Ret paladins all over

Because alt gearing is easier. Blizzard knows what they are doing…keep making someone super op fotm and people will re-roll every time. 30 day sub extension guaranteed.


Love playing a living 50cal turret…

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This months skittle is pink and boy does it taste sooo guuud

Even viable is doing some incredible hand waving in this sentence. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

I need to go on my MM hunter see how these Ret are doing. Can my aimed shot pierce their souls?

I love paladin meta. Call me crazy but it’s entertaining.

From someone who has starred and produced that movie… this is true.

I keep coming back because I like how my characters look. I do also appreciate how smooth gameplay is for Blizzard games (at least any that were originally developed by the OG team)

Wow has this one special issue. It tries to use its PVE combat for PVP. Not only that but they have too many specs to balance.
It’s why I could never take wow seriously as a ranked game.

I’ve always seen it as a good casual PVP game….then the fire nation attacked during BFA and I don’t feel we have ever fully recovered.

I come back to check it out and because I have a few friends that still play. Yet for the most part Wow pvp is the same. A giant mess. I still find it fun when I don’t hit premade brick walls every match. However other side is running into Flavor of the month classes in mass.

I miss the class diversity back when people played what they wanted to play. Not based on what Guides and tier list tell them to.

Honestly I think online Guides ruined Multiplayer games in general. Not just wow but all of them.

Odd thing to say considering the World Wide Web has been around almost as long as multiplayer games.

Not really back when wow 1st came out people didn’t share talents. Actually when talent inspect was released it caused a lot of drama.

Yea people have always made guides but it was a different time. Guides were generally not well written or were just horrible.

Nowadays you have people on YouTube using high quality capture. Breaking down every talent to a T, people will copy their favorite twitch streamers talents.

You’ve got an odd memory of Vanilla. Just because you weren’t min/maxxing doesn’t mean other people weren’t. There was plenty of info being shared about optimal talent builds and rotations.

You and I are different people so my memories are different yes.

Okay. Well, that’s certainly one way to interpret what I said. I’m going to leave you in the comfort of your carefully crafted memories of your youth. Good luck my dude.

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I was 57 when I started playing wow.

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Imma be honest, it feels a little strong but its also kinda hilarious when i get swarmed by 4-5 ret pallies all using divine storm for memes.

I think it’s pretty telling from arena score jumps, look at the ret paladin score increases, some 500, 1k+, granted some these are re-rolls from skilled players, but funny nonetheless.


LMAO. This game is not seriously a PvP game .


Pretty sure they are a melee spec . The range damage is like a casters execute !!

Exactly, try healing a ret in shuffle and you see all healers go 3-3 because of it. Ret is still garbage and they die instantly as soon as bubble is gone.

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