Ret pallies

How are they currently? They seem really fun in pvp. Debating leveling one for tomorrow and taking a break from horde.

pvp as melee is terrible.


Said nobody. Real rets are doing good, just not you.


PvP as melee kind of sucks in AB. I don’t queue it often. Especially bad for ret pallies as we have no mobility.

I mainly played prior to shammies figuring out their tank rune with their specs but we have great blow-up potential. Just not fun in the current meta like I knew it wouldn’t.

Holy sucks something fierce. They just will not give us impactful heals and on my mage I feel 10x better than my pally while also having CC. It’s pretty sad.

Just not enough anti-caster defensives in the game.

In STV it’s pretty dang fun.

PvP is good if you can catch someone off guard. We have a lot of burst damage assuming you land all of it. We can spin AB flags well with Bubble, but in an open battle we’re a free kill. Scrubs like the poster above will cry about pallies because they zug-zug tunneled a 1v1 and got rocked but without 2/3 of HoJ/LoH/Divine Shield we’re pretty pedestrian. Very easy to kite and susceptible from getting nuked in range.

In PvE we’re the second lowest DPS on average. Very poor scaling, not much more actual useful utility (in a raid setting) than any other specialization (BoP, BoF, Stat Blessings, ect).

The paladin population is also very oversaturated. The price that comes with being a very cool concept for a class, However performance wise I would have to say pick another class.


Nah, they get slowed really easily and even if they use Blessing of Freedom, it’s instantly purged/dispelled. Maybe it’ll be a little better next phase when Pallies finally get cleanse to get rid of magic effects.

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I can solo anybody on my warrior, as long as I have a healer.


We’re pretty sure you don’t even play SoD, Snipy.

You’re right, I don’t.

Also, if anyone is looking for a guild that raids 4 times/lockout:

F tier class, that’s also dime in a dozen. It’s like even worse in sod than it was in classic now.


Ret PvP is fun. But tbh, Enhance PvP looks way more fun. If you want the Ret PvP experience but better, roll a shaman tomorrow instead. If you already are a shaman, just keep playing that until you guys inevitably get nerfed.

Ret will probably continue to get tiny little buffs for the rest of Phase 2 until suddenly we’re somehow way too powerful and then we’ll eat a nerf bat right before Phase 3. That’s my prediction anyways.


I got told in a WSG that ret is the most useless class to get on a team and that I and the other rets on the team were the reason we were going to lose. So the community perception of ret seems to be pretty low outside of a few brainlets that think we’re OP somehow lol.


From a Warlocks perspective, it seems like you will truly be part of MVPs in games. As a Ret Paladin, you are the only melee with the ability to create a frontline or push through regardless of whom you are against. Right now, this is really powerful, because at the start of the fight, at a base for instance, you will be one of the ones pushing in, allowing the gain of the flag. You will run through 6 people, immune to everything, just to drop someone and walk back to your team safe.

Seems legit fun

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Worst dps in the game, if we are being honest.


Broken af. I’m 1v2ing 1v3ing regularly even have clips.


shaman don’t get to comment on balance :expressionless:


win any 1v1 with bubble and lay on hands

I didn’t want to get “technically’d” by someone for ignoring Frost Mage lmao


People are only playing ret pallys because they’re Alliance fan boys, ride the OP shaman train as long as you can

They have two specs that are nearly doubling ret dps. Mages are fine.