My paladin does not even have Dev aura talented…
I have without Dev aura up… 8.3K armor… Devotion aura is there to help when I am getting sat on by DW melee while I am waiting to delete their character in a global, and for that effect the extra 700 armor is rather nice, because its like another item equipped.
Do you mean Judgment of light? And why even? its already 10 yards and with leeway like 15 yards. I use it in Raid when I raid on the VERY rare occasion, and its not hard to keep Light up on target, and additionally if it was long range why even bother having plate armor since at that point we would basically be just a nerfed version of a priest?
Actually it does this VERY well, I keep Judgment of Light on target because its so effective at keeping melee alive and taking burden off the healers to cast as much on them. I think the only legitimate complaint about Judgment of light is that the healing does not count on WarCraft Logs, and that’s a problem with WCL not Blizzard.
This was very traditional in OG Vanilla and I do this with terrible groups in Era; this is actually how its used in PVE Raid.
I also use Judgment and Seal of Wisdom when I dungeon tank because it makes going OOM almost impossible when you pair with a Fast attack weapon like Hand of Edward the odd.
My guy, I re-rolled form Horde (Shaman) to Alliance just so I could play Paladin, because Paladin is not even kidding 3X better a class. YES Grounding Totem and really cunning use of Tremmor and Earth bind are all very useful, WF totem is fun, but overall not as great as you may think.
The problem Alliance have VS shamans and the horde racials is that most of you guys don’t understand the game mechanics or how to fight Vs any of it. For example, in AV a while back and one of the Shamans who’s decently geared is Zugging from the top of the hill above the Allies GY by the Bridge and the alliance were crying about it… They were crying abou the damage and grounding totem and doing effectively nothing because they were afraid to die.
All they needed to do and I even told them this was simply have a mage flame blast and then nuke, because a single flame blast will eliminate the totem and then Mage damage is purely ridiculous, and no Ele shaman is gonna stand and take it, he’s gonna run or die because mage has a better range than Mage does on cast.
The same goes for Hardiness, it only RNG’s your stuns and sure there can be strings of RNG reist but I swear to you that crap never works when I wanted, it almost always fails when I needed it… Orc is arguably the most annying yet WORTHELSS racial in game.
Give me Warstomp or Will of the Forsaken or Troll any day because orc is hella over rated garbage.
Meanwhile Allies have Escape artist that is flat BiS for melee, Stone form that flat out hard counters a rogue, and hoomy that makes every single UD rogue mad as all hell… ask me how I know…
I am willing to bet most of the problems allies face in PVP is their own lack of game knowledge.