Ret nerf when?

ret paladins are bursting 10k in every single game, also their are over healing they own healer, its time to do something…


Right after hunter nerfs


Ret is useless without warrior support.

Buff ret unironically.

Nerf hunters.


Bring back long arm of the law. The days of Ret RP walking must come to an end.


Probably won’t happen, season 3 will probably be another “silly season” like the last of bfa with the stupid double legos and tier bonuses, etc.

Congrats to those classes with great options with double legos like wars and huntards

every bg is filled with backpedaling mm hunters that have no idea what to do if you survive their double tap, 2’s is infested with bm huntards, and jungle is an s-tier 3’s comp

check ur privilege bruh


Rets basically balanced. Yeah divine toll slot machine feels bad and the damage/healing is a tad high, but they’ve got plenty of counter play and can be punished if they make mistakes.

The biggest issue with ret is warriors artificially propping them up by not only buffing burst by a noticeable margin. But also having the team utility to cover pretty much every weakness ret has.


after holy and disc nerfs

L2play your class then you won’t be asking for any nerfs other than your own specs

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I can say the same to you.


Imagine complaining about mid tier healer when you play a ww lol
You’re actually terrible, sir

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If you nerf warrior, you indirectly nerf Ret.
They could nerf the wings proc tho, maybe make it happens left often, like needing 75 or 100 stacks instead of 50?

I honestly havent seen ret being played outside of ret war and ret hunter

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Do not misgender my Queen. Christieboo is a strong, beautiful woman, not a sir.

ur a trash clown if u think priest is mid tier, also I hope ur lonely on christmas cause ur a joke of a human


Slay Queen yaaas

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What does he identify as? Lol

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Lol rdruid and shaman are both ahead… Go look up what mid means, sir

Sorry no quiet time for me this holiday with a fiance and kids but thanks troll


She clearly identifies as a princess or maybe a queen. Ask her yourself, and show some respect, knave.

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I identify as Hugh Hefner but that don’t mean they will let me in the playboy mansion.
It just ain’t so, pbrain…I mean prot player

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You should be far more respectful to women. And tanks. We carry the weight of the world on our broad, masculine shoulders.

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