Ret is broken in pvp, time to nerf

Damn if youre that good then you shouldnt have an issue beating me. Come duel me

Ill tell you what, i wont use bubble, lay on hands or seal twist.
Im on crusader strike realm.

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god i love it. forums are filled with such talented individuals ugh, so good. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Hit me up ill be waiting.

I remember when horde was complaining about divine shield. It got nerfed exactly how they want and they are still calling for more nerfs.

Now you want templar rune to be nerfed.

They can make templar to not work with t1 and you Will be still crying about paladins.

You think its fine to use a rune that was supposed to work with only 1hd weap? You think its fine to get 6+ hits in a GCD?

Oh, yeahā€¦ almost forgot ur a paladins. Even Arkaviun has mention that rune is op. No one is asking for Enh type nerfs. Get off ur high horse. lol

The templar rune is fine, they should remove the interaction of t1 6 pc + templar.

I donā€™t play with templar rune or t1. i play with t2 / t2.5 and seal bearer.

Templar itself is weaker than seal bearer

Whatever make ur DS hit for 100% or Exo hit harderā€¦ at least you wont be globaling peeps. Or maybe paladins still will.

I just want Enh to be fun again.

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Letā€™s not hold Arkaviun on a pedestal! Dude absolutely loses his composure if you pop a LAP.

Who is putting Ark on a pedestal? lol

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Donā€™t even mention himā€¦

WTF are you?

Who else streams? Who else is putting together fun content for the community? Certainly not you. lol

I enjoy Travgnarā€™s stream (I think thatā€™s his name. Iā€™ve only seen it once, however) heā€™s quite likeable and doesnā€™t try to take SODs terrible balancing seriously.

He has some druid friend that youā€™ll hear over his coms thatā€™s always raging, though. Kinda funny.

Arkā€™s stream is usually just him globalling people inside a HoJ, but complaining when rogues backstab kill spam him during stunlock. At least heā€™s doing the arena thing which is kind of fun.

thats how sod pvp should be played really, taking it even remotely serious is where youā€™re going to fall into a hole of depression.

i was wpvping for funzies yday in epl and got swarmed by 6 paladins and was giggling to my buddies in disc cus it feels like most of the alliance population are paladins and most on the horde side are shamans :cowboy_hat_face:

I think he complains to complain but he overall means well and is trying to keep SOD active. Anything good for SOD Iā€™ll support. If it werenā€™t for SOD I would probably be playing a private server cuz I hate retail and classic is dead, fresh is blah. Might play in a year for a little TBC but even though TBC is not alt friendly and is extremely grindy.