Resto STILL Ineffective in Raid After Hotfix

I’m not asking for much, they don’t have to drag the other classes down, they just need to pull resto druids up. Like I literally can’t enjoy the game past a certain point because my class is just doomed.


Well in 2 weeks we have received 2 healing buffs, 8% and a further 4%, just it wasn’t enough, hopefully more tuning comes.

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More like a 15-20% would be the ballpark number we need from where we’re at right now.


It just blows my mind how a billionaire dollar company couldn’t just get 10 people together to compare the healing classes before their expansion, and notice “hey resto druid is poo poo, let’s fix that.”


While I do think Resto is suffering in all aspects of the game, underperforming in really everything, hero specs aswell being completely visually dull aswell.

Resto is getting a spec tree rework in 11.0.5, personally I don’t think its that great, our class tree is probably the worst in game aswell. And not to forget to mention for some odd reason nerfing Reforestation in the rework making it 4 Swiftmends rather then 3, like we needed a nerf…

But atleast we can only go up from here. I don’t think it’s possible to sink any lower :joy:.

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Not even really true. On most fights, a 90th percentile RDruid is producing less throughput than a 50th percentile Prevoker. On top of that, the RDruid is bringing weaker raid cooldowns and less to the raid (only exception being if they are the only Druid in the raid for the 3% vers buff).


So, I think the reason the Reforestation nerf from 3 to 4 is being done is because if you take Prosperity and use Swiftmend on CD (including using the 2nd charge of Prosperity) or close to it, you are going to hit your first Reforestation proc somewhere around 45 seconds into the fight, while the RDruid burst window is every minute, so you actually do not want that. Some of the playstyle recommendations have been to manually use a cancelaura macro to remove the first stack of Reforestation to better line up burst windows with the 1 minute CD on Flourish and Treant charges, 2 minute Incarn, etc., so if they are changing that to make the lineups make more sense and make the best style of play not involve cancelaura macros, that I think is fine.

They just need to add a whole lot more throughput, and this mini spec redesign isn’t projected to add throughput at all (because in raids, the new talents are weaker than what you would spec out of to take them).

I don’t know, Speaking from a M+ perspective which we are lacking in aswell, as Keeper of the Grove if you run Control of the Dream, it can bring down Convoke to 45 seconds would be great especially in Reforestation proc for the extra healing, which we desperately need.

We are struggling in all these Heavy Burst or Consistent rot damage AoE.

Having those line up consistently would be great and actually maybe Convoke would actually heal decently.

But I do see your point of view through a raiding perspective another area we are severely lacking in.

I just think the more Reforestation the better, more cd on tree of life, stronger Convoke, and in general stronger Healing and DPS.

definitely still feeling lackluster in raid :frowning:

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Not really. In small groups we have the ability to saturate the group with a large number of HoTs, and if you gear for mastery this can result in ridiculous healing increases.

It’s time to break away from the previous mentality of gearing for things like versatility and doing DPS in groups, and instead Pre-HoT as much as physically possible. Start thinking of anyone who doesn’t already have HoTs on them as basically a walking corpse (no offense to undead).

Also, haste is a great stat, and we need a lot of it, but you shouldn’t completely ignore other stats (especially mastery) for the sake of recklessly stacking haste. Otherwise you’re just spamming weak spells very quickly. The more you Pre-HoT, the less haste you can get away with. We’re only talking about 5 people…

I think that a lot of Resto Druids are seriously misusing convoke. It’s not a safety-net reactive-healing cooldown that you can rely on so that you can sit there and DPS instead of Pre-HoTing and then hit Convoke to fix things after the group takes massive damage.

Instead, think of it as a ramp accelerator. When you already have 1-3 HoTs on everyone due to Pre-HoTing, and you want to quickly turn that into 2-5 HoTs per person. Convoke will often include a mini-flourish, which makes it even better when you already have HoTs ticking. Also, keep in mind that Convoke will usually cast a Wild Growth, so if possible, space your own Wild Growth a few seconds before or after the convoke so they don’t overwrite each other. Use your Soul of the Forest and Clearcasting procs before you use Convoke or the Convoke will use them. Once you’ve maximized convoke in this respect, it becomes a pretty amazing cooldown.

