And yet they’ve already broken this. This isn’t Classic Wrath, I don’t understand what’s so difficult for people like you to understand. Wintergrasp is a qued instance with every server, they’ve nerfed things that worked for the entirety of Wrath retail, they’re doing dungeons with affixes to name a few. It’s not unreasonable or irrational to want buffs for underperformers.
umm easy. you guys don’t need, you don’t deserve. nothing is inhibiting your dps, you have no bugs in class preventing you reaching your optimal dps. btw, if 8500 dps is what you can do in ulduar fights. you should count yourselves very lucky because you weren’t doing that until you hit ICC level gear. no buffs in fact, we should start a petition to nerf retribution dps once icc comes out.
I take the player, not the class. I would literally take you in today. Cancel your weekend plans, come raid on Pagle.
Like all 6,000 other guilds a week before Ulduar, and after the Holiday’s, I’ve got open spots that need to be filled.
Whether its a 6k DPS Ret, or a 9k DPS Affliction. As they say in the south, a hole is a hole.
Ret Paladins will get over themselves. They’re fine.
ya know what i find funny is that people may be able to hit 10k in burst. but if they are all burst or they die to dumb mechanics some mechanics can’t be helped like if you put a bear on patchwork as a hateful tank >.> that does to not moving on things like void zones they are utterly worthless as dps are tunneling and not paying attention. they’re to worried about their dps. do the mechanics then worry about your dps thats what killed a lot of guilds on fights in heroic icc, people refused to do mechanics on death whisper, putricide and sindy.
The raids were also nerfed, not needing that much dps.
nerfs don’t fix stupidity either.
Tuned raids and classes not functioning as they did in original wrath doesn’t help fun either.
ITT : More people who need therapy and are just here to complain about ret paladins requesting a DPS buff.
Maybe try to provide something actually constructive to the conversation instead of whatever it is that you’re doing instead.
Love the idea of changing the T10 4 PC bonus to 20% while giving us a built in 20% chance to refresh divine storm as long as it doesn’t push ret DPS too high. Could be a 25/15, or a 30/10 split instead if 20/20 is too good. Of course it’s an RNG factor so a change like that could over/under perform so perhaps a flat DPS increase would be better.
this is why pink boys can’t be taken seriously.
Lol this dude literally said he will take any rets who need a guild on his server… People are recruiting rets, hell my guild just asked one of our pallies to swap to ret because we didn’t need another holy/prot pally.
No, i said i would take the player not the spec. if the player plays a ret and they’re good at the game they’d have a spot in my raid. if they died in ever pull i’d bench their player even if i didn’t have someone to replace them. but i don’t have a guild to bring all these whiner way word souls.
I did not reply to you or reference you in the post at all. Chronny said they would take a ret…
i’ve also echoed that sentiment as well.
You replied to me saying that’s not what you said to a post that didn’t include you in it whatsoever.
thats because i said i’d rather take someone playing what they enjoy instead of the fotm. i never said i would take the wayward rets.
Bro the dude was saying no-one would take him in response to a guy that was literally saying he would take any rets in his guild on page. I don’t know why you even responded to me, I did not target it at you, you don’t even have a guild to recruit a ret. I don’t care what you would take because you are not in the position to take anyone.
really are so sure on this? please reread what said.
i think you need to reup a subscriptions to hooked on phonics. Chronnyy and i have a like mind in the first 7 words that was typed in this first paragraph. he also said he’d take him. he didn’t say he was gonna take every ret. you forum goers read so much into what is said you’re twisting what is said to fit a weird logic in your brain. i don’t get nor understand it. read the words for what they are. stop extrapolating more from them than what they are. god its like everyone of you has to be a god damned big brain 189 IQ genius.
Sorry for quoting you Chronyy.
Well I stop raiding as ret. Boring rotation, last on dps not rewarding to play anymore. RIP Tbc twisting.
Someone with a. Guild said they would take him. You don’t have a guild and are irrelevant to the conversation because you can’t invite him to your guild.
you sad all the wayward rets. he offered this guy a spot in his guild on pagle. he didn’t say everyone else.