Ironic, considering I didn’t PvP on my rogue during TBC and only raided and if you knew anything about PvE rogues during that time you’d understand that finding a raid spot as one was very difficult as they performed poorly until BT gear.
I’ll say this one last time for the low IQ players in the thread. Warriors and mages being way above everyone else is unhealthy for the game and the poor gameplay balance of classic isn’t what made it good.
The gameplay balance of classic is great if you stop having a mental breakdown over the dps meters during the 4 hours of raiding you do a week.
Also, rogues were fine for all of tbc, they just weren’t stacked because hunters/locks/mages were all better, and you typically brought 1 melee group. Only leaves room for 1 rogue.
Yeah, you’re right. Warriors and mages being far above everyone else in DPS is good for the game.
Stop leaving out rogues. And it’s fine because again, raiding makes up 4 hours out of a 168 hour week.
Go read a book, or learn a skill or something. Your completely rotted with these takes.
I’m not rotted at all, if fury warrior disappeared rogue would replace them, not mage.
I’m not gonna go a round and round with you in another thread. You already know my stance on everything and if you can’t remember then that’s on you. Balancing hybrid dps in raids isn’t going to break the game. Have a nice day.
It will break the game because raids aren’t the only end game. Hybrids already perform well outside of raids, buffing them for raids breaks pvp. Get over yourself.
Feral is arguably the best example for an easily fixed hybrid sucking in raid, you fix them by removing debuff limit and they’re ranked 4th above MM hunter behind fire mage. Potentially higher if you include item reworks. That’s a fix they could easily implement that doesn’t break the game though.
Buffing ret or ele or enh or boomie will 1000% cause problems, because they have damage already and are limited in the world for a reason. Removing those limiters is bad for the game. Whether you agree or not.
I keep thinking on this, genuinely imagine lowering mana cost of things like shifting for druids. Rdru is already the premier FC for a reason and innervate keeps them going far longer than they really should be able to on their own. Now lower the cost to make things easier for feral in pve and you have a serious problem.
He doesn’t like that Raid night is only 2 hrs a week max and ignores that the 98% of the game he is ignoring gets ruined by 2% of game play made making Ret comparable to warriors.
Buffing hybrids to absurdity is one of many reasons why WoW has lost subscribers over time in respect to game growth pace.
Looking at the pace of Growth, no other versions have ever bested Vanilla.
Meanwhile clown shoes players want their own personal wishlist of buffs, and we all know how that went when Blizzard gave into their own personal desires and delivered SoD.
Speaking of absurd hybrids, Shadowlands was only 4 years ago. Convoke. Ringing Clarity.
BFA’s Lightning Lasso only lead to completely broken shamans 2 years prior.
But yeah, the game is surely better when hybrids have run the show, that’s why every time boomie has been genuinely broken bg’s/rbg’s dry out and never really come back the way they were before.
If that’s what people want that’s fine but like, there’s already versions of the game that support that. Go play those.
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Nah no, no one wanted incursions. It’s the number one reason people stopped playing it.
Boomy vortex + solar beam + DK AoE grip WoD meta…
Yeah that AOE lazerturkey and Shadowlands meta was cancer also…
Sec I got something for that, thanks a lot for the PTSD…
Now you can enjoy it again.
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Incursions were a definite failure. But I don’t think SoD failed for any one single reason. It’s actually just a pile of failure after failure.
Incursions, ST being overtuned + way too long of a phase, PvP balance being absolutely atrocious the entire run of SoD because of bonehead designs (P1 avenger’s shield daze, hunter pet being better than players, enhance, shaman in general tbh, that one phase of spriest godmode, now shamans and boomies and hunters, rogues being gross, have you seen frost mage since they made ice lance hit for like 2.3k in bgs? you can full on die during a deep freeze now, so bad), arguably you can even include GDKP ban on this list, it certainly didn’t help keep people raiding on alts though you could also argue alt drop off is related to burn out or just not wanting to do some of the worst rune chains for the nth time (personally I’m counting all 3 as parts of SoD’s downfall regardless of personal feelings about GDKP).
This is missing the week of enh sham having bugged windfury where career 1400 players got to r1 rating. Also missed the 2-3 weeks of prot pala being able to full heal with word of glory. Missing tank dh the hunt 1 shots. But ye, pretty accurate rendition.
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lol I actually forgot about that. Memory hole!
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As soon as they dropped incursions, people jumped ship straight to whatever fresh project RP server was on. It was like a whole new vanilla.
SoD fell off a cliff for me when I wanted to play a pure class and realize the new rune mutilate was literally 4X better than backstab.
I knew right then at low level it was trash and to walk away.
Others jumped ship with phase2 content, and even more with Phase 3
Mostly it was just a bad game because the class changes were ridiculous, and most of that crap is the stuff we read over the years in this same forum by mostly hybrid players who are needing to actually learn their class rather than nag for changes.
The problem is they buffing it the wrong way brudda. They keep buffing the dps. DPS characters have just as much utility as hybrid classes now. Like, mages can heal. Warlocks could tank. They’re now all hybrids. Every class is a hybrid!
Except warriors, we got some new filler spells and then they did the dumbest thing possible, gave us a ton of % damage mods, then removed them all.
hPally warrior used to be my thang in 2v2 I love warriors. However I would be speaking about things I don’t know about to argue against that lol.