Ret Paladin Deserves Slight Buff

I’d say send it! I’m almost 71 on my ret at the moment. But I’m not giving up on him, especially when P3 hits.

…you arent even max level?

stop talking


Everything is undead in Naxx right now. As has been repeated, in Ulduar, we will lose damage from Crusade, Exorcism, Holy Wrath, and the glyph. We will be worse of than we are now and we are already scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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also they made a big deal out of ulduar to buff its longevity they buffed it’s ilvl cuz everyone is like its the best raid ever!!! okay so were just gonna have to endure ulduar twice as long>.> atleast we’ll have t9 for the 2nd half.


you know whatd be great pve and pvp balancing one change retail did right i suppose.than not as many people would be like NO don’t buff ret we already have arms warriors and dk’s in arena Q.Q!!!

Lol… I played retail and still play on Warmane (private server). Your astute observation is correct via the evidence I posted; no, I’m not max level on my ret.

I agree that all dps specs should be a bit closer in regards to output. But every video I watched about dps before Classic Wrath launched put Ret firmly into C tier with the note that the t10 bonus would be where Ret would begin to shine.

The info was there, i guess i just dont understand why you are expecting different results or why you want gear from a later phase?

The increase of ilvl in Ulduar is to keep people raiding Ulduar longer, not to buff certain classes.

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Without him clarifying it’s impossible to know whether it was a poor choice of words, or if they’re more focused on classes have some level of representation. Anyone can spin what he said the way they want to argue to suit their agenda. Ultimately someone who wants to play melee DPS isn’t going to be satisfied with playing Holy or Prot though so it doesn’t do those players a lot of good.

That being said I think given the way that paladin utility is fairly unique and strong to where you want at least two paladins per raid, but ideally 3-4 there’s definitely always going to be a slot for the ret because of that. You may never see yourself on the meters, but unless some crazy shake-up happens, one of which would have to be that Arcane stays viable to bring the 3% damage buff, Ret is probably going to continue to be brought.

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alot of rets are rerolling p2 this isn’t cap i’ve considered it myself been hesistant due to loot drama etc.lets ask the honest quest do you want a retribution paladin in your raid? and why what do they offer that can benefit more from another class.

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Bro… Ulduar is not all undead. Did you even raid Ulduar?

some of the most unhinged takes ive ever read o the forums have come from tauren players

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Such an amazing basis for judgement. You post “unhinged” yet you’re the one who is “unhinged”. You are far too emotional. Go to your safe spot or something.


Read the rest of the sentence, dummy.

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My money says he did and that is where we are at today.

I read the rest. I don’t disagree with it, ‘genius’. I only pointed out the part I disagree with and that you were entirely wrong about. Mensa is calling for you; would you like to put them on hold?

The issue there is, the utility that Ret Paladins bring, isn’t especially strong. The powerful utility they do bring is already shared by Prot and Holy. The buffs can be provided by other class specs that will outperform Ret on damage. They won’t be the top damage of their class, but they’ll still be better than the Ret.

Arcane Mages will eventually do less damage than Fire, but they are still a viable spec. Bringing one will get you the buff and much more damage than bringing the Ret Paladin.

Bro, do you know how commas work? Have you read the rest of this thread?

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I always take the for sure bets and never get let down.

:// should put a https infront of this and see the results>.>

Lol… Have you read my posts? I’m not against a buff to ret. You have the intelligence of a dead sponge.