I mean - most raiding Resto Druids are gearing Mastery/Haste as is and the spec is still the lowest performing and least represented spec in M+. I don’t think anyone is seriously pushing gearing around min/maxing healer DPS in week 2, especially with how healing intensive dungeons are this expansion. Even in ideal situations (i.e. M+ and M Horror, both of which restrict healing targets to 5-10), the spec is still performing like crap, and then performs like a dumpster fire outside of that. Let’s stop justifying it and making excuses for the developers.

I was convinced resto was weak until I switched to Wildstalker Photosynth in M+. Keeper of the Grove is bait, dont take it.

We are still about 12% behind the average of all healers (not including overtuned Evokers) in Heroic raids. If you include Evoker it’s substantially more.

One thing I notice is how hard I have to work just to stay competitive. Holy Priests press Halo and it does 30%+ of their healing. I’m sitting here breaking my Rejuv key binding furiously spamming spells just trying to keep up.

We need a better way to spread HoTs quicker. Even Disc ramps faster than we do.


Firstly I agree with Haste/Mastery over Haste/Verse if you look at my gear it’s pretty much what I stack, if I get it to drop. :joy:, seriously I switched off my Tier Helm in favour for more Haste/Mastery. Still 4 pc though.

Secondly, it’s impossible to do what you’re asking and actually have mana especially in a timed scenario where there really isn’t much down time to sit and drink. DPS’ing + Master Shapeshifter is really the only thing keeping me in the fight to heal and I’ll be honest sometimes that’s not even enough.

So we are incentivised to be weaving in dps to fuel our mana for healing.

The issue is our HoTs don’t last very long enough to do what you are asking, it’s not like the Tanks now still have the huge self sustain they once had like in DF, so you’ll be placing your HoTs on others but in between still trying to Heal the Tank or player that needs it and then HoTs fall off. Back to square one.

Oops no time, AoE incoming.

The problem with Convoke and issue with Druid is exactly what you’ve brought up, ever other healer does have a “safety net” cd, we don’t, and that’s a huge issue especially in higher Keys where literally all the AoE burst or consistent heavy rot damage are very frequent, by general trash and bosses.

Now if Convoke in Player Form actually only casted Healing Spells it be great, but it’s a mixed bag of everything, if used in close proximity of enemies (think the Duo boss in SV when on vents, or final Boss in Grim) it just further adds more rng as Rake and Thrash are added now into the mix.

My issue is we have the tools to do it, like you mentioned if we get all HoTs out, we can heal, but we simply don’t have the time ever for this too happen. Especially in Keys.

Resto Druid is currently in a weird position and it definitely shows through logs and performance, we have the kit to heal, just honestly never enough time to actually get everything rolling to actually heal.

We are constantly GCD locked. It’s clear and no secret. If Resto Druid was in a decent spot we definitely would have more representation in higher End content.

It also doesn’t help I still think even after all the buffs we are still insanely behind other healers. In both HPS and DPS.

I understand all players need to do their part in reducing incoming damage, but a healer should be the one to help reduce those errors in judgement, sadly Resto Druid is probably the most punished healer through others errors.

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Its weird… we really dont have a “good” throughput CD for M+. None of us takes tranq because its channeled and weak. We have Incarn or Convoke which are “ok” but I really hope that people dont think that these are remotely comparable to Spirit Link, Healing Tide, Rewind, Emerald Communion, PW Barrier, or Revival. I just want some nice toys too.


You can look back and see I’ve been clearing content on this evoker ALT since they were created. But my main is a druid.

nice try

Look back? Ain’t nobody got time for that. IDGAF about you bro.

Yeah druid feels so bad right now, my rejuv heals me for 1.75% of my total healthpool over 12 seconds. It’s an absolute joke.


My rejuv heals 6% of my total health in 17 seconds :smiley:

Love being screwed over in the butt by blizzard.


The toxicity of the players against Resto Druids is getting pretty bad, Blizzard. Trying to talk about it in general chat just gets ya ostracized and the pack vultures hop in.

I’m 1750io, 611 ilvl, 6/8h. Purple parsed a majority of Normal Raid BEFORE the hotfixes and @605ish. Excited to see what I can do on reset now that I can hit 1M HPS.

Getting turned down by people that honestly, are lowbies I have no business partying with. I can’t get accepted into a group for anything above a 5 or 6.

Give us a buff that’s large enough to get some respect around here. I can parse, I can’t help it that you guys need to give us another flat 20% buff to be competitive with ALL the other healing classes.