Ret is literally a joke (and so is blizzard)

Activity by spec of top 1000 in the last 7 days with the top healers photoshopped out… This will go down as my least favorite season in history


Are you the PvP Police?
Gonna lock me in the slammer? Burst my bubble?

Must have dreamt all of shadowlands, damn.


Presumably to cry and whine like every other level 10 hidden profile.

“I don’t pvp” is just code for “I’m 1200 hardstuck.”


We are the only thing standing between you and the nerf bat. We will shield you for as long as Truthguard holds, but beware for when we fall you will be next.


1 class vs 5 classes…

I’ll take the 5 classes being OP


my name is mud

I don’t think blizzard understands the difference between strong and imba. time to shine is just a cycle of imba and rss loves that shiz

actually insane what a joke

Of course it does. Regardless of whether or not he’s safe, it’s still awful for the game. You shouldn’t have to be directly impacted by something toxic to know that it’s toxic and shouldn’t be happening.


literally logs on on Tuesday and sees so many rets, then log off for the whole week.

Blizzard, please hotfix ret so we can enjoy the rest of the season in peace. WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF IS THIS REAL LIFE


they are giving a r1 title to everyone that excelled at fotm the whole season? a season without rating decay for rss? a season where 3 min 30 sec 77% damp is the go?

What are you even talking about? Literally nothing matters atm but ret pally and it’s toxic AF. Ya, war/lock are the next two best classes, but OP is right. Ret outshines them so much it’s not even a fair comparison.

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At least I wasn’t required to run a warrior or lose every game.

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Said the one on the alt

Idk what y’all expected , freshly reworked spec and its op. The fact it’s newly reworked a bunch of people r going to be playing it regardless of it’s performance because it’s actually more enjoyable now. It’ll be the same way with shadow priest when they get their rework… if blizzard doesn’t botch it ofc.

Ret was dog in pve but okay.

(my understanding is that blizzard is currently botching it)

You will never find a perfect balance. Make yourself happy because Blizzard is not responsible for your happiness as hard as they might try.