Ret is out of control

To be fair… there is no tuning to Ret. It’s always going to be overpowered or laughably bad until they redesign the entire spec.

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you’re not wrong

The funniest thing is that in the AWC the only good Ret teams were running Hpal. The team that tried to run with Rsham didn’t do very well, so… what does that actually say about Ret? Seems like the real problem is Hpal.

It was comical to see Prot pally being a viable the main healer by Drainer though

I really agree strongly with this

the current meta requiring absolutely perfect counterplay to not lose to super simple offense strats from certain specs

there needs to be a little more wiggle room in the playstyle


Why does everyone bully the poor Rethum he is just playing the class he has always played. :frowning:

So you played a 1min20sec game and the ret only had 100k damage as top damage? Are neither of you pushing your buttons?

You fought for 20 seconds with no CD’s?

You fear/disarm/stun his wings? He then stuns you and kills your healer???

You’re telling me that your healer got killed by a ret paladin with no wings while not being in a stun while having all of his defensives up

Your story makes no sense at any point

well… the 1:30 was aprox its not like i have a way to mesure the time so yes…
in that game i did around 60k and if my memory still works the hunter did around 40k

and well yes i didnt used my cds since i was trying to stop the paly, did i played i badly? yeah i was geting used to play my warrior but not using my burst what does it matter in this discussion

and no he didnt stuned me as you could read i clearly said the hunter cc me

Getting killed by the pink class that robs you kill attempts with bubble is emasculating for people.

Because he says stuff like this

in threads rife with screenshots of Paladin’s killing people with 30k+ globals.

It’s hard not to bully people when they try to defend a literal RNG slot machine. It’s the same thing with Convoke.


Yeah because the guy got 3 full uninterrupted GCD’s to kill the entire team with AOE, and not one of them trinketed his aoe CC to counter CC him once. Apparently you’re unaware of what “peeling” entails

Isn’t Ele shaman a slot machine as well?


Ah yes. The classic “I can’t refute your point, so I’m going to insult you to assert dominance”. And people wonder why you get “bullied”.

Kind of, yes, but it’s also far less dangerous and quite a bit more telegraphed. You know when a Shaman is fishing for dangerous procs, but a Paladin can go from non-threatening to “lul 40k damage in 1 global” with pretty much no set up.


I would refute your point if you had one. But just saying Ret damage is to high isn’t accurate, there was counterplay available to that exact situation. No one on their team did anything… no defensives, no trinkets… so yeah they died.

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Denying the point I made doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It just means you’re in denial.

My point had nothing to do with the clip you’re talking about. It was about the fact that you constantly downplay what Ret is capable of. In one thread you outright denied that Ret could do over 20k in a single global like half a dozen replies under a link to a stream clip of Trill getting hit for 32k inside a .2 second window by a single ret swing.

They asked why you got bullied. I accurately answered with the reason why, and you called me an idiot because, likely, I struck a nerve.


ok relax tank legendary ret pally


Why are you ignoring the other clips of Rets one-shotting? Pretty sure there were clips of Trill dying in half a second from 70-0 from Ret multiple times. I linked a ss of a ret doing 90% of the damage in a 100-0 kill of a WW in 1.0s.

Like, Ringing Clarity/Wings burst clearly needs tuning. There’s no defending that with any argument.


Feel free to link that, I don’t recall ever saying such a thing. What I did say is that is uncommon as it relies on getting EVERY hit to proc + crit.

Welcome to SL where the designs are garbage, and the burst cooldowns are overtuned. If Ret was as broken as all these people seem to believe, Ret’s would have a 100% win rate and that’s just not the case. Lots of things need a redesign, Ret is no exception to that.

Never said it didn’t need tuning, but with crits going back to 175% instead of 150% we end up with an RNG situation where 3x toll proc + 3x toll crit can gib people. That’s horrible design through and through, but it isn’t happening every match.

To be specific, this is on a thread where, about 8 replies above you, was a picture of a Ret hitting 5k+5k+10k Judges and 10k Auto. Meaning that he crit once out of three potential opportunities, and still pushed out 32k (Like 2k LG).

Yeah, it wasn’t quite as egregious as I remember it, but you still downplayed it. Despite having literal evidence posted in the thread. Then there’s the 21k Final Verdict screenshoot, the 26k HoW screenshot. Etc.


Skill capped made a perfect video on how to counter ret. Learn how to research not ask for crybaby nerfs.

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