They shouldn’t have changed it before the conclusion of the allegations/case, but I doubt they’ll backtrack the decision.
The new voice acting is more than fine, maybe even better. imo
At best Blizzard owes him a private apology and nothing more.
They shouldn’t have changed it before the conclusion of the allegations/case, but I doubt they’ll backtrack the decision.
The new voice acting is more than fine, maybe even better. imo
At best Blizzard owes him a private apology and nothing more.
i will be in therapy for the rest of my life. i have done everything you could possibly thing of. it was even my major in college. but the thing you guys don’t get is that a lot of us… if we could’ve just chosen to not be alive instead of having to deal with the aftermath of this stuff. we would’ve just chosen that. all the good ol boy joking that happens on these forums. the misogyny. the sexism. the assault apologist stuff. you can flag responses to it. you can high five amongst yourselves about how we are overreacting. or it’s not appropriate to be offended. or how it’s just a joke. or that you think it’s totally fine to do certain things. but companies are siding with women now. that’s why the whole #metoo thing has come down like a ton of bricks. was there false flag stuff? yes. but i can tell you… many more lives were ruined because of silence than because of “false” reports. women do exist. we do have a right to opinions. to voice our experiences. this forum though? accusing blizz of being actual germany of the 40s type people because they chose to not associate with someone who had accusations of assaulting women. and how many posts have you seen in threads like this filled with venomous hatred at women? do you guys flag those too? no. we have a long way to go as a society. but actively victimizing yourself over something so tiny that didn’t even happen to YOU when about half of women have been victimized for real. yeah. get the heck out.
I wish you healing friend
If he isn’t innocent, I don’t think anyone of a reasonable mind is against the replacement. In fact that should be expected since Blizzard is looked to as a guiding light in the industry, particularly on matters like this. My issue comes with rewarding people who make false claims, or punishing people that have been proved innocent beyond a shadow of doubt.
One would hope that if he is guilty, Blizzard proceeds with the change. But if he is indeed innocent as some people say, that Blizzard has the sturm and strength of character to say “No. You are wrong. The facts showed this, and so this will remain. You can scream all you want but this will be how it is. The matter is closed.”
I feel like this sort of response would send a stronger and more positive message than anything else, and one thing is a fact. We need people that will be strong and positive leaders in our society, perhaps now more than ever. The greatest courage comes from being willing to admit one’s error, rather than to blindly repeat that you are right, even when you know you are wrong.
54% of women 18-34. 54%.
google rainn. org
glance at that. and see why stuff like this isn’t appropriate to just try to hand wave away.
i swear it’s always the tauren players
yes the entire point of this discourse was to make you feel lesser or that your thoughts, feelings, or experiences don’t matter. yes. totally and completely. /s
yes i have an alt that is a tauren. would you still make some dumb comment if i posted on my orc warlock or hunter or rogue or well…or any of my dwarves. or kt. or gnomes. or goats. or.
you can make swipes at my posting toon all you want instead of addressing the fact that what you guys are doing directly ties into some really gross statistics. things that don’t really apply to men at all. like 3% of men in any age group deal with this stuff. it isn’t being anti man to say that either. the people who make apologies for this type of stuff are men. the people who DO those types of things are far and away, men. it’s really easy to pretend it doesn’t happen and that people are being dramatic, when statistically it’s more likely that you’ll get hit by lighting multiple times than ever deal with experiencing this stuff yourself.
Too bad you don’t actually know if they are one.
Considering that the percentage of sexual assault charges that are false is between 2 and 10%, which is in itself misleading because that range is also factoring in cases where there was insufficient evidence or cases where the charges were dropped, I’d say that Blizzard is in the right to take action.
The actual amount of false reports is extremely small. It’s just that many people think of high profile cases and think that because there have been a few cases where the accuser lied, that somehow all cases that don’t have evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt are being made by liars. That quite simply isn’t the case.
In this particular case, there was screenshots of text messages and voice recordings that were archived to prove that the accusations were, in-fact, legitimate. But as those screenshots and the voice recording are no longer available, now folks are questioning the veracity of the accusations.
he talks about the audio proof in his tweet. he even acknowledges it exists.
also not everyone that has had that happen to them have reported it either. or can report. like the case of anyone who’s had it happen to them while they were in jail, male or female.
Found innocent? Hell yeah, bring his voice back.
no, he wasn’t. he posted that she crossed a line and that he put a restraining order on her. did you read the tweet?
Poor guy had to deal with getting stalked and harassed (including his family) by some lunatic and now he’s got companies disassociating with him because of it.
Business move or not, Blizzard did him dirty. It’d be a shame if they don’t bring his voice back.
Yes I did, and he is innocent. The audio was sent consensually AND edited. Unless it can be proven otherwise, you cant destroy a man’s life over it. It isn’t right.
I did, and he said a judge ruled that the twitter account of the woman stalking and harassing him was to be taken down, and that her actions of stalking, and harassing him, his family, and his associates would cease and she would get the help she needs.
The audio was taken out of context and used as a weapon from a consensual situation. The “licking” thing was a staged prompt cropped and taken out of context.
Based on everything he’s saying, he’s innocent. If he wasn’t innocent, he certainly wouldn’t have been able to send out that tweet from his jail cell.
If he’s not innocent, then fine, keep the replacement. But if he’s innocent, then they should absolutely bring his voice acting back. Kael’thas is an iconic voice, and should not be replaced over false allegations. This has been my stance from the get-go.
“based on everything he’s saying he’s innocent.” that’s the issue here. if he was a garbage man going through it you, and no one else, would say something like that. i know you well enough to know if it wasn’t someone’s who’s work you respect you wouldn’t be a straight R apologist. you’re not a bad guy. you don’t hate women. there’s a lot that has to come out on both sides. no one will know what is actually going on for a very long time. him saying he’s innocent means nothing. my entire point i’ve been making in these threads for days is to not attack and vilify women who felt victimized by someone just because the person accused of doing it is someone you like.
As I said before. If he’s guilty that’s one thing. But it’ll be far worse for Blizzard as an image if he’s innocent and they proceed simply because they and others cannot bear to admit they were wrong. Ultimately, all I want is to see them side with correct party and to see justice; not mob mentality prevail.
There comes a point where someone has to pull the brakes on this insanity and say “No more.”. There comes a point that children need to learn that they cannot lie repeatedly to get their way. Whatever side that may be, I leave to the evidence to showcase. The evidence should guide the final verdict, not emotions and feelings.
Blizzard taking such a stance, regardless of which side prevails one to do so would be a strong positive.
And I haven’t.
I will be honest, I hope he’s innocent. And not because I like and respect him, nor because Kael’thas’ voice is iconic. I’m a criminal justice kid. If he’s found innocent, and someone lied to destroy his career? It means no one had been hurt. I would much rather he be found innocent (and that it be true) because that means it’s one or a couple of crazy people with a vendetta, and no one was actually hurt in a traumatizing way. Him being innocent is by far the best outcome for everybody, because it means no one had been destroyed involving their lives.
Like I said: