Resto druid is a lot stronger than everyone gives it credit for

Bro get out of here. If you’re not going to read the content then don’t waste all our our time. The preface is not enough. You also seem to think that raid comps are extremely rigid when they’re not. You have several spots you can mix and match around. More on alliance than horde though.

It’s just not the case. Even looking at a dps perspective right now. Balance druid, the worst of all dps classes has 1313 parses in MC right now. the upper quartile of that have a dps score of 23.02. The median warlock dps score is 22.74 of 63,523 parses. You could replace over half of all warlocks in all of the MC raids with a decent balance druids and see a dps increase for your raid. A quarter of frost mages are doing are doing less than too. 204,955 frost mages, a quarter being 819,820. 819,820 players are worse than only 600 balance druids with the average frost mage doing the same as the few players in the upper quartile of balance.

So few players actually bring out what the meta casters are doing that they aren’t worth the raid spot they’re being brought in for. The balance druid server laments that they are constantly beating classes they shouldn’t be.

All thats to say, is that the class is not the least useful. Most players are bad, and you can bring the worst non-meta class and still be better off than bringing half of the players that are playing meta classes. And thats just looking at dps contributions. Innervates from druids, battle rezzes from druids. These things can’t be weighed. The only reason you should be putting druid down is for one type of clear and that is for competitive speed clearing.

you can decurse and faerie fire… it’s not like you have blessings or totems… are you going to aoe heal like priests? oh wait…

dont care about optimal groups, sure bring a few druids, mess around, have fun. But there’s no performance argument for more than 1 single druid. and that’s the point of the thread. of course it’s not illegal to bring more, but it’s definitely not logical.

druid is TBC waiting room, my friend. that’s life.

You rely on prayer of healing for aoe healing? what… It’s nice for inner focus but it’s not like you’re going putting priests in your melee groups to cast prayer of healing. Druids are far better for aoe healing than priests. maintaining 8 rejuvs at a time is very strong for raid healing.

When i see a resto druid in party i know:

-people will die

-they will have to run bck

Nothing else is certain

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I like the 8/11/32 pvp spec more. Swiftmend is really nice, can still moonfire, and insect swarm weave, gets feral charge for interupts, can use bash for on demand for stuns, can actually use cower to drop threat quickly, and enough armor to off tank if things go bad. Moonglow is bis when you aren’t geared, eventually you get the mana to swiftmend, and power shift.

Nothing like having 200 mp5 on swiftmend, cast rejuve, go cat, 12 seconds late rejuve is refunded, swiftmend for 1.6k. ends fight full mana

12/0/39 with omen of clarity can also get cracked, case free hurricanes every other pull, do big damage, not have to drink, speed run.

Resto druid pvp hangs out in bear form and can stunlock. Very high skill cap, so high what you said isn’t even a thing priest can do to resto druid. Mana burn my rage off, while stunned? Gonna interrupt my swiftmend?

Reality is in that match up, no one’s gonna die, druids just gonna get away with their objective in hand. 8k HP, 50% physical DR, CC, can’t be poly’d, can get self to full HP instantly. Just hope they get bored and leave.

that’s exactly what u do, we did it all of naxx40, there’s not really a reason that you wouldn’t

u know the warlocks do so poorly because their only job is to put up curses right? boomy is barely able to outdps people who spend their globals spamming curses on every mob in the pack, and not even the curse that benefits them, reck is prio then ele then shadow.

A singular warlock (if the raid currently has 0) is higher dps than another warrior because of curse of reck

That’s assuming you can somehow move perfectly for .2 seconds each time and resume casting the instant the GCD is up. lol

Also, if you actually have to move, .2 seconds of moving is probably not going to be enough movement.

Weird to see so much RDruid talk and not a mention of HotW

Druids have 4 viable healing builds, not 3. And this post missed the most popular one lol

I couldn’t imagine healing less than prebis tanks imp regrowth.

Wdym? Hotw healer runs NS

Thought u mean lotp

No you have to be in cat or bear form for that to work and be in a melee group lol

Oh I mean you can have plenty of int with t2 and t1, which is why I don’t think people talk about hotw, I don’t need 20% more int.

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HotW/NS isn’t about being the best healer, it’s being a viable able to hybrid from one spec. It can PvP, Tank and Heal well without respeccing.

Ik, we have dual spec, so you can just run deep resto for moonglow for pve, then have feral charge swiftmend for pvp.

Is there wasn’t dual spec totally diff story.

You can just run two optimal specs now.

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Yeah you’re right with Dual Spec I wouldn’t run HotW

Resto Druid is great, people hate on Druid way too much. I think it’s the most fun class to play​:heart::heart:

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Goblin Jumper Cables XL

Especially with the freedom to use MF, IS, Rejuv, and Regrowth at will. No buff/debuff caps is the best thing ever for druid

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