Resto STILL Ineffective in Raid After Hotfix

Regrowth mana cost is reduced 8% and it gets 8% crit for EACH stack of Rejuvenation, up to like 96% if you have 12 Rejuvs up. I can hit a million HPS like this, and I don’t even have Incarnation: Tree of Life for instant casts. This also isn’t considering Nature’s Swiftness before the Regrowth.

The reason if any, that you are getting kicked out, are all your grey parses, like only doing 400k HPS on silken court\

a super mediocre Rdruid should do at least 700K… (50%) with good ones 900K +

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Okay, I take back what I said about Resto Druid being decent after playing it in raid a bit and having a look at the numbers in terms of rankings this week.

It’s still absolute garbage and needs probably another 5% at the bare minimum.


We need 20% I think to be at the same level as other healers.