Ret Paladin Deserves Slight Buff v2

The guy complained noone would take him. He got an offer from someone literally asking him to join them then said no-one would take him. You are completely irrelevant.

So in other words / long story short buff ret paladins.

Its absolutely normal to take HotC as protpally.
Ignore the spec postet by the guy though, not picking Judgement of the Just in prot tree is the most obvious showing of not understanding the prot tree that exists.
The only buff ret can bring prot does not really is 3% raiddmg, alternatively ret can go for an additional aura mastery by not going for dsac.

This conversation is over already. Blizzard has directly answered you, and closed the previous thread because ret paladins were throwing tantrums. This thread shouldn’t have been created.

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This is quite possibly the dumbest take on anything I’ve ever read in my entire life lol

Unironically, Rets will probably be a fairly sought after class in Ulduar if only because Paladins have insane utility on the hardest fight in the raid.

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Well they nerfed UH DK, and flame caps so clearly they are willing to make changes. I don’t think it’s unfair to say they could try to make changes that are being asked for by listening to the community at some point. Most of the people I see saying things one might consider a “tantrum” are the non-ret paladins.
Gatekeeping what threads people should and shouldn’t make isn’t the way :joy:
The spec clearly has problems that blizzard didn’t foresee existing because we’re on patch 3.3.5, and a DPS increase is required to help them be more viable.

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Like I said… They’re incredibly viable in Ulduar, possibly even required, because of their utility. Not every class needs to do the same DPS to be “viable.”

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Dude pallys need a buff?? come on man and your first thread as this one will be shut down because they answered your request and you just choose to ignore them

100% agree that divine guardian is the only real reason you would bring a ret into a raid, but to provide that utility we suffer a DPS loss which is rough considering where we’re projected to be for Ulduar. I also see divine guardian losing some of it’s usefulness once you’re geared and no longer progression raiding, so it still puts ret paladins into a weird position later into P2. Fight length being shortened later into P2 because of the raid DPS increase will also play a factor into how many Dsacs are required to kill a boss for most guilds, and again that could make it to where you don’t even want a ret paladin in your raid compared to a better DPS class. Not even sure how many Dsacs are needed for some of these hardmodes week 1, but I think some guilds just simply will not require a ret paladin providing that utility for most or all of P2.

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I believe the first (of like 5) Algadon kills stacked 6 or 7 paladins. But point taken, that will become less important as gear improves.

No doubt paladins are 100% required, but not necessarily ret paladins. Prot is the best tank of the xpac and they get divine guardian without sacrificing anything else in their tree. Holy paladins are the best healers of the xpac and they get divine guardian without sacrificing much in the holy tree. Two prot paladins is likely the move, with at least 1 Hpally, but there isn’t really like diminishing returns for running two Hpallies or anything. I think if your raid is looking to move from 3 Dsacs to 4 Dsacs it is better to do so by adding an additional holy/prot than it is by adding a ret.

Word good to know. The one video I watched they did stack 5+ pallies for sure, but I didn’t try to get an exact count. No doubt pallies are useful, and it would be nice to be useful and still have slightly higher DPS with nerfed abilities and no seal of blood. Thanks for having a great demeanor and contributing to the conversation :slight_smile:

They responded to rets begging for buffs specifically in the context of nerfing unholy DKs and told you no.

and 3% attack/casting speed, which rets also give

Yes. Having the best healing spec and tanking spec isn’t enough. Now they want to have a good dps spec as well.

This has already been disproven on PTR with guilds taking ZERO Ret Paladins for Algalon.

3% damage brought by Arcane and 3% haste brought by Boomkin. Two significantly better specs than Ret is.

Yes, but that’s not what we were talking about. Prot doesn’t give any of those.

Let’s treat them like we did rogues in TBC