Ret feels like its outclassed so hard by other dps. Need buffs

I’m not for specifically ret paladins actually. I’m for all the hybrids getting love. A raid with nothing but warriors and mages is not interesting or healthy for the game, regardless of what warrior mains think.

Well it’s been well over 10 years so far and people still play it so I wish you luck on that prediction

People like the game the way it is, that’s why they keep coming back playing it

How would you increase hybrid dps?

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just because they can be done with sub optimal specs, doesn’t mean they should

Basically what SoD is

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And it doesn’t matter what you think, it’s not getting changed, so why are you wasting your breath?


They get that in sod, tbc, cata, retail.

In era, put on the dress or reroll.


SoD and minor classic balance tweaks such as spell cost decreasing, mana generation talents, etc are not on the same level. If you guys can’t see that there is no point in continuing this discussion. It’s pretty obvious SoD goes way to far and a majority of the community feel the same way as there are threads daily asking for changes.

How mean servers did 2019 have? How many fresh servers are there now? I rest my case.

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This will not increase Ret PvE DPS.

Tons of them because it’s Vanilla as close as it could be.

Just a few because blizzard got greedy and added MTX to TBC+ and it drove 50% of the players away overnight.

Blizzard even tried to defend the new MTX buyers by disabling /spit.

Again you’re just wrong on nearly every topic. Your opinions don’t equal facts I’m sorry. Anyways, done with this thread, I’ve made my point.

They destroyed leveling in SOD I could never be a part of it regardless of the hybrid buffing.


That explains a lot tbh.

You want paladin buffs, but you don’t like the speed of sod leveling.

So you really don’t care how class balance changes affect end game, you just want class balance changes so you can level easier as a paladin while maintaining the same slow slogging rate of era, everything else be damned.

Got it. Makes more sense why you couldn’t care less about how it affects end game, because you’re not doing end game lmao

I would have eventually got to the end but I was like level 38 or something like that, and they put in this what do ya call it “incursions”… I didn’t even know what people were talkign about for like a month. But i was like “why is there no groups for dungeons” Like, I want to do ulda right. So I start poking around and finally figure out what this incursion is… so I tried it out and it was just this brainless stupid retail trash. I want to level properly to 60 and I want to do dungeons along the way. What’s wrong with that?

I like how you just keep ignoring the actual problem with your suggestions that I keep bringing up and writing it off entirely because I main warrior.

Raids take up 4 hours a week on average, fact.
There are 168 hours in a week, fact.
The blizzard team we currently have is 10000% incapable of making small tweaks and instead prefers using a sledgehammer for balance decisions, fact.
Fixing any of the issues with hybrids with blizzard’s sledgehammer approach will likely make hybrids the most broken classes everywhere in the game (the other 164 hours in the week), fact.
This would be bad for the game, especially bad for a game where PvP/open world activities make up the lion’s share of the available end-game (remember your raids only take a couple of hours to clear) and hybrids are already good in these parts of the game. Fact.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk on why hybrid’s shouldn’t be buffed, with answers that didn’t even include the classics like “It’s a rerun of a finished product that should be #nochanges”.

And for the record, I’ve played warrior through every single expansion, good and bad, and you’ve never seen me get on the forums and beg on my hands and knees for buffs to my class, the way rets and ferals did in wrath classic, or the way you are doing now for hybrids.

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The point I’m getting at is you want class buffs but you don’t actually care how that affects the end game, because you just want to level easier as a paladin while maintaining the same slog experience that is classic era leveling.

You want this because you don’t do end game stuff. That’s what makes more sense now.

Oh well, put on the dress or go finally do an incursion lol

Definitely not doing an incursion. Will never.

I think that you assume that I’m thinking of myself in this scenario. That’s the problem, I want what’s best for warcraft and the pace that you guys set for things is ridiculous. For instance - we can’t even have more than a year for fresh classic. Who sets these deadlines and why? Why is everything a constant no life rush?

I’m sorry I don’t read anything you post because you main warrior therefore your main factor in why you don’t want hybrids buffed is you want to maintain your defacto best class in classic spot.

Sorry I didn’t read your post because your profile is a level 70 rogue in TBC gear, I have to assume you’re arguing in bad faith after playing one of the most cancer versions of rogue to ever grace the game.

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Yeah, good thing I’m pushing for hybrid buffs instead of rogue buffs then. You’re an idiot :).

You just want the same feeling of power you got from TBC rogue on a hybrid, it’s cool. We get it.