Resto STILL Ineffective in Raid After Hotfix

With 2 days of this 4% buff in place, WCL is showing that it only amounted to a 2.3% buff in Mythic raids, and Resto Druids are still 21% behind in Mythic and 19% behind in Heroic, with the lowest representation of any healing class in Mythic. In M+, Resto Druids are the lowest rated healer, the lowest represented healer in 10 or higher keys, and only have 2 key runs in the top 350 runs on RIO.

I think we can conclude that this second 4% buff was nowhere near sufficient, and the spec is still borderline useless and unplayable. Compounding the lack of throughput is how weak Tranq is (weakest of any major raid CD), and how Druids lack any type of unique utility outside of MoTW if there are no other Druids in the raid. All 3 Shaman specs are basically meta, so Stampeding Roar doesn’t matter much when you have 2+ Wind Rush Totems. Druids need to be at or near the top in HPS to be an attractive spec to take given the weakness of the toolkit/utility/cooldowns/burst.

At what point are the developers actually going to take things seriously and give us an actual real buff to move the needle instead of these pathetic 8% and 4% buffs that are 1/2 to 1/3 of what is actually required?


Are you being willfully ignorant? Raid leaders will remove underperforming characters from PUGs. In this case, they’re removing her because restoration is not able to keep up right now.

What are you talking about? One of the longest resto streamers out there has been literally saying for the past week he’s basically been benched for playing the crap heal class and he missed the boat on leveling his evoker. They aren’t a RWF guild but they’re shooting for top 30 in the world.

Sure, for the average raid group, resto is fine. I am raiding resto in my guild. I am personally finding that I parse well, but if there’s a shaman or evoker in the group it’s a joke. Coming from a pres main in dragonflight, it’s nuts to me. I personally find my resto better in keys but that may just be because I am more comfortable with him but pres is quite stronger numbers wise.

This content is not very ramp friendly, and all the ramp healers are struggling to a degree. Evoker gets by because of the sheer numbers it pumps and TA. (Plus some lifebind emerald dream abuse).

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I just checked WCL for the past 24 hours after the last 4% buff and we are dead last in both mythic and heroic raiding. We dont have a major DR like power word shield.

Im not optimistic about the changes on the PTR either. The addition of a couple new talents isnt going to help when we dont have enough talent points to go around. Every build I play with either has me dumping master shapeshifter or germination. Now I would LOVE to not be reliant on MS for mana but our mana is a dumpster fire and the only bandaid we have is MS.


The changes on the PTR are not expected to really do anything for raid throughput - the theorycrafters on the class Discord are speculating these new talents won’t even be better than current talents in a raid build. They might be worth taking in M+, but anyone that is holding out this 11.0.5 patch as something that will make any real difference is deluding themselves.

We need better raid cooldowns at the very least for raid viability - Tranq is garbage and weaker than every other healer’s raid CD. Why is it so weak, and why do they still double down on requiring it to be channeled with no cast while moving component?

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Even in the rework for M+ it’s going to be tough getting new Talents without sacrificing a talent that I consider the “Essentials”, for example of something they did well and something not so well.

What they’ve did well,
They made Harmonious Blooming 1 point node for full effect, introduced Renewing Surge in the same row, so we can grab that with no loss.

What they didn’t do well,
Unstoppable Growth, Budding Leaves and Thriving Vegetation still 2 point nodes, introduced Forest’s Flow but the only way to pick it up is by sacrificing a talent in the bottom of the tree to grab it. I’m assuming Master Shapeshifter is going to be cut, but now we will go back to having further mana issues for extra healing through put.

Personally I don’t think the new Talent Twinleaf isn’t great for Raid nor M+, I don’t think an extra charge of Nature’s Swiftness was the solution we needed.

Why can’t we have Overgrowth instead of Nature’s Swiftness?, a 1 min cd that applies 4 HoTs but add that it has an instant heal attached to it?, so it’s Nature’s Swiftness with Regrowths on cast Heal but actually compliments our Kit/Mastery and how Resto is designed but still helps with Burst. Would work great for both Raid and M+.

Personally I think certain Talents should of been baked in baseline aswell, Verdant Infusion should be baseline in Swiftmend, our Ironbark talents seriously are so underwhelming, Thriving Vegetation to make Rejuv feel good to press and Regrowth to last a regular amount of time aswell.

I just think the Rework really didn’t tackle a lot of the issues we have.

Don’t get me started on how bad our class tree is, Tranquility and literally the amount of Talents we have for Rejuv a lone to feel good.

Tranquility actually heal needs to be buffed immensely to be a proper healing cd, it’s HoT applied should linger for 2-4 seconds longer and be stronger, either let a Treant cast it so we can be mobile and continue to heal and do mechanics or add mobility while channeling.

Convoke as player form should only cast healing spells.

Reforestation honestly they need to revert the nerf, we healing bad now, and they’ve made it 4 Swiftmends to proc now rather then 3.

