Ret is literally a joke (and so is blizzard)

Warrior was never even that crazy, it has been a solid high A tier spec since the buffs, people need to stop making that comparison, current ret is infinitely, and I mean infinitely more busted than warrior has been during this xpac

It’s good but there’s clear checks and balances with it. I feel like war is a properly tuned good melee


Doublezug climbed to 2700 cr stormbolting into precog


Of all people, I really wasn’t expecting you as well to be crying about this. Fotm isn’t new, and it has been even worse than the ret numbers are right now. I can go off on a tangent about other broken specs throughout expansions, but I’m sure you won’t care enough to read through it all because you’re probably queing. Hi to you anyways mud.

The amount of sheer delusional rets, has me leaving no remorse if rets get nerfed into the ground.
I don’t want a spec to be unplayable, but maybe yall need it gutted if you think its bad now.


Mud has no issues sitting five warriors at rank 1 abusing kitty cleave but the two weeks he cant w key its the end of the world

Can confirm it’s rough out there.

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Its insane how it seems a great deal of the community have the memory of a fly. Do you not remember destro locks in s4 of bfa, pandaria, legion? Rogues in shadowlands? I mean, I can keep going. I’d even argue in some regards the way those specs were then were far worse and skill-less than ret is apparently now. The nerfs that were done were needed, but it is fine now. Anyone that thinks otherwise is either trolling, or they are yet another r1 player that doesn’t want to see ret good, and would be another spec they have to try against, or they are just bad and are posting opinions with 1200 rating or none at all. This isn’t new. It’s insane how people think it is.


I read everything :sunglasses:


Damn the man himself replied. I feel honored.

I need help beating Demo/Ret/Rshaman + Demo/Ret/Fistweaver what do I do?

Nah ret is still disgusting and busted. Mud is a cry baby for sure tho.

u have a wicked transmog there sir

Adds extra damage. Killed more than a few warlocks in one hit with it.

They are not “afraid” they are “over it” lol. It is insane the amount of damage and healing ret does now…and it isn’t fun to do a battleground full of boosted paladins winning by default…but its the same when it happens to other classes…

That being said the sadder problem is Blizzard WILL nerf them into the ground after this season ends and all the new “rets” will go away instead of balancing the class correctly for PVP content.


Very few destro locks existed in panda land, however in panda land all soecs were viable and strong and had more comp diversity than any other time in the games history

Watch out for those Shaman.

They all cheat. Shameless #lavalavalava abusers.

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He was too busy on his stream making fun of the people who got nuked by how strong warriors are. Now he’s pissy that someone else can do that.

Nah, every1 is scared and not playing for their lives. There’s only 1 fix for that.

That’s what will happen indeed, they are going to nerf it into the ground, which is fine by me, i don’t PvP.

So basically, ret should get nuked from orbit, it’s the only way to make sure.


Why are you here?

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