The general classic playerbase seems to have a lacking understanding of Resto Druid and think they can only bring one to raids because of this. I want to dispel some of this.
It should come to no surprise that resto druid is the most versatile healer in classic wow. It’s the only healer that has a plethora of ways to build your character in order to meet the needs of your raid.
Resto druid has 3 major builds for healing:
Swiftmend or “deep resto”
Moonglow || “I like mana”
Regrowth or “Parse-king”
Each playstyle is different and each playstyle fits in a different place in the raid that does not interfere with the other two druid playstyles. The strength of Druid overall is that it can heal every tank simultaneously, or keep steady healing on both the tanks, and the raid, simultaneously. But each talent spec takes it further than that.
Moonglow // Healing Touch
Moonglow is your jack of all trades healer. They have the most mana, and get great use out of Healing touch, and rejuv. For Moonglow spell crits = spell haste. Whether you’re using these crits to heal a tank faster or to tap the raid with faster heals, Moonglow has the potential to do every and any healing role.
By utilizing HT r3(2.0 sec) and HT 4(2.5 sec), you can fish for Nature’s Grace proces in order to cast at 1.5sec and 2.0 sec respectively. This gives resto druid the greatest benefit from spell crit gear of all the healers because their hps double dips into crit, which creates exponential growth with crits. A resto druid who takes advantage of all the spell crit world buffs will be quite speedy for this reason. The stength is exacerbated by the ZG Trinket Wushoolay’s trinket and the Idol of Health.
The big Healing Touch Resource
Moonglow // Rejuvenation
Moonglow as a spec takes advantage of mana talents for healing longevity, as well as rejuv talents in order to raid heal with rejuvenation as well. This means that Moonglow is great for spamming a tank with HT, but also that Moonglow is a great spec for rejuvenation raid healing. Rejuvenation raid healing does not work for all raid environments though. A Horde guild, for example, that is filled with chain healing resto shamans will shut out rejuvenation as a healing mechanic for the raid. An alliance guild that lacks uniform raid healing will find that rejuvenation can be quite strong. Any raid that has an over-abundance of healers will find that rejuvenation raid struggles as well. At least this early on in raid phases. As raids become more damaging, rejuvenation is a reliable tool for any raid faction or composition. The tier 2 8-pc set bonus increases rejuvation’s healing significantly in addition to the later druid relic Idol of Rejuvenation.
One of the biggest complains from raiders about rejuvation is that it does not stack with other Rejuvs. This is only a problem for healing tanks. It is only possible to have 8 rejuvs out at a time and there are 40 members in a raid. In terms of raid healing, having 2 druids split rejuv targets is sustainable as well as a strong form of raid healing. On multi-tank encounters, you can even split the tanks between the 2 druids. The limit of 1 rejuv per target is not enough reason to limit bringing only1 resto druid to raid. In fact you could run 3 druids to cover raid healing and they would never need to interfere with each other if organized correctly. But Horde will be hard pressed to bring multiple r.druids when you can bring multiple shaman early on in Classic. Shaman lose the ability to dominate raids with Chain heal as later raids introduce higher raid damage and more mechanics, especially those that require the raid to spread out such as in AQ and even Vael in BWL.
Swiftmend is great for druids who need to watch a specific tank target like a hawk. This a common job for horde restoration druids early on, or druids in general for raids that have an abundance of healers. Swiftmend gives you an additional emergency heal for tanks so that you’re not limited to the 3min cd Nature’s Swiftness, and the druid is great for layering regrowth, rejuv, and HT spam on a tank for the most damaging fights for a tank, like Ragnaros. Mana-economy is worse than moonglow, but Swiftmend can also rejuv-heal the raid, and HT spam the tanks, just like a Moonglow druid. The layering of hots on a tank who is taking large damage can not be overstated or underestimated. They specialize in giving tanks just a little more time to catch a heal in emergencies though.
For most healers, 1.5sec is the minimum amount of time it takes to heal a tank without a pre-cast. Precasts ofcourse are subject to timing. If you cancel a heal and then the tank takes damage right after, well thats 1.4 or 1.5 seconds before you heal them. Swiftmend alleviates this pain significantly by giving them extra time to catch the next heal. If you’re healing Ragnaros tanks currently, Swiftmend can be pretty insane for keeping your tanks alive.
For swiftmend to be worth the talent points, your druid must be assigned to watch the tanks specifically, only one or two other healers depending on the fight. If shaman are chain healing off of a tank reliably or priests/paladins are flashing tanks immediately for example, then swiftmend’s value will go down as tank healing will be covered and in those cases running a different spec for raid healing would be stronger for both hps and mana-efficiency. Swiftmend ofcourse can still fill the rejuv-raid healing style, but that style is not effective in certain raid enviornments.
For multi-druid raids, Having a swiftmend druid watch tanks, and a seperate druid watch the raid with Moonglow, or regrowth is a completely viable option for a strong healing net.
Regrowth is an extremely fun spec and an extremely powerful one. In tier 2, regowth becomes the fastest casted heal in the game at 1.3 seconds. Regrowth values crit chance heavily and thus relies on world buffs to give it as much of an edge as possible. Regrowth is heavily mana-inefficient, but it’s also the highest HPS of all druid builds and covers raid healing excellently. Regrowth is also the parse king. If you care about healing parses, then regrowth is your best friend.
With it’s high hps, high mana cost, and high crit chance, regrowth druids are going to be spreading regrowths around like crazy and every crit will net a -0.5 cast time on regrowth from Nature’s Grace. Paired with the 2pc t8 this goes down to 1.3sec cast time. Regrowth druids need to make best use out of mana consumables such as flask of distilled wisdom, mana potions, and dark runes in order to keep themselves afloat, but a druid running regrowth for raid healing will have zero problems healing along side a Moonglow druid who utilizes rejuvenation for raid healing.
Regrowth druids aren’t only limited to raid healing with regrowth however. In longer more drawn out fights, watching the tanks with Healing Touch or rejuvenation on the raid is still entirely possible as you will still have talents that improve those healing spells. You will lack the mana-talents for sustainability however and must mix in healing touches in order to prevent yourself from ooming too early on those longer encounters.
A druid who masters regrowth healing is worth a spot on any raid team, even if there are 2 other resto druids already on the team!
In conclusion, the most amount of resto druids I would ever consider bringing to a raid are 3 with extremely rare exception for a 4th who only watches the tanks. One who specializes in regrowth raid healing. One who raid heals with rejuvenation, and one who is either watching the tanks, or specializing in fast healing touches on the raid. This more easily achievable on alliance due to the mandatory amount of resto shamans required for a raid being greater than the amount of paladins needed for a raid. Paladins being able to dispel magic also causes fewer priests to be needed than on horde as well, but even on horde it doesn’t make sense to have fewer than 2 resto druids. If you’re only bringing one druid to raid and throwing out all the resto tier week after week, then you’re just making it harder to gear your raid for no good reason.
Additional resources:
[Zia’s resto druid guide](h ttps://