When enhance was broken, you heard the alliance tears, not only did you nerf it, but you nerfed it into the ground. Time for the alliance to feel the same damage, nerf ret to the ground like you did enhancement so pvp can stop being a joke.
Thing happens to me that feels bad âThis should happen to you!â
Surely this is the basis of sound balance adjustments. Theyâll probably get around to pvp damage shaving broken abilities at some point- but seeing this type of thread title for the 20th time since p7 with 0 meaningful change recommendations and all rage bait wouldnât exactly fill me with motivation if I was blizzard. Especially considering the concrete statement that SoD is not balanced around pvp
Pvpers stop taking state of other classes as a personal grievance challenge level: impossible
Sorry no thanks, when enhance was broken you cried tears and begged. Now itâs time for ret to feel the damage, nerf ret into the ground.
Ret is broken in pvp, time to nerf - #3 by Saynomore-faerlina I dont even pvp or play ret, not sure who âyouâ is. Just noticing a trend of people who want pvp changes demanding them like children
Thatâs nice donât care though. Ret is OP in pvp so itâs time to nerf to the ground.
Deserved. Shamans still need some more nerfs before they touch ret.
What about just getting Gud to PvP? Ele/tank shaman still broken and enh is the spec that got the disgrace, thats the cost of being a frustated shaman spec.
Burn rune still spreading 5 targets, purge without any cd, horde racials OP.
What You gonna nerf about ret? Theres another shoulder enchant that may replace seal bearer, and seal twist can still be Made without seal bearer.
And iâm pretty sure that everyone got a shoulder enchant, not only rets
What a new and exciting thread.
Ret is awful, but there are more offenders than just ret. PVP as a whole needs a balance pass.
Please stop with the âgetting Gudâ bs. Horde warrior defending Alliance pallys? Let me guessâŚdoesnât take Sherlock Holmes to read between the lines.
Since itâs a skill issue obviously to you, please enlighten all us bad pvpers how you kill ret pallys with your Warrior.
Let him defend his class, ret has to be a blast right now. Plus its hysterical to read the defense of the burst (but that can be said for a few specs).
Not broken enough to turn off a set bonus, Ret is fine! /s
shaman still has elemental, you nerf ret to the ground and pally will have no dps
Warrior is considered the worse class in sod rn, and your argument is since ret beats them, they need to be nerfed
dude I have seen your videos⌠from an outsiders perspective (I donât play SoD) ret seems a little over tuned in pvp
That is why we are so salty!!! Sod devs be feasting on our tears Cartman styleâŚ
So whats the play here? Am I supposed to immediately use Berserker Rage(to block repentance) and pop shield wall and hope the Paladin is really bad and doesnât use Bubble or BoP? I donât know, being forced to use a 5 minute CD to have a small chance of beating a Ret Paladin feels really lame, especially when I could beat a lot of good Rets in Phase 6. And before someone says he used wings this level of damage happens all the time with or without wings.
Has any class ever been this bursty in SOD? Maybe Enhancement back in Phase 3 but certainly not Boomies or Hunters when everyone was QQing about them. And it really does feels like a lot of Alliance have made their Paladin alts their mains because there are so many of them now. Why not? You can now practically global people consistently and youâre top raid DPS.
Thanks for watching, how often you seeing rets dominate? or you just watching my vids. We have been doing arenas in garubashi almost every day now, 1v1 , 2v2, and FFA. Ret has not been a winner of the tournament yet, shamans have been dominating. Feral and affliction lock made it to the finals last night
just watching your videos. you 1v3ing people and more or less one shotting all of them. I will say I am not an advocate of nerfing any class âto the groundâ but from my very limited viewing experience I feel Paladins could be slightly overtuned
So nerf mages when Xaryu dominates, Nrf warrior when soni gets kills, nerf rogue because bobka and pshero do 1v3, nerf lock because snutz dominates. Great. I play everyday and watch other rets duel. I do not see rets âdominatingâ like you make it seem they are