Ret feels like its outclassed so hard by other dps. Need buffs

It actually baffles me that sod literally exists and is still being updated but they need the fresh anniversary changed instead of just going to go play sod.

Attention all rets; put on the dress and get healing or stay afk in your blues in SW begging for a Strat run to go get your dress.

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They could play SoD, they could play Cata, they could play retail they could even wait on TBC…

Instead what do they do? try and blaspheme the BiS version of the paladin to accommodate their mistakes of not selecting Warrior at the character creation screen. They are tilting in the same way DK’s annoy me and Cat only ferals annoy me… never wanting to really get proficient with their class instead asking constantly for buffs to a free EZ mode win.

Didn’t Blizz flat out say that Paladin in Classic was not finished because they ran out of time?

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Not exactly, Kevin Jordan the only class designer they had at that time said he felt like he failed with the paladin. And in respect to “paladin lore / traditional paladin” yeah that is a very acceptable view.

However with that said, as we have played the class over the years it has a ton of potential that near no one uses. The only place paladin doesn’t stack up is in PvE raid… tho with that said there is a lot of that in Vanilla, many classes only have one competitive spec.

If they had of named the class Cleric it would have been more accurate in most uses.


Seeing all these people underestimate Ret is not surprising. It will always be the most underestimated and misunderstood spec in classic. You can thank the bad Rets (the 99%) for that. But, hell, I’m sure you’ve capitalized on the ignorance of the playerbase more times than you can count lol. Eat up :wink:

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I don’t think big numbers is what’s important to them. It’s being declined from raiding when using a spec they do enjoy playing, such as Ret.

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nothing stopping them from making their own raids and inviting whomever they like
but that requires work, something a class that just autoattacks probably isn’t used to

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You know, you know! it’s such a great class and I can’t understand how people don’t see it. They think it’s a warrior with healing, but it’s not… is a nuclear weapon with the most insane base class kit of all time.

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Not to mention… Hpala is absolutely fantastic. Paladin is my favorite classic class for sure.

Ive been leveling a Resto Shaman on Anniversary for the Horde experience this time around. Its fun, but… I wish I was an Hpala all the time. I miss my Pala. At least I have WF for my warrior buddy. Happy warrior buddy happy life. (Until he gets rooted)

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Yeah then you hope he has FAP, but if you were on pala just throw freedom and watch the show. It’s no mystery why allies win all the PvP tournaments; pala is way better than Shaman. I love shama play, but pala is just better, and once you kinda get proficient at both you see all the little nuances in each but I think the skill expression has greater potential with paladin. Shame so few can see the potential, and what I mean is that it’s a shame they can’t even detect that it exists.

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Cant rets keep JoW/JoL easily up now with no debuff restrictions? Makes sense bringing one for that


Completely off topic but that unfortunate acronym still makes me giggle.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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The classic community likely won’t support hybrid dps getting buffs. They all play warrior and don’t wanna compete on the meters. Buffs would be nice though, GL getting support though.

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If You play ret You wanna play sod and You Will never get back to era paladin again. With all runes lvl 1 ret paladin should be a huge monster

Vanilla raids are easy enough that they can be done with less than optimal specs. The only reason to buff ret would be if parsing actually meant anything other than bragging rights.

Beyond that if you don’t feel ‘useful’ enough then don the dress, respec holy and start healing. It’s what we signed up for when we roll a Paladin pre-TBC or Wrath.

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Or just make it so hybrids aren’t 1000 dps behind warriors and mages.

Contrary; I love warriors in BG’s.

are you gonna nerf the hybrids in other ways to compensate for all this extra damage, or are you just gonna make them OP and the rest of the classes all have to suffer? :expressionless:

You stalk nearly all the posts I’ve made, you’ve read my suggestions.

While everyone complains that warriors suck?

Let’s play wow version 1.12 in perpetuity again?


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