Ret Paladin Deserves Slight Buff v2

The first thread got locked cuz it was too big. Here’s a refresh, since there was a blue post made that deserves some discussion.

My feedback would be that changing ret in some way would be akin to the powershifting fix that Blizzard did in TBC. Feral druids were able to powershift for the entirety of original TBC until the final patch, then it was broken on accident. Ret pally in original WotLK was much stronger for the duration of the expansion, but it was specifically nerfed in the final patch due to the T10 2p bonus being so strong.

In the same manner as the original devs not anticipating the feral druid powershifting thing having long term effects, ret being balanced around a set bonus is now having a long term effect because we are playing on the final patch and not receiving incremental changes.

Given that ret is balanced around the set bonus, it’s reasonable to request some form of change that helps ret in a minor way during T8/T9 but also has zero effect on T10 balance. For example, the set bonus is a 40% chance to reset Divine Storm. Give ret a 20% baseline chance to reset it, and change the T10 2p to a +20% chance to occur. It does something to help between now and ICC and has zero effect on the actual balance of ICC.

The raid utility point made by Aggrend is logical, but if ret pallies continue with no changes, it makes way more sense to just have one mage be Arcane, instead of bringing a ret pally that does less damage.


The thread wasn’t too big, it was answered by Blizzard and you couldn’t accept it, so a Mod shut it down.


Not all guilds are gonna forever bench rets, top tier guilds might? but there are PLENTY of regular guilds that clear just find that will have a ret on their team. It’s not a big deal and having a ret over a DK wont be the make or break of why guilds cant clear content. I run a guild that has 2 raids and i have a ret in each that is a die hard ret fan regardless of their state. Their raiding spot is safe.

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Rets should’ve known better, that their class is at low tier dps until icc.
Deal with it or reroll.


you guys asked blizz for buffs for ret they said no please stop making forums asking for buffs you have their answer

these ret tears are delicious


They literally said the thread was becoming too big for moderators when they closed it. It’s the last post of the thread, lol.


No, that is not what they said. Big job != the thread is too big. Nice try though.


why would they. they weren’t this bad in original wotlk.
in wrath classic they have the nerfs they got later on in the expansion early. they got those nerfs late in the expansion because of the gear available then.
so now in classic they have all the nerfs of late expansion and none of the gear.

at least thats my understanding of it based on what ive been reading. i dont care i already rerolled and am happy.


They weren’t at the release.

But they kept being balanced around the current tier (Ulduar, then ToC, then ICC).

The last balancing in ICC didn’t take into account running Naxxramas with t7 gear.

Is that so hard to understand?

You’re mistaking a politically correct statement with the reality of recieving an answer and not accepting the answer received.

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You mean like warriors and how they were nerfed later due to the Arp gear?

Yet their nerfs are active and both arms and fury is worse than Ret right now?

And prot warriors also kinda suck while prot and holy Paladins are really good?

Yet the forums are just filled with Ret tears.

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thats pretty much what i said. why was it hard for you to understand?
you said they balanced based on the tier. that’s not what they are doing now.

you know i also said “at least thats my understanding of it based on what ive been reading”. implying im no expert on these old patches. you don’t have to be a dick.

Warriors were balanced and yeah they are worse than ret right now (fury slightly better but ret brings a lot more utility lol).

Prot warriors are not the best but at least they know their place and they knew how things would look in Wrath (a lot better than TBCC).

Warriors know they’ll get better with better weapons later in the game.

Blizz just said they reviewed our complaints and deemed them unworthy and no changes warranted… They closed it because the discussion is over…


Ret will get better later with T10 so…?

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Your point for arms/fury is entirely valid, but the Ulduar ilvl buffs actually help here. Warriors will be scaling better due to the higher ArP on gear. Even without the ilvl buff, the dps warrior woes would be much shorter lived, T9 is when they started to shine. Ret is solely reliant on the T10 2p to reach their damage potential.

Prot warriors don’t suck, tho. They’re actually quite good at what they do, which is snap threat and lots of damage. Speed running guilds are beginning to use warriors as their main tank for this reason, and it is very effective.

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It was actually one of the rare cases where what the Blue said was totally understandable

Paladins are strong in Wrath, they do have two specs with a ton of viability in pve, dual spec exists, and not every spec needs to be totally viable or top of the line in every facet of the game ever. Do you see me complaining that I can’t raid top level as frost? I don’t think so

It’s pretty goofy that of all of the classes to be complaining right now, it’s Paladins. Paladins? Really?


Yes, they do get a lot better.

This is truth about Warriors… :100:

imo they shouldnt buff ret. i even have a ret. there are just too many paladins. its not healthy for the game for every group to be like half death knights and half paladins like it was in prepatch.

though im a rogue now and rets rerolling to probably rogue would inflate my class…

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