Ret feels like its outclassed so hard by other dps. Need buffs

The no changers are so wierd. Warrior/Mage dominate the game in nearly all forms of content, yet they think giving hybrid dps things like mana regen, etc is gonna break the game.

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This has ALWAYS been a disingenuous as all hell argument. Why? Because they can’t do it all at once. A ret pally can’t shift mid fight and become a holy pally or prot pally and just takeover that role with any level of efficiency. Talents and gear are rather important to doing most roles effectively. A ret or prot won’t have the mana or +healing to last for more than a few moments, ret and holy will both be too squishy to tank for more than a hit or two, prot and holy won’t have the talents or gear to effectively DPS. The ONLY thing this argument holds any merit for is LEVELING TIME.

How is a player who levels a warrior and a priest not now better than a paladin player in terms of usefulness to a guild? Better tank, better DPS (while still a tank, to boot!) and a better healer. Just because they took the couple days to level/boost a second toon. If a hybrid could do multiple roles AT THE SAME TIME this argument would have merit. But since they CAN’T, this argument has never been true.

are you even aware that this game has pvp to consider :expressionless:

Because the way you implement mana regen and reworking items is a delicate balance. Balance druid is a great example, a naxx geared balance druid is absolutely capable of landing a root->starfire and one shotting someone. Now remove the mana issues and you have a new oppressive pvp spec. All in the name of epeen measuring on the dps meter. This is what SoD ultimately is, fixing the issues of the hybrids without properly weighting the drawbacks, and now tank shaman and boomie are absolute gods.

After experiencing what SoD balance is like, I’m good. No changes is absolutely correct. If you’re that bent on being able to pve as a ret or whatever, play SoD or go to retail/cata where those specs are playable.

How are you even using this as an argument. Warrior and Mage are both the top DPS in the game and top tier in PvP. Like, do you even think before you type?

You main warrior and its all you play. Anything you have to say on the subject is irrelevant. It’s okay when your class is broken, but god forbid hybrids want to do something other than heal in raid.

You should look up something called a hybrid tax

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If the hybrid tax is real in classic why is warrior the best tank and dps at the same time.

Because hybrid tax was never meant to tax tanks it was meant to tax healers

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Go google what a hybrid in an mmo is.

Yes I understand

The tax was never meant to tax tanks, but healers

Who made up the rule of which roles gets excluded from the tax? IMO the hybrid tax in wow has never made sense in wow because a majority of the players power comes with the gear they are wearing.

If the hybrid tax is a real thing then warriors shouldn’t be the best DPS and tank at the same time. Since it isn’t a thing in wow clearly, hybrids should be able to DPS.

Blizzard in 2003; it’s a 20 year old game that we already know the rules to.

If you want to raid as Ret either get leather and a fat 2 hander and accept you will be doing 1100 DPS max in BiS loot or wait for TBC that comes out in less than 11 months.

Truly is that simple, you could always also enjoy Retail, SoD or Cata or MoP in 8 months.

Bad design is bad, plain and simple. Also, warriors are a hybrid and if the tax doesn’t apply to them it shouldn’t apply to anyone.

It doesn’t matter what you think should or shouldn’t

It’s what it is

Wait for TBC or play SOD

You’re right, and it also doesn’t matter what you think so don’t be surprised when people are asking for improvements to the game.

That’s for SOD. I think you need the SOD forums. SOD is the version of the game that they are using as an experiment to change classic. This is the classic forum, where the changes are minimal

SoD is pulling abilities from retail and putting them in classic. Completely different than minor gameplay tweaks. If you can’t tell the difference I’m wasting my time talking to you.

2004 rules that You and I did not make regardless of how we feel about it.

There are options tho.

  1. Cataclysm
  2. Retail
  3. Seasons of Discovery
  4. In 8 or so months MoP
  5. In 11 months TBC
  6. Join a dad guild and accept the way it is.
  7. Swap to Classic Era Whitemane and GDKP and accept 1100 DPS is the upper limit.

All of these are better options because you know what you are getting and more importantly these do not have the undesirable effects of nerfing my Paladin in PvP that I’ll plainly tell you is easily the one of the OP classes in the history of wow.

Vanilla paladin is so insane that if given the option to scale its gear and abilities to the health pool size of Retail and or Cata or TBC I would play it in those versions also despite more refined classes existing.

Not kidding you on how silly this class is once you start to see its potential.

You’re asking the same people who made SoD for “balance”

How do you think that will go?

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I’m sorry, but you’re an idiot. If ret paladin is so strong then why do virtually no BG groups take them? Are they good in 1v1 situations? Sure, but that’s it. All paladins will spec heals in any serious premade group.

Meanwhile warriors are the best tank, dps, great bg dps, and okay 1v1 with gear. You’re so cucked by warriors your fine literally being just good in 1v1s while mages and warriors shine in multiple areas of the game.

Also, gameplay balance isn’t what makes classic good.