Ret is broken in pvp, time to nerf

No thank you

The majority of your playerbase is only Horde because of the advantage that they have.

Dont beleieve me? Check WoD and modern retail WoW. When Horde stop having the advantage the population dies out and the majority of yall end up too scared to turn on WM.

Horde players dont get to get high and mighty when the vast majority of that sheep faction consist of players that need to ride the advantage to stand a chance

Because that was before you posted on your pally…

And now you just posted on him, hence…nobody is arguing with you.

I was posting between both for weeks.

I dunno bro, sounds like you have issues comprehending things. Why should i ever trust your opinions on balancing wow? For all i know you think paladins and warriors are the same class because they wear plate

Link me ever mentioning burn rune. I mention shamanistic rage, earth shield, riptide, shield mastery, spirit wolves, purge, the shield from mc for totem boons, decoy and grounding not sharing cd, etc. I mention the arena that we have been doing in garubashi because players from all skill lvls show up to participate. And these abilities are commonly used in the tournaments leading to shamans winning multiple times. If you lack the confidence to partake yourself then keep your pvp opinions to yourself

Go ahead and nerf it, I will just switch to my shockadin/thorn build lmao

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If only 2hd Ehn was fun and viable.

I think its time to buff 2hd enh shamans

just gonna pull this out here to look at it closely.

sham rage is indeed good but you are probably feeling it more as a burst class when someone actually survives your initial onslaught .

earth shield is only used by ele and resto (most notably resto as it takes 30 full points in the resto tree to make it even half worth using) as it precludes usage of way of earth which is what the “tank” shaman are using and everyone agrees that tank shaman are way op vs melee in particular.

riptide (without the 30 points in resto to make it worth it) heals for absolute crap and is only useful for “tank” shaman due to them taking very little damage from melee in particular that it has any value at all. for resto it is rather good but still not op.

shield mastery is used by “tank” shaman exclusively as the other options in that slot are dw spec/healing rain/overload/2handed mastery.

wolves are indeed very good and might be somewhat op even but without it ele is a free kill to a very large degree.

purge and dispel is the only real counter to a pally currently and if they were nerfed or slapped with a big cooldown , pallies would have to eat a fat nerf to compensate. the only thing holding you guys back from being patently op is the fact that purge and dispel exists. also nerfing them has pve implications that you probably havent considered.

the boons from the BWL shield are nice but nothing gamebreaking at all.

grounding catches 1 spell. decoy catches 1 attack and gives us the equal to freedom that you have. how exactly do you expect them to kite or get to a target ? they dont have horse and ghost wolf is on a 1 second cast and we lack the ability that you have to go NEARLY COMPLETELY IMMUNE TO ALL CC AND DAMAGE while getting to or away from a target.

but you know. just list off abilities with no realization on the balance implications.

Bruh, you have terrible math or writing skills.

Im going off a pixalated video with no access to the what happened to me tab, he was hit with divine storm and went from 6.1k hp to like 1.2k hp. I can only assume on top of the buffs the paladin has and his wings hes hit him for 5k with ds. Unless he got a auto hit with double seals or was judged. If he posted the logs id have a better understanding of what happened exactly.

Until then i got a potato video to look at on my already mid phone

Potato vid is crisp on my monitor, there’s no text on that screen I can’t read. I can even read the text on the rune reminder addon on the bottom left.

Sure I should’ve snapped the logs but I don’t think it matters too much when going from 7700 to 0 in 4 seconds. We all know what changed with P7.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH you’re the puies needing advantages, racials and a broken class like shaman for winning, now you’re having problems and post in forums every day, thats a puies strat.

sadly the problem of nerfing ret is that you nerf the whole alliance. Paladin have only 1 dps spec and 3 specs compared to 4 specs that shamans can be. enh is not very good right now but elem is Op. paladin tank is not a thing in bgs and compared to shaman tank in pvp is garbo.

can’t just nerf ret to the ground while you have in horde op racials, op tanks, op shamans, av map advantage and things like burn rune, purge without any cd, shamanistic rage, war stopms + endurance, hardiness.

Horde wants ret to be nerfed without any price, they just want to be 100% dominant again, taking alliance to the hole where we was in early p6 farmed by hunters druids and shamans from ranged without any chance.

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Im trying to figure out what made you just drop, if he also hit you with a double judge and a ds at the same time and both crit i can see you dropping by 5k

Not one person has asked for Ret to be nerfed “to the ground” that kind of childish vengeance is what you hear from alliance about shaman…. It’s posted almost daily here.

Ret needs an adjustment for sure though.

horde roaches still whining about paladins. peak content wheres my popcorn.

Big words for a pvp dodging noskill

horde dodges harder dw

guys sod pvp is bad, rets are overpowered but so are most things in this game in different matchups. there aren’t any real pvpers touching pvp in this game cus its god awful, simple as that. enjoy the pvp for what it is or not at all.

You can tell when the low skilled pvp players are joining the discussion now.

Theres a bunch of great pvpers in sod, you dont pvp, just started or are plain bad you aint gonna be running into them or be in the same cidcles as them.

Shout out to redhairkaren the frost mage who beat every ret paladin in the arena yesterday with ease (and 2.9k frost lances unbuffed)