Ret feels like its outclassed so hard by other dps. Need buffs

I enjoy a good bit of warrior (made a night elf war in 2004/5 and haven’t looked back). There’s been plenty of great moments on warrior in every xpac. SoD is like, the singular time we’ve been worse everywhere (that isn’t raids) than we were in vanilla.

Like, victory rush is pretty good now that it’s 30%, it was like 10% for most of SoD’s run. They buffed mobs in the world (roughly 2x hp) to compensate for new runes, cool, except warriors new runes didn’t give us more damage so it’s vanilla warrior leveling but now every mob that isn’t barely giving you xp can kill you.

It’s a lot of just, really questionable stupid decisions, like they forgot warrior existed lol.
Atleast I can still press retal into other warriors retal.

If I had my way there wouldn’t have been a fresh classic at all, and we’d have started at TBC, so a year is already a year too long.

It isn’t actually.

Era is 5 years old now.

Cata is like 8 months and still in Firelands.

SOD is already a year old and still not finished.

The deadline for the anniversary is probably a year because this time next year will be a whole new ANNIVERSARY event, hopefully TBC.

Also no life rush? Most people aren’t 60 yet in fresh. I mean, I am lol, and I’ll gladly swap to my toon to prove it if you want, but the bulk are still leveling. You only feel rushed because others are 60 and you for some reason think a year is somehow not enough time for a rerererelease of a 20 year old solved game.

You spend your time on the forums complaining about leveling speed of paladins when you could just, idk been like the other paladins and hit 60. But then again you “want to level properly” whatever that means, I can only assume mimicking '04 and taking 6 months to hit 60, which more power to you but this ain’t 04 anymore and ain’t no one semi-serious about this game trying to take 6 months to hit 60. Things aren’t rushed. You’re just slow.

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Yeah, the fact they made fresh 1 year, no pvp phase 1, dual spec, unclear ending - highlights how good Era is.

I love that I can just login and pvp anytime - and since fresh started pug games have gotten so much better since all the players are there to win.

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A few months before fresh was announced I made a nelf on WMC just to relive alliance quests (hadn’t done them in quite literally over a decade), and actually pushed past Duskwood/Wetlands/Ashenvale and hit 60. Tried the r14 grind, but fresh was announced and I stopped at like rank 11.

But it does feel nice to know that if I wanted to ever go back, I have a toon ready to go at any moment, exactly where I left off.


Delete ret paladin characters. You’ll satisfy both the overwhelming majority of the alliance and horde players. They’re mostly played by entitled imbeciles.

First of all, you can’t wait for TBC so you can sell leveling boosts and gold coins.

Additionally wasn’t dragonflight a 2 year thing? I think it’s kinda unfair like “hey lets only give classic like 6 months, while our main game we can take as long as week want”. OO well it’s 2024 now ya know… that kind of destroys that argument don’t ya think?

Take some more time to construct an argument don’t just lash out with some thoughtless garbage.

I agree with you that in general - the players that play ret in vanilla - are often ones unwilling to fully understand the paladin toolkit.

But ret is a great leveling spec and also above average spec for pug pvp.

It is also pretty good in team pvp but you need the team to understand how ret works and usually it is easier to go holy.

I think the big thing is that players should spend at least one rank 14 grind + full bis of raids gearing as holy before they try to play ret.

Fresh is for retail players.

Vanilla players have Era.

I agree with you that it would of been better if it was longer, but I don’t think vanilla enjoyers are their target audience.

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First of all don’t you ever imply your own delusional headcanon on me.

Sell leveling boosts? I could make a mage and do that on fresh right now.

Sell gold coins? Are you calling me a gold seller? Based off of what? Wanting TBC? Idiotic.

And do what you do? Pay attention now.

The average time span for an expansion is around the 2 year mark.

Well it’s a year. So, you want to sit here and say that I should “construct an argument”, while you are out here straight up being wrong on how long fresh is. We know it’s a year. You are given 6 months. And then another 6 months, because it’s a year. Thoughtless garbage yourself.

My argument is my closing line. :point_down:

It doesn’t take 6 months to hit 60 anymore. It doesn’t take players 6 more months to figure out their pre raid bis and then another 6 months realizing their grind for it is moot because TBC is coming out.

The high end players are already full pre-raid bis or close to it, with raid gear.

The average player should be around 40-50. The “masses” at the lower levels are the slower players and alts. And alts. And alts. It’s en mass because of alts.

You’re complaining about paladin and ret, talking about how they need to “do more” while not caring about end game ramifications, all because you want to “level properly” and you only care about the leveling because you don’t do end game.

You’re just a slow player who lives in wetlands wanting the game catered around you specifically but you’re telling me I make bad arguments lmao. Insane what you grey parsers come up with.

Good so your high-end players who rushed to level 60 can wait and go play retail… what’s the issue?

Yup, all that stuff is a mistake.

Another mistake made in other versions of WoW was the idea that every spec should be represented in Raid per the role at roughly equal level…

Reason that is a mistake is because We have Blessing of Freedom, cleanse, Blessing of Protection and the ability to heal others. If you’re not using these all on the regular in PVP to keep your team moving forward then its understandable to think Paladin is bad when its actually one of the best and most powerful classes in Vanilla.

Its so good that I re-rolled Alliance to play it with the start of Classic Era.

