Ret is literally a joke (and so is blizzard)

ur wrong and ur bad

The extent of which ret is not only head and shoulders better, but required, is new. Tuesday won’t be enough. They need urgent looking at and adjustments if they want to stop the massive decline of organized pvp. It’s on life support.

Is this what we are calling them when they are more numerous at high ratings than everyone else combined?

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All I know is that Blizzard, and myself, stand with Rets. Now is their time to shine.

Don’t worry. Ret will probably get nerfed into oblivion soon, and then we can all go back to the Rogue/Mage/Warlock meta classes and specs that has dominated this game for 20 years straight.

I know a couple weeks of the 20 year old meta no longer being the meta can be tough to accept, but I promise you all that everything will be okay.


you must have missed the multiple other times where some classes where one shotting people threw defensives XD

This is so true.
And by the way most of the people ranting don’t realize that setup-based classes aren’t doing as well as they used to, not because of Ret Paladins, but because 10.0.7 made changes to other PvP stuff as well.
Checkout what Xaryu had to say.

Those are changes going in with 10.1. They are not currently live.


You’re already in a space to be a pretty safe R1, 100+ over the current cutoff. Does it really matter to you at this point since you have 4 warriors you can play at 2600cr?

Frost TSG seems like it could still slap the crap out of these FOTM fistweavers that love to triple stack for free.

You mean the fistweavers that have revival immunity while stunned or ret sac or magic bop or trink port cacoon for every single go ?


Enjoy your supreme queue times! :wink:

I would think Icecap reduction on Pillar would eventually desync their cooldowns by the 3rd go but maybe not. It sounds good on paper at least with judge dispel being removed

Can’t port spear :man_shrugging:

what? by “chicken” do you mean smart? if so we have the same definition. It is impossible for 6-7 specs to even play with a ret right now. who wants to feed players rating just for fun? go bang your head on other rets.

Cacoon is a 55 second cooldown and sac is one minute and odds are they are playing with a warrior with intervene and disarm on short cooldowns that can save

Mw ret warr should always outtrade fdk cheese

maybe im biased, but i dont get why people can remotely compare demo to the likes of ret. it’s strong and perhaps even op in its own right, but ret is simply in its own league.


You didnt seem to have an issue with warrior being the most represented, over the top class for the last 1.5 expansions (still s tier)

If ret gets nerfed hard enough, warrior goes back to the worst offender.

“People who think ret are op are just weak” as one ape stated with a retard*ed chad gif.

This is brain/cope from these new rets

And the comparison to arms does ret no…justice.

6s intervene and 1 min commanding shout both got nerfed and current ret has twice as many externals for allies

Full well expect ret to get PvP talents adjustments (buffs/new stuff) and taken down slight notches in other departments

A 1200 bm hunter who rerolled to ret and is now 2400… :rofl:

Yea, but the difference is warrior has counter play…

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Alright youre outta here

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Quit your crying, I wonder if you were crying like this a few weeks ago when warriors were the flavor of the month?