Another thing that people keep forgetting is the lack of crowd control in 5 mans. Sure, if you have any combination of 2 mage/hunter/lock/rogues (classes with good/reliable CC), you can have a ret pally. But if your 5man group consists of a warrior tank, arms dps, boomkin, ret pally, and a healer… you have 0 CC and are in for a rough run unless you grossly outgear the instance.
Only the ret!
Munch, Munch.
That’s a janky group entirely but I’ve seen such a thing go fine, it just takes far longer.
LOL in vanilla it was a common joke to say only three paladins because of three different buffs–warriors were king dps and tanks in classic.
Yes, I think the group did the care bear stare and dropped the boss with love
100% terrible on Horde
I c wut u did thar
0 damage and no buffs smh Blizzard made Horde pallies back then so bad.
That’s how I killed rag.
I agree, it was just an example. Runs go a lot easier with sap/trap/sheep --> DPS 1-2 at a time.
With all things being equal, even if a ret could dps equal to a mage, I will take a mage every time due to CC and range.
Edit: This is in reference to 5man groups, not raids.
That’s obvious enough even if I played I wouldn’t’ blame a soul taking a Mage over a Ret for a final slot in a dungeon group. That CC and Range is more useful and better needed over the buff value.
Granted with 50% of your server likely to be composed of Rogues I doubt CC in a group will be much issue.
You can’t even follow the point i’m trying to make and you are on here trying to educate people…
The point is that competent players are hard to come by. All guilds even my guild in vanilla which was one of the better guilds in the US had trash players and we were downing Naxx bosses. There is even a semi popular meme of our spaz of a guild leader to prove how bad some of them were. angrypopsicles.ytmnd
If you are a good player and spec Ret you will be more useful than a trash player. So no i’m not telling a lie. Its just common sense.
Thanks for all the replies everyone, I honestly had just expected to get memed with just roll a Warrior etc type responses considering how the forums can be sometimes.
To be truthful I had asked how viable Ret is under the impression I could somehow make it work in Raiding, as my Healing and Tanking skills are just garbage.
And I enjoy raiding anyhow I’m not inherently sure what I should do etc the whole Spelladin build just seems so geared toward constantly farming consumables something I just won’t have the time to do as I’d be rolling on a RP server. (Rather I would be prefer Rping on downtime from a raid then constantly farming for Potions Elixirs and Flasks.)
Yes my intent was from a casual raiding standpoint I’m no hardcore raider and never will be, some responses here have been more helpful then others I just wish I could play the class I loved the most during Vanilla and who I think has the best class fantasy in that time era, without playing a spec that apparently is so controversial.
Even those who have played private servers for a decade know that not everything is known about Vanilla. In terms of theory crafting classes.
A lot is known about it yes, but not everything is known and has been tested and tried out fully. There are still unknowns.
Honestly if your only goal is to DPS well in raids you’re better off rolling something else. Ret is far too niche and situational to have a core-raid spot, even as a Nightfall swingin’ b*tch for the entirety of the game. I find it hard to justify bringing a ret over another Warrior if his only purpose is Nightfall as the Warrior has a much better NF uptime, much higher DPS and can also be a viable off-tank when needed. I think you’ll find the majority of guilds will feel very similar unless you’re on officer, or friend of one.
If you’re set on Paladin then I would suggest not trying to main Ret DPS as you’ll find yourself benched or groupless a lot of the time simply because of the stigma surrounding the spec. Start off holy/shockadin until you’ve got the gear that Ret needs to pull its weight DPS wise.
Yup. No 15% Damage from Vengeance. Holy Shock has a 30 second CD ontop of a huge mana cost.
It has a gimmick for PvP but is perfectly fine as a hybrid healing spec for dungeons/raids.
The Shockadin spec you may be referring to is the “Spelladin” which is 31 ret 8 prot 12 holy and focuses on white attacks, spell damage stacking and consumable use.
If if you really mean Shockadin then I suggest checking out Durnos videos and watch him OOM himself in every 1v1. As far as I know he started the ‘Shockadin’ trend but he does it much better in his second video.
So, if the only reason you want to dps is that you think your healing skills are garbage… holy paladin healing isn’t incredibly complicated in raids. You’ll literally just push 2, MAYBE 3 buttons consistently and not stand in fire. I found paladin healing in raids to be MUCH easier than DPSing.
Feelsbadman for him then he clearly notes he can’t Tank or Heal good at all.
Might be time to learn.