Ret is out of control

It’s really time to tone them down. Getting 100-0 from a convoke you can prevent. but getting 100-0 from wings and bubble is not good game design.


28k wog tonight. Games fine


i can kite Rets. a lot… but eventually something will happen, and they will connect. and ill die in a global.

they think its fine cos wheel chair spec etc


Completely fine, faced a Ret who literally only healed unless he had all of CDs, he was playing with an Hpal. 1900mmr, 10 minute 2s. My Warrior was 221 and I’m on my Rsham, after 10 minutes I get globaled. The Ret literally out healed his healer and me.

They literally RAN. Never even tried to DPS or do anything. I know arena isn’t balanced around 2s but I stopped playing anything unless it destroys Ret because they’re all scum in my eyes.


i find convoke less preventable than ret

one of them can pop up from invis while their partners have you locked down

one of them you can see coming from a mile away


ret is like the 3rd or 4th best melee spec…why do they get picked on all the time?


i just had a game playing 2s vs a ret the game went something like this (playing with my war).

i charge -> stun the paly, he trinkets
we fight for like 20s without using cds
he uses wings
i disarm him
disarm goes of i fear him
fear goes off
I stun him
i get ccd by his hunter partner
my healer dies
paly is top damage in the game with 100k
was a short game amm like 1:30 i guess

Bc people like OP like to spam cc on a ret w/o cds because it’s lolret it’s funny kekek he can’t move he can’t stop the cc oh wai everything on dr wings now can’t stop it to the forums errmagerrd.

Oh he bubble wings I’ll just not use a single defensive bc lolret he shouldnt kill me wai he killed me with all cds available omgosh blizavision fix ur game I shuld haf won.


Bad number

sounds like a mage for their combustion
I may be wrong

this was good

trinket this, intervene your healer, rally

use these when he gets to his intended target, preferably letting him get 1 global of his damage out then interrupt the rest. the point is to interrupt the go, not try to fully CC him for the entire 30 seconds of wings unless you are a class/comp that can kite

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“Use all of ur buttons to save someone or ur teammate dies because I do insane damage”:blush:


Welcome to shadowlands, is this your first time?

(Lol at the fire mage)


Fire mage is disgustingly broken, you will never see me out here defending it lol. This is just the toon I post on because I like the mog. Brilliant pivot tho.


It’s just funny seeing all the BFA brained players complaining about dying because they are still stuck in “super damp, no punishment for misplays BFA mode.” Turns out a lot of players weren’t as good as they thought they were, and pressing buttons correctly matters more.

There’s plenty of absurd stuff out there (ret included), but it’s no reason to come on the forums and cry everyday.


Pressing bubble and wings while 1 tapping people is ultra skill :exploding_head:


If you wanna put all your eggs in 1 basket and risk RNG crits on winning sure, but if they survive the wings during bubble it’s an auto loss lol


Except it’s not an auto loss

oh so gotta time it…

and well yes i mean there is always something to do to win a game

but expecting perfect play to not die in a 5 sec window is BL

You sound like that other boomy who keeps defending convoke.

Just stop…


Interesting enough it seems like all those so called of yours brain dead bfa players went combust mage/triune, wogger ret/prot leggo, or convo druids