Ret Paladins, How viable will they be?

Ret, no matter what anyone here tells you, is not “viable”. No more so than letting a mage into a raid that only uses their wand. Can you succeed as a raid with one? Absolutely. But you are carrying at that point.

That’s probably wrong tbh. Paladins and hunters should have much higher uptime on nightfall.

Paladins have no attack skills. They rely entirely on auto attack. Hunters and warriors have far higher uptime as they spam hamstring/wing clip.

Yeah, but nightfall can proc off of seals apparently. In other words, paladins have a much higher uptime than warriors.

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I can tell you have no idea how Nightfall works.

Or how ret works.

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Paladins get a chance at double proc on each auto attack with SoR. They can do their normal rotation and get close to the same uptime as hunters while not tanking their dps like hunters.

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Yes. Which is just sad.

They’d rather have someone farting around hanging for their epic lewts than someone who wants to be a proactive participant in the guild because of some private server meta from 10 years ago.

I’d rather have the group of people playing together and enjoying the game (and killing the boss a whopping 30 seconds later) than healer#523986, who just finished his t1 and left the guild. Thanks.

There is a mage wand spec?

Which is why you avoid a tryhard minmaxing guild or top-end raiding.

I could be misremembering but I think Arcane talent tree had a Wand talent that increase their damage.

I remember this being thing I’m just wondering if I got the right class.

In the arcane tree, they do have a talent to increase their wand damage.

I’m being facetious.

“Ret” is the entire talent tree. There is no “wand” talent tree for mages.

Seal/Judgement of Righteousness says hello Mr. IKnowEverythingAboutPaladins…

Nightfall duty isn’t all we can do either btw - as our theory crafting on the beta has proven correct

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if you want to be serious, ret paladins do about 2/5 the dps of a good dps class (warrior/rogue/mage/warlock) in naxx. and roughly half to 2/3 of equally geared dps classes in mc, bwl, and aq40. The majority of “ret paladins” are people who raid as holy and pick up offspec gear to have fun pvp’ing in their time off.

So what? Did you think prot warriors tanked WSG?

Oh because he’s a streamer, and streamers are evil right?

no i have nothing against streamers - but he is a joke for many many other reasons…

The amount of Ire that is generated when someone brings up Retribution Paladins in regards to Classic wow is absolutely mind boggling.

I think Streamers might get more love on this forum.

it is part of the fun I have to admit lol and of course…

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That is the very definition of viable. Does the boss fall over? Congrats, whatever it is you are doing is viable.