also ignoring the fact that “class” and “spec” has always been used interchangeably
They can’t be that bad considering I see more paladins than I do DK’s now.
sadly they are
If you are playing a particular specialization you want, knock yourself out.
But your quote said class and paladin is fine.
Perhaps you’d enjoy another class?
Stay the course, Blizzard.
Not entirely sure what this claim is based on, but I’m going to guess the warcraft logs post last week. Trouble with that is their methodology is subject to skewing problems, esp for a spec like Sub where there just aren’t that many parses.
If you look at the wowhead post from earlier today, it suggests that, on average, ret is consistently outperforming both, but that both frost and sub have a tiny outlier of players in frost/sub who are significantly outperforming the field. Warcraft log’s method is going to focus on that top tail, which isn’t without meaning, but also is not well representing the whole picture.
How are they pulling that off is a fair question (gear, truly exceptional player who would outperform in any spec) but looking at that overall performance data it would be at the very least a stretch to say frost and moreso sub is stronger than ret at this point.
Prot Paladins are so good that raiding guilds will almost always have one. Holy Paladins are so good that you can easily have two.
You’d have a point, except the raid would be better off having Ele Shaman use Totem of Wrath anyway because they bring the buff and substantially more dps. Or even have one of the Rogues go sin.
Even BM Hunter and Frost Mage are looking to outperform Ret Paladin.
You would literally be better off bringing the BM Hunter, or another Mage to go Arcane, than the Ret Paladin.
There is absolutely no room for two Ret Paladins and there will be less room for even one in Ulduar.
What you’re essentially pointing out is that Ret only seems good when compared to players who are underperforming at their class.
Which we already know, because it takes an orange or pink parsing Ret Paladin to keep up with green or blue parsing Warlocks, Rogues, etc.
Ditch the 2hander until cataclysm. Lift the mace and shield you were born to carry.
Is there a class that isn’t?
No, that’s not true at all (at least in the context of the frost/sub comparison), at least based on the data we can see.
I’m not sure what you’re basing that conclusion on.
Ret Paladins are fine. We start to get good in Ulduar and do fantastic when ICC hits.
I donno how people are trying to shill that ret “isn’t broken” it’s literally in a last patch state with none of it prior strengths. seal of blood nope? crit damage scaling nope? divine storm dealing holy damage? nope.someone recently posted a graph they said came from wowsim in that they gave ret a astounding 7904 dps cap in p2 bis a arms warrior in p2 bis should deal 9200 a rogue in bis is pushing 11k. Our class was strong for these phases in original wrath shouldn’t the intent be to keep the game as close to original as possible since you’re all shilling no changes ret being this trash is a massive change.
ret paladins get worse in p2 what makes you think we get better in ulduar with zero undead and no real scaling past strength.
actually I challenge someone to go read the documentation of the nerfs ret took throughout wotlk and tell me its fair to put it on the class in p1
That was one of the HUGE let downs back in the day.
Back then we didn’t have the resources we have now. Classes are pushing far higher numbers (including ret).
Only in groups that didn’t know their BiS unlike these days.
While I’d absolutely love to see ret get a slight buff until P3 (and who doesn’t want raid members doing more dps?), it’s not going to happen because “Blizzard”.
Factually incorrect.
Guaranteed crit exorcism: gone
glyph of sense undead: gone
3% dmg from crusade talent: gone
ret is worse in p2 than it is in p1 compared to the rest of the pack
I don’t disagree.
Ret is going to be ~15% worse than the next worse dps spec (arms warrior) in ulduar before and after the ilvl scaling blizzard has done. Blizzard can buff ret’s damage by 10% right now and the only change would be less ret players quitting/rerolling.
Your basis of judgement is from content that has yet to be re-released. I’m not saying you’re wrong or that I’m right. But the glyph of undead is mostly worthless until P3 (where everything is undead).
actually true a 10% buff would still put us below almost Everyone else 7900+10% is only 8690 which still put us 600dps lower than arms warrior 9200