I want a devotion aura with a 100% buff on armor. I want seal of light to be casted from a distance like in wrath. I want a seal of wisdom that doesn’t just cause melee to gain mana slowly but for the entire raid to regain mana slowly.

If the raid is low on health due to an aoe, then I want seal of light to help with the heals, if we’re running oom allow seal of wisdom to be utilized for mana regen! Healers and ranged could wand the boss to regain mana.

I don’t understand how Shaman gets away with all these cool totems, and we can’t even utilize seal of light anymore.

You get to be the 2nd fastest leveler and guaranteed 4 raid spots for blessings, be happy with what you have

Its truly amazing, its almost like Xbox you can just get on and play and log off and not worry.

There are players I see both factions who come and go with months where they play tons and months where I forget they exist and right now there are players I have not seen in months and even actually forgot they exist, and now that they’re back its so amazing to just see how the meta play of WSG can shift and change based on old ideas and new ideas merged.

The best part of Era PVP is that near zero “rankers” exist making each game a battle for a win, with near no one giving up or leeching because people are there for the game instead of “muh honor bro”


Yea… After reading this I think I’m gonna go back era.


My paladin does not even have Dev aura talented…

I have without Dev aura up… 8.3K armor… Devotion aura is there to help when I am getting sat on by DW melee while I am waiting to delete their character in a global, and for that effect the extra 700 armor is rather nice, because its like another item equipped.

Do you mean Judgment of light? And why even? its already 10 yards and with leeway like 15 yards. I use it in Raid when I raid on the VERY rare occasion, and its not hard to keep Light up on target, and additionally if it was long range why even bother having plate armor since at that point we would basically be just a nerfed version of a priest?

Actually it does this VERY well, I keep Judgment of Light on target because its so effective at keeping melee alive and taking burden off the healers to cast as much on them. I think the only legitimate complaint about Judgment of light is that the healing does not count on WarCraft Logs, and that’s a problem with WCL not Blizzard.

This was very traditional in OG Vanilla and I do this with terrible groups in Era; this is actually how its used in PVE Raid.

I also use Judgment and Seal of Wisdom when I dungeon tank because it makes going OOM almost impossible when you pair with a Fast attack weapon like Hand of Edward the odd.

My guy, I re-rolled form Horde (Shaman) to Alliance just so I could play Paladin, because Paladin is not even kidding 3X better a class. YES Grounding Totem and really cunning use of Tremmor and Earth bind are all very useful, WF totem is fun, but overall not as great as you may think.

The problem Alliance have VS shamans and the horde racials is that most of you guys don’t understand the game mechanics or how to fight Vs any of it. For example, in AV a while back and one of the Shamans who’s decently geared is Zugging from the top of the hill above the Allies GY by the Bridge and the alliance were crying about it… They were crying abou the damage and grounding totem and doing effectively nothing because they were afraid to die.

All they needed to do and I even told them this was simply have a mage flame blast and then nuke, because a single flame blast will eliminate the totem and then Mage damage is purely ridiculous, and no Ele shaman is gonna stand and take it, he’s gonna run or die because mage has a better range than Mage does on cast.

The same goes for Hardiness, it only RNG’s your stuns and sure there can be strings of RNG reist but I swear to you that crap never works when I wanted, it almost always fails when I needed it… Orc is arguably the most annying yet WORTHELSS racial in game.

Give me Warstomp or Will of the Forsaken or Troll any day because orc is hella over rated garbage.

Meanwhile Allies have Escape artist that is flat BiS for melee, Stone form that flat out hard counters a rogue, and hoomy that makes every single UD rogue mad as all hell… ask me how I know…

I am willing to bet most of the problems allies face in PVP is their own lack of game knowledge.

Era is forever vanilla, 100% worth taking the time to gear at least 1 toon there.

Even years from now you can login and still enjoy it at the same power level

I’ve been playing this pally on-off since 2020

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do it, you will not regret it, and right now is the best time to level because you can level both your character and have near unlimited access to herbs / mining.

While leveling turn chat off… unless you’re fishing for a dungeon that you really honestly do not need.

Use the greens you can, and auction the rest or DE them, whatever you like. The Economy is stable and mellow, there are next to zero bots on the AH right now and its not terribly difficult to make gold in a traditional way.

There are dungeons popping for most content with frequency being highest near West Coast NA prime time since its a west coast server group.

If you’re interested in Raiding this is VERY easy to get into, there are tons of groups in chat for that…

If you want to get into BG’s and you do want to rank, this will be slower than it was 2 months ago, but the frequency of PVP BG’s poppin is tied to seasonal servers being popular / less popular and its also tied to holidays and stuff like that.

WSG is the most common to see BG, its usually hoppin with 1 or 2 instances going at normal hours, not sure about late night AU hours, but during prime time I get BG’s when I Q generally within 10 to 15 mins.

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For other people in the thread - hardiness is the most OP racial in vanilla and gets a 40% nerf day one of TBC.

I think the only issue is you quite literally just don’t understand what I’m even saying.

You’re talking about how the game is rushed, I said it wasn’t, and now “the people who rushed can go play retail”?

I’m not asking this to be rude, but are you stupid and that’s why you’re lost in the sauce or is this just your natural state of being. No response you’ve formulated has actually been in response to really anything, just weird ramblings.

idk, escape artist and warstomp are pretty fire

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