I think you hordies need to suck it up.

Seal of blood is miniscule on the scale of reasons why people prefer horde in tbc. Just look at the advantages the horde racials have in pve.

Top two dps, lock and hunter respectively both benefit greatly from the orc racials. Rogue and dps warrior/shaman as well.

Troll mage/shadow priest are both more powerful than their alliance counterparts.

Even tanks are better on horde with Tauren druid/warriors.

And for pvp (nobody can argue with this one), undead is by far THE single most popular race.

It’s not hard to see why in today’s min max gaming the vast majority of players rolled horde.

People need to face facts, you picked the most popular faction. The BG queues are just a result of it.

I am not here going ‘haha reroll’ or anything of the sort but you essentially made your own bed as a player base.

  1. I already explained it once, let me try with smaller words. You stole the intellectual property belonging to Blizzard.

  2. The Nostalrius thieves avoided prison because they ceased and desisted when ordered to by an American court. Then they re-opened the illegal servers in Russia which very blatantly disregards United States and international copyright laws.

I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are merely trolling, but after reading your posts, I’m starting to think you really are not educated as to the actual facts.

No members of the Nostalrius team worked on WoW Classic. They had nothing to do with WoW Classic coming to fruition.

This is the age of the dreamer and “alternate facts” How dare you question his alternative way of thinking despite the facts presented to him.

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Citation required.