Ret nerf when?

What you carry on those shoulders is a bobble head that’s empty on the inside.

If you keep being toxic, I’m going to call you Vendes Jr.

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Funny to watch all you defend ret. every season their damage is out of control and when someone comments the rest come out from under a rock to defend them. Meanwhile hunters have been shelved for the last 2 and a half expansions and they deserve a spotlight for minimum one whole expansion.

No, hunters don’t but nice try

Uh oh nurseeee we need to up his meds they’re not working anymore :confounded:


I’ll take that over being called a tank player.

Whatever past issues a class has had it’s never enough justification for it to be disgustingly op and broken. This goes for every class and wanting otherwise is just toxic game design.

Also you’re a hunter you’ve got every tool in the world to counter rets and the most busted leggo in the game to do it with.

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Ok mr. defending pally :joy::joy:, which btw has the only immune ability you can still attack with while using it and an annoying 75% slow

Maybe learn to play your class


Agreed, hunters teams are ez counter if you know what their strengths are

I know you’re a bait, but are you really complaining about a 70% slow that has 30sec cd right now lmao


afaik you’re a 2s only player so coming at it from that perspective, hpriest is better than rsham

Coming from a hunter.


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In 2s? I guess you would know more than me but it always seems rsham was ahead

I do 3s. Usually just around 2k

oh news to me !

hard to compare specs
like does rsham have more versatility? ya it can q 50 different things well

but hpriest rmp is the best comp in the game and hpriest jungle is ultra t1 where most comps rsham play are just flat out better with rdruid

I think in my whole time playing wow I can count the number of times I’ve queued rmp on both hands. Not a comp I like to play even though I know it’s good.
I’ve played jungle but almost always as disc.

And why is it a shock? I’d rather queue 3s but lfg is rough lol

The only thing Ret needs a nerf on, is being able to burst in their bubble.

You can’t touch them and can only outrange and kite as much as you can…

But you can’t fear, you can’t cast cc on him during bubble…just forced to try and live it…it’s impossible.

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If bubble and being able to attack while in it is such a huge issue for you just turtle when they do it. Or use your 90% magic reduction on feign to eat the burst, or kite, or use pet sac. Or anything really.

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I literally don’t care about this, they could slap that 50% damage reduction back and I wouldnt notice

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