Resto druid is a lot stronger than everyone gives it credit for

Dual spec and debuff buff Can removed ftw!!!

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individual healing logs are useless. Have to look at the total raid time and boss kill times to assess healing class importance and even then this stuff only shows up on video feeds.

Like alot of logs have paladins do poorly but their job is not to parse well, it’s to make sure the tanks are staying up (all of them, they have a dedicated assign but they should be GCDing all the tanks if bored). and there are fights where you’ll be casting cleanses/bops which reduces healing parses. Priests are the most important AOE healing for alliance, so taking a spot for an AOE druid is dumb.

Druids best spec in raids is bear tank ironically enough, the nax gdkps I was in always had one bear over a healer and the utility they brought looked way more substantial than a healer. Even when AQ40 gear is not online, your druid should be a bear tank. You just have to sit in gnomergan 24/7 lol

This is actually not true. classic-era wow is the only version of the game where the long-time community players look at the whole raid and not just bosses. It’s weird and the only thing it accomplishes is putting more emphasis on speed-running guilds. Which has never been how raiding guilds are ranked ever.

Speedruns are great, and min/maxing trash is great. But it doesn’t make or break whether the group is good or not. Taking too long, like 4 hours in MC, can show that you’re not a good group. But the difference between a 40 minute MC and a 60 minute MC for example is so minor. This could happen just by handing out loot in different ways. It’s silly to look at raids that way.

I lowkey think people who say that just don’t like boss-parsing and tried to move the goal post for classic.

And this is coming from a guy who used to officer for the best 9 hour raiding guild in the world. Efficiency was our speciality.

combat rez alone is reason enough to bring multiple druids :expressionless: i have never been in a 40 man raid with fewer than 3 of em, honestly.

Awesome writeup!


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Resto druids make me nervous unless there’s another class that can res in the party.

Specialist healers love your hots, they de-stress the entire raid.
I’d be ok being healed by a druid as a bear or paladin.
(slightly trolln)

Only reason to be nervous with a resto druid is if dps don’t watch their threat