Ret Paladin Deserves Slight Buff

You basically just don’t want to be bottom dps so the class that is weaker than you you want to get buffed over. Someone always has to be at the bottom. We are at the very bottom now. We might still be after the Ilvl buff. If not and you become bottom dps, who cares. Someone has to be at the bottom. I’m fine being at the bottom now. You’re asking for a buff when you’re not even at the bottom yet.

It’s not a problem of being “bottom”. It’s a problem where the margin between the very bottom and second to bottom becomes so high that the very bottom spec might as well not exist. If it’s this bad in Naxx it’s gonna be even worse in Ulduar.

Honestly it should be a level playing board that is up to the players skill set and aptitude. However, we haven’t had an expansion that reflects that.

I hate to say it but if this is your memory of the original wrath release then this isn’t going to be an accurate reflection of that, ret was different when ulduar originally released - we still had seal of blood for one, and other balance changes weren’t made yet that have resulted in us being pretty weak without the final tier of raiding gear.

Seal of blood was still in the game until at least ToC if old patch notes can be trusted.

Deserves aint got nothin to do with it.

I haven’t said that you are. I’m pointing out how badly you misread the post.

The difference between where we are, and the top, is large enough that utility does not make up for it. The gap needs to be reduced is all.


You haven’t pointed out anything other than your own assessment that is entirely incorrect.

In a game that’s supposed to be harkening us back to an earlier time, allowing a class that had a real reason to exist as a part of a raid… to not be needed at all and therefore punish players - seems like a poor choice or hill to die on.

There can only be so many Prot paladins in a raid, or so many Holy paladins. Lots of guilds made tough decisions on rosters and class selection at the onset of Wrath. Disenfranchising an entire spec is pretty rough.

Sign me up for a 20% DPS increase to bring us at least to the level of a Feral Druid, another full hybrid class.


At this point, I can only ask what you think my assessment was and why it’s incorrect.

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Man this whole thread reeks of whinge. I played a hunter in vanilla with a delta between us and warriors so much greater than that of ret paladins and locks/dks right now. No AoE, lackluster single target dps, no utility beyond TSA and tranq shot. Ret’s lucky to have valuable buffs they bring to a raid.


yet every raid needed a good hunter puller. you were basically royalty if you could do that well

ret is actively excluded from top end raid comps.

and lets not forget that whatever gulf you saw between you and fury warriors in classic, was twice as big for rets in classic.


Replenishment is a strong raid buff to bring that only 4 other specs bring and the amount of frost mages and destro locks are low Spriest are fine and with the ilvl changes in ulduar i think more hunters will switch to marks and not bring replenishment anymore

its weird that people who picked ret as a main knew there damage would be lower tier until ICC some people need to learn to pick mains better

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thats not really the discussion

the discussion is blizz literally told us they were willing to adjust specs if they were overperforming or underperforming(to the point of being excluded by the community)

that is happening to ret. thats the entire reason this thread was started, asking blizz to follow through on their claims.


Well their biggest worry WAS massively overpowered classes. Right now there are some. Rather than call for them to be nerfed, we’d rather see others brought up. Pretty sure that’s the more pleasant option.


speaking of, they were not off base. unholy dks found some actual degenerate things they could do to power up gary to carry their dps

Guess what people are still bringing ret paladins

The fact one or two top guilds went without rets does not mean rets will die out.

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Don the dress


Can confirm, I do get brought in on weekly raids. I do GARBAGE parses but I play as a support role regardless. Swapping to holy/prot so I can actually be useful and not feel like a drag on the raid.

Funny when warriors and warlocks give bitter replies. Must feel satisfying. Both have had top of the top dps specs for their class at some point since vanilla. Must have felt good. Paladin dps has never felt that love, and we’re not even asking for that.