I know you are arguing emotionally because of your traumatic experience as well as projecting a lot in your responses, but I do not think they met in person and that is not what is on trial. So I don’t think anyone here is being an “R apologist”.
They completely deleted every connection to him. Just because of an accusation.
madonne eijian you really do belong in therapy
swifty got his stuff taken out. his e-career essentially ruined. it’s been proven she’s lied. he still hasn’t had his thing put into wow. or an apology from blizz or anything else.
in that context i’ve also said that blizz should publicly apologize and his statue or whatever should be in the game. but it won’t happen.
In the mean time you cant ruin his life over it and take away his work. Just like you cant attack or victimize the person claiming to the be the victim, you cant do that to him either. Because like you said, you dont know what happened. You cant just white knight the person making accusations because it makes you feel like a hero.
You have no idea how much respect I have for you given what you wrote. I too was a Crim-Justice kid.
It REALLY hasn’t.
People often forget that justice isn’t vindication, nor revenge. Justice is finding the truth and responding to said truth in a proper, and even level. They often forget that we have rights, and amendments which protect against Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
Justice is finding the truth in its purest form, and accurately responding. In our world right now with how crazy it is, it’s really important to remember that. It’s good to see someone else found passion in what I found.
if it comes out that he is the one that’s innocent then yes, certain things should happen. he should get an apology and his work restored. until that point though i personally will side with the alleged victims. specifically because the forum mob seems to think that just because he voiced kaelthas that he shouldn’t have to deal with any repercussions for his poor behavior.
So, let me get this straight. You won’t believe someone who is accusing another person of sexual assault along with other women who have come forward, when there is evidence both in audio and text form, but you absolutely will believe a potential abuser when he just ‘says’ that he’s innocent?
According to the person posting above you, he’s claimed that the audio was ‘sent consensually’ and that it was ‘edited’ which… do you know how difficult it is to edit audio in such a way that it could be used to frame someone? Especially in this context? It’s not something you can easily learn to do with a tutorial in windows movie maker. You’d have to be quite good at manipulating audio files to get that result, and most false accusers don’t actually put that much effort into manipulating evidence. In fact, most false accusers don’t show any evidence at all, because in the vast majority of cases where the accusations have been false, they don’t actually have any evidence.
What this sounds like to me, honestly, is that Quinton Flynn filed for a restraining order and demanded that evidence that the accused had be taken down and a judge agreed. Which is extremely troubling. If people with money and a good legal team can quash evidence and hide it from the world? That sets a terrible precident. Either way that’s not proof of innocence. As for him ‘sending tweets from his jail cell’ as far as I am aware, the accuser never actually filed charges, so he would have never spent a day in a court room, much less a night in a jail cell.
No, that’s not the right way to view things. That is insane. If you do it that way, you can literally derail anyone’s life with an accusation. He needs to have his work restored immediately unless proven that he has committed wrongs. You should not “side” with the “alleged victims.” How would you feel if I accused you of something and you lost work for two years? Would it be fun having your reputation dragged through the mud? Lose friends and family? Maybe lose your house? That’s just insane, dude. You can’t do that to someone until they have been proven to have commited the act.
Woah champ, your going to have to provide proof of that one before I buy it. Show me the court transcript. You know Open Access in Court proceedings is a thing, right? Go dig it up if it exists, because it will be a matter of public record. If you are going to claim something, then I am going to place the burden of proof on you and call on you to defend those statements with something tangible, and stronger than “I feel X.”
Gonna stop you right here. No, I will not side either victims, nor will I side with the person they’re accusing. I will side on finding the truth. I do not “take sides” in situations like this, nor will I ever. All victims and allegations should be taken seriously, and investigated thoroughly until nothing else can be found. We live in an age where it’s very difficult to hide something from the world. We also live in a world where something can be easily fabricated.
I’m a content creator, sir. Not only is it doable, but if someone’s got enough of a vendetta, and wants to make someone’s life hell, they’ll do it.
Have you ever dated a crazy person? Based on this, you haven’t dated a crazy person. I did. You know what she did to me? She manipulated me into not taking pain medications and when I was working on my LUNCH BREAK, she would have me put my phone on speaker because she thought other people would be aiming to get me to cheat while I ate my pizza in the break room watching Family Feud. People are nuts. A crazy person can absolutely go to ridiculous lengths to try and make someone else suffer.
Judges have a ridiculous amount of discretion. They have to uphold the law, though. They’re not just gonna take something down willy nilly because “Oh hey, you voiced Kael’thas”.
Evidence shouldn’t be on display for the world in the first place. Twitter is not a court of Law. No one should be taking to Twitter for their criminal investigations. Period.
And this goes for anyone out there - if you are a victim, or if you have been hurt, go to your authorities. Compile everything. Quietly inform your authorities - don’t go to Twitter, and don’t go to Facebook. Go to the people who can actually help. Inform them, tell them everything, and seek justice.
do you understand that if someone is accused of this, as a prison guard what happens? essentially the same thing. they’re removed so they cannot cause harm to others. if you just yolo and let people continue on without removing them from being able to do more harm and then they do…do you know what happens? this isn’t just about him. blizz has liability because of this stuff too. you can’t expect them to allow him to voice things in games marketed at children when some of the accusations against him involve children, using the fact he voiced those characters as the way he was able to approach said people.
Off topic but do you create gaming content ?
oh one last thing, i’ll be kicking myself later for not letting loose this gem
the sexual misconduct allegations were merely a setback!
I do, yeah. I stream variety content with an emphasis on engaging with my chat. Mostly Resident Evil, WoW (if it was in a better state) and other things.
Disclaimer: I’m not advertising. Just answering a question posted to me.
This is what other people in this thread are saying. Other people are saying that he filed a restraining order. From my knowledge of restraining orders, given that my sister filed one against an abusive ex, that includes online communications as well. It would explain why the twitter account that exposed this information in the first place is now gone, and why the google drive that held all the evidence has also vanished.
Either way, I’m bowing out of this thread now, because jeez, seeing so many people defend a sexual deviant is just making me stressed out. I honestly feel sorry for the victim here.
Can you share the name of your channel, I will check it later.
Twitch or YouTube
There is the idea of “presumption of innocence” which the justice system is based on, the reason this is important is because the reverse “presumption of guilt” is proving a negative, something you cannot do. If I made a claim against you that you are a thief, how could you prove you are not? The burden would not be on me to prove that you stole, it’s just accepted that you are a thief from the start, it would be up to you to prove you have never stolen something, something that may have never existed either.
Presumption of innocence exists to stop people from making untrue accusations without proof of wrongdoing. Presumption of innocence is the basis for US law as well as a human right under article 11.