Resurrect Varian Wrynn

I think Chaotic Dumb would fit me too. Twinsies.

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I wonder if the people posing for this photo knew it would be used for chaotic dumb twinsies. In their heart of hearts, they must have known.

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Myraad’s death was good, and he was almost a real character, too. WoD had excellent writing and cut scene direction. It’s a shame about the rest of it.

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With the Crown of Wills and the new arbiter, bringing back Varian Wrynn is gonna not make any sense.

I don’t know he could end up like Admiral Taylor working as a ghost in my garrison. Or we could get DK Varian Wrynn.

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Go gather his disenchanted ashes from the Broken Shore yourself.

I prefer the story to have stakes at least too some degree. I also hated vul’jin’s death. But I would rather us move forward with the characters we got, and what they are doing.

Having him appear as a memory or ghost is okay if they wanted to reference him again.

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Varian as the 4th Horseman would have completed the Death Knight “Let’s offend everyone!” World tour that they were working on in Legion.

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Yeah, I was not at Light’s Hope trying to raise Tirion Fording as the 4th Horseman. Nope. not me at all.

:sweat: :sweat:

Nah, Worldsoul Saga is gonna see Anduin become Manduin.

My money’s on him being more roided up and rage fueled by the end of it. :smiley:

Think anyone on the writing team even remembers that Anduin was supposed to be a priest?

This reminds me of Lantresor the Blade, who, for the last 8-some years has been working diligently and dutifully in my garrison mine. This big, majestic warrior orc stuck in a [REDACTED] mine. So, I guess we found the way to see the end of war. C’mon down to my garrison and work until your code evaporates with the heat death of the universe

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Death Knight: Where’s your friend’s grave? I need a new mount.

Red Dragons: What? No, never! Leave immediately!

Kowabunga it is, then.

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No. Varian had the perfect death. He sacrificed himself to save the other leaders of the Alliance, one-shot a fel reaver, cut down many demons while enduring their attacks, nearly made it to Guldan, then defiantly faced his demise with pride and honor. He went out in truly one of the most heroic and badass ways ever in Warcraft history. Let him have his perfect ending.

Meanwhile Voljin cried like a baby, begged Sylvanas to call the retreat, got stabbed once in the back by a random felguard, had to be carried off, and later died because apparently that one random felguard had his blade soaked in some kind of super anti-troll poison. Reminder that Voljin once survived having his neck slit open by a blade covered in anti-troll regen poison. And this kills him. And to top it all off, as he dies, he gets fooled into naming Sylvanas Warchief, kicking off the worst period on warcraft history.

I point this out because if Varian comes back, it’s only a matter of time before they slap him with a lame death, too. Let him have his perfect ending.

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Here’s that scene recreated:

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W- err-- ugg-- wish granted. :robot::magic_wand:

Varian’s death was over the top and Vol’Jin’s death was a work of spite. This scenario had to be written by someone who despised Vol’Jin. To this day I wonder why they thought it was a good idea to begin with when They were already working on Zandalar. Why would you kill off Vol’Jin before making him meet Rastakhan?


It would have been much cooler if they had Vol’jin and Varian go down trying to take out Gul’dan together, like an updated Wrathgate story. If done right, that would have been BA and get to showcase both of their combat skills without essentially needlessly sacrificing for plot movement.

But I would have been perfectly cool with Varian going out like he did and Vol’jin surviving, but the plot required Sylvanas be warchief apparently

I still think it would be a massive waste because Vol’Jin didn’t accomplish anything of substance as Warchief. It felt like he was barely elected then we didn’t interact with him much because we went to Alternative Draenor and then he dies at the start of next expansion without showing us what kind of Warchief he would actually be.