Soul of the Forest should stack with 2 charges especially if using Prosperity.

Seriously I can go on forever,


It is clear that the dev’s heads are somewhere other than on their shoulders. It is mind-boggling that they’ve dropped the ball this bad after so much feedback.

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Um, you are just healing more because there are fewer healers. So you shine more and dmg healing output dependency is on you.

It’s kind of like a reflection if you were to look at someones logs and he’s the only 616 DPS and every one is 590. He is going to shine more because he is the only performer so to speak.

Druid is just awful atm, I get some people are healing wrong that’s natural that happens, poor ramps, etc.

But uh, I’ve been playing druid forever. It’s kind gimped.

You can get Giga chad out healed by a 605 ilvl pvoker and ur 612 no matter what you do you can’t match them.

Similar to mythic + rdruid is 6.8% rep whilst rsham is 45% in mythic + 10 and higher.


BG’s we’ve been dog since Legion hasn’t changed so that goes for blitz, RBG’s, Rando queues.

Rated PvP Arena 2’s / 3’s / shuffles were useless pro pvp heals like cdew state this and even I personally a LEGEND healer on my rdruid is struggling when I HAVE NEVER BEFORE.

There are also clear indication of raiding issues in Rdruid,

1.) Mythic World Race there hasn’t been a single Resto Druid. (Has been like this for 1000000 expansions yet to see one again).

2.) We have been getting flat-lined heal increases back to back for the past two weeks since raid launch.

3.) Finally, we are getting a rework on .5 PTR patch. Which reflects it isn’t a player problem. This is a design problem.

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Yes, they remove underperforming characters… this has nothing to do with spec.

a good raid lead would take an a-player resto druid over a b/c player meta healer any day. clearly this is going over your head. --there is no such thing as a resto druid holding back a PUG raid because of their spec.

Ok I’m still playing Resto, up to ilvl 610. I went Wildstalker, and have consistently been able to put up 800k+ with literally just germ & regrowth spam. Not sure how I’d do if i went back Keeper of Grove, but I’m enjoying cat form during low incoming damage.

You are wrong, prior to my Wildstalker swap, I was consistently being removed from raids due to them needing Evoker HPS to overcome their mechanic shortcomings. It took me 30 pulls with 8+ different raids to get Brood down, because they’d replace me after 5+ pulls.

Multiple times literally got told, sorry man you did mechanics we just need more HPS.

Nowdays I can put up a Mil HPS if the situation arises. Finish a Mythic+ and the groups, like “Another?”.

But with the stigma, Resto Druids don’t even get into the group in the first place. Nobody is accepting druid healers when they can wait another minute and get ANY other healing class that doesn’t have to work so hard to put up HPS.

definite skill issue if you can’t heal a heroic/normal raid. Has never happened to me, ever.

Ya but you are playing an Alt. You’re ugly, unmemorable, and your feet bend backwards.

ad hominem after you know you are wrong? nice.

What do you WANT me to say, troll? You’re literally playing the Meta because you know it’s the meta. Nobody was playing Evoker before and you know it.

Rdruid honestly just needs a spec tree rework, having to do BS like prep every single WG every 10 secs is so annoying, no raid DR, doesn’t have mobile tranq anymore, wild stalker is literally just a dead hero talent for raid and PVP (40% pickrate in M+ so there’s that at least), and awfully long ramp in keys

Spec has almost never been great in raid unless it has insane throughput like in shadowlands or Night hold

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Honestly I consider you very lucky, their will always be that horrible raid lead that thinks that having only meta specs due to over performance will always remove non meta specs.

Like you mentioned a “good” raid lead would want a A-Player Resto, and I agree I’d say 80% of Raid Leads are decent, but not all.

But just because it doesn’t happen to you means it doesn’t exist or a lie… it does happen. It’s happened to me several times last expansion as a Evoker, removed because they wanted an Augmentation instead… god I hate Augmentation…

Personally I think it’s much worse in M+, the amount of auto declines I get, even close too 2.3k IO as Resto and I’ll whisper saying why the decline and I’ll get the “ we want a shaman healer” response.

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I am a returning player; I would consider myself pretty good as a resto. Coming back for this expansion I thought surely, they would change classes up but it’s a month in and I fear if it is not fixed soon, I will be quitting again. Really a shame. I can’t enjoy the game in the state my class is in. No matter how good you are, we’re always the bottom.

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THIS. I busted my butt all week climbing my IO in hopes that I could get to +9s and start farming crests etc. I finally got high, and to my surprise, nobody above a +8 wants a resto druid. I had no idea why. But now I do. It’s because restoration druid’s suck. Any other class is better than us.


Don’t lose hope, generally after this race to world first non sense finishes they do a major tuning patch, so things might get better.

But yeah the higher you climb in keys the less wanted you are unless you are meta, I personally didn’t think it would be this bad literally in the 2nd week but people are in this mindset of you must have the meta to complete keys.

Hopefully the future is brighter for Resto much sooner then later.