Adding new abilities to classes is not a minor tweak. That’s not something they’ll do in this era version of the game
When did I ever mention adding abilities to a class to balance them? You’re putting words in my mouth.
I multi class and love paladin.
Most paladins are freaking horrible players; this is why they aren’t used in most premade teams.
Paladins when played well are the most insane force multiplier in PvP; this coming from a former Shaman player; this class is god mode and if you don’t understand that it’s because you have no idea what it’s actually capable of.
Lastly you mentioned game balance… it’s actually incredibly good PvP balance in Classic Era; something that if you play enough you do learn.
If you disagree with me that is your opinion, but that opinion would be wrong.
This is a personal testimony and nothing more. If Ret paladins were as amazing as you say there were there would be a spot for them no matter what. The issue is there are other classes that outshine them and not enough spots. This game is 20 years old, and there are much better ret paladins than you unable to find premade groups.
I never said classic PvP wasn’t balanced what are you on about. I’m just saying Ret literally has one area where they are good and it’s not even like they are the best 1v1 spec.
You can disagree with me all you want, but no changes classic isn’t the future for this game. Anyone with half a braincell can tell.
Or just go play sod where they do all of that
We don’t need 2 sods. 1 is bad enough
I feel like I’m arguing with the same 3 morons between multiple threads. Funny.
Well you keep suggesting things done to classes that are literally already done in sod. If you want to be an enhance shaman or boomkin or whatever they work there and are viable.
Why is it so hard for you to not go there? I don’t demand retail be catered to what I want.
Most of the hybrids own in other sectors of the game that are not raiding. Raiding is like 40 minutes a week it’s nothing
You’re an idiot.
Well, this is kind of wrong because its going to be TBC in less than 11 months.
I never have problems getting into WSG groups, I typically get an invite regardless of the class I am playing even if its paladin.
I play lots of games with the Era community, and the PVP on era is far more sweaty than what you will experience on anniversary or have experienced in 2019. Point being that there were some awesome players in 2019, but per capita they were ultra rare… However with that said the average player skill in Era BG is likely 3X better than the plebs that will be in anniversary BG’s asking players to “let them win” while crying about their honor per hour.
No, you are the moron who wants class changes on a classic rerelease. You look desperate and pathetic
This is literaly nothing but personal testimony with zero facts.
They will not change the way classic works
You are wrong
If you can’t tell the difference between minor gameplay balance and SoD I have nothing else to say to you. Stay stupid I suppose.
I assure you he is not an idiot, and actually is one of the most level headed PvP’rs in the game… He also happened to be part of one of the best PVP teams in 2019.
Most certainly not an idiot.
Again, if he can’t tell the difference between SoD and minor class tweaks yes, he’s an idiot.
What minor class tweak would increase rets dps to be comparable to warriors
You’re going to be very disappointed when classic will be a rolling trilogy reset every few years that dump into classic tbc wrath era.
The extent of this “evolving classic” thing will be relegated to seasons like sod. You’re never getting an “expanded classic that doesn’t end”
You’re asking the same people who built SoD to make game changes to Anniversary.
Do you actually think they are the right crew for that job?
Alright man. No one knows what’s going to be released in the future. We can make predictions and ask for changes but that’s the extent of it.
That’s fine, they can keep releasing classic over and over till the population dwindles down to nothing. That’s not what the future of classic is gonna be. If you want it to die, then by all means.
it’s so few of you that wanna be ret paladins, essentially zero