did anyone stream it, want to see the tourney… Any warriors represent?
From the stream last night, one warrior present, winner of the tourny was a frost mage who beat every ret paladin with ease.
Mage is the biggest counter to a ret btw, so you shouldn’t be surprised
But i thought ret was an unbeatable monster
Highlights were a rogueone shotting rets
mage still beat everyone else though, not just rets. but ye
Mage was good in duels in p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, and now even more. Has Mage been dogsh9t in all other aspects of the game before ice lance buff? Pretty much. How much of SoD is a 1v1 duel? I would guess 0.1%
Mage dies faster than any other class and are the main target always. ice lance is overtuned but their armor/hp is severely undertuned.
It’s the same with ret’s. You have insane burst because you have very limited mobility
Dont think that’s correct, when i connected with the mage even with all my crits it was only bringing them down to maybe 80% hp.
Edit: seems pvp gear or pvp for offsets help with this problem
ye we agree from what it seems. icelance buff is what raised the skill floor, but they are still squishy if not in pvp gear. I consistently see myself going for mages because of how squishy. but now good mages are op with the icelance spam. it scary
Yeah Ice Lance spam for beginners shouldnt be a thing but dying to 2 Kill Shots or 3 Backstabs shouldnt either. Just buff armor/hp/ice barrier and nerf ice lance imo
While the Templar bonus could go back to 1h only, and I wouldn’t care, these are all the same arguments about ret that have been happening for 20+ years, and once Blizzard caves as they always do, it will go back to " do your job and heal me you stupid paladin".
I wish I had video of pre wrath ret paladins, not classic, original pre wrath.
You said it not us. LOL
So nerf boomkins to the ground so they dont one shot? nerf shadow priest to the ground so they dont have perma fear up kiting and 2 dots kills you? nerf rogues perma lock cc? nerf hunters 1 shotting kill shot spam? nerf shamans tank runes? nerf shamans purge spam make it a cd??? mke shamans not have a slow? instant heal? and 40% damage reduction?
give us rest… the burst is too damn high… healing ab will give you a stroke.
Skill issue
You are right, I need a better bind for divine shield on my healer… something easier to reach so I can immune 99 percent of all damage in this game.
No spell pushback so i can watch a player grinding to get his pvp gear get absolutely schwacked by a [insert non warrior class]… My vuhdo blinks so much it could give someone a seizure…
What game are you playing?
Decided to heal an AB on my priest yesterday(usually shadow) and It was surprising how many times someone would get targeted, I would bubble them at over 70% and they would die before the last ball of penance hit them.
And we’re talking r13 warriors and shaman, not rank 5 rogues.
Might be time to look at reducing the healing reduction in PvP the way damage has spiked.
I think the most hurtful take from those arenas was mocking Blazed Goats… Pretending they never existed. It’s a rough time during SoD and I’m surprised this guild would be disregarded on CS despite its history on wholesomeness.
i have 8 rank 1 titles across 3 specs as dps and healer, but sure a ret paladin on a dead forum who doesnt believe ret paladin is broken beyond belief tells me im low skilled HAHAHA god i love the forums