Resto druid is a lot stronger than everyone gives it credit for

Didn’t read most of that paper, but agree resto druid is good.

I hope so, buff cap sucks. So does the debuff limit.

Still worth mentioning when people wonder why rdru gets such a bad wrap. It’s not a bad healer, it’s just historically been very limited in what it is allowed to do.

I think both of these are removed on the Anniversary realm servers. This alleviates your concerns about bumping off a buff in sweaty groups for sure… it’s something I wish they’d just go ahead and add on Era if I’m being honest. I’m not #nochanges but am pretty wary of them; however, this is one I think would be of benefit to everybody.

Unfortunately though, I don’t believe HoTs stack. I kinda wish those would too. I’m actually not sure if TBC fixes that, it’s been a while since OG TBC and I didn’t get much time on TBC Classic as a druid the first go around.

both buff cap and debuff cap removed in anniversary

For the most part there’s a lot of QoL stuff that I think is bad for the game, buff/debuff limits do not fall under that umbrella to me. Personally I think even the chrono boon is arguably bad for the game in the current implementation that I’m familiar with from SoD. I think it’s fine for protecting buffs and allowing players to collect their buffs and then not have to just log off for the week, I think it’s poor from the perspective of constantly booning/unbooning in raid.

At the same time the complete removal of spell batching does. Blizzard definitely overcorrected after making the stupid mistake of using 400 ms batching to then completely remove it. 100 ms would’ve been ideal, small enough to not be noticeable, large enough to be able to intentionally take advantage of without being so large that every average joe is accidentally benefiting from it.

Buff cap removal is great though, lets priests and druids be more desirable with more access to their kit than the highest rank of flash heal/healing touch they can spam for 1 minute straight. Debuff cap removal is good for unlocking feral’s dps. Unfortunately only gives like, +20 dps for locks iirc but still, baby steps.

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Yea I think that’s a good point. I too really like the boon. I was there when they introduced it and it was a night and day difference. All of a sudden people were doing stuff again!

It’s kind of off that you can bottle/unbottle, though it’s fair to point out that it has a 1hr CD, at least in Era. We definitely bottle/unbottle for some bosses but we also have to be careful about how we do that. We’re not a speed clearing guild so that CD is actually meaningful for us.

For me, anyway, it’s less about the DPS increase and more about just opening up your ability to play your class. The buff cap in particular is really limiting. Not only does it hinder HoT classes from using that ability, but there are talents and gear that also adds buffs. I run the 6pc T3 bonus and I know Shaman have a talent that increases armor on crits.

I think a buff/debuff cap removal is a good play but there are also other options. Like, for buff caps, I can see my way around it being good design to not let people stack every single buff in the game. However, HoTs and bonuses granted by gear/talents should be in a separate buff category that doesn’t count towards this limit. Stuff like that.

It’s removed, but hots still don’t stack, the most powerful druid is the one who gets to use them by defacto. There’s still the token resto, but now it’s the strongest out of the heals.

This is the kind of thread this board needs more of.

It doesn’t really matter if hots stack or not. You can only have 8 rejuvs out at a time. There are 40 people in a raid. You can never raid heal as much as is needed with 8 rejuvs.

Additionally, Both druids don’t have to be rejuv spec. Druid is the most versatile healer, there are multiple ways you can play it. Regrowth is the strongest hps spec for r.druid and regrowth and rejuv don’t interfere with each other at all. Healing touch is also a route you can go that is typically stronger early on for tank healing or for spot raid healing. Though the HT route is harder to do well with. You’ve have to be quite on top of it.

Yeah, Druids aren’t limited in what they can do, they have the most options on what they can do.

Yeah but you can’t rez so you aren’t invited to my group :person_shrugging:


That’s every class and spec.
Suboptimal specs are fine.
Even resto is pretty good it’s just not as good as priest.

Same reason why you never see prot pallies in raids really.
They’re perfectly serviceable they’re just not as good as druids or warriors.

I’m loving Moonglow currently on my fresh 60 druid with 5 piece cenarion and staff of dominance. I love it for its versatility where I don’t need to just heal in 5 mans, but am also very capable of healing in raid. I went for -.5 wrath cast, 5/5 moonfire crit and 5/5 crit damage bonus.

makes throwing in a moonfire and wrath in 5 man groups that don’t need much healing more fun.


resto druid is better with no buff cap because you can actually use hots.

that’s really the big change that benefits resto.

and yes resto can easily compete with priests for healing output. on a pure 1-1 comparison, priests are better, but when you have 6 priests they’re all going to step on each other’s toes with forbearance and renew, and will be gimped, when a single resto druid with no buff cap can spam whatever rejuvs they want.

Getting to use insectswarm in molten core is pretty nice too. Especially on fights where theres nearly no healing to do

c’mon dude, what are you even talking about as a Horde druid…

Shaman brings windfury. There will be Shaman in every melee group.

And now with the dot changes, there will be a hybrid Priest healer in the caster group debuffing for locks.

There just wont be room for more than 1 druid healer. Maybe try alliance, they might let 2 go.

Not sure about PvE.

But for PvP they are insanely good.
Roots, Decurse, Feral charge, Swiftmend insta heal, poly inmune, great defensives and ok dmg.

Deep Resto druid is prob the only healer that can 1v1 any other dps class if played good while still bringing great support to any team comp

uh, a few holy pally specs can do that much better than druid. and the holy pally wont run out of mana with JoW… Also, a priest and mana burn vs a druid???.. Heal Priest actually beats most classes 1v1, while druid fails to anything it can’t kite.

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Obligatory: did you even read my post, post. Also, even before the debuff cap limit one priest was supposed to be shadow weaving for warlock damage. Thats not new to this version or season mastery. This version actually includes something interesting in that you can use VE on shadowpriests and their VE healing is insanely strong and can replace some of your healer slots. You don’t even need a healer priest to do that anymore. If anyone is looking to speed run in this version of classic, I would love to see how many shadow priests you can run with in place of healer spots. With dual spec, you could have spriest go back to disc/holy when needed too.

(non SoD)

i didnt see the point, the preface was enough, and the point still stands that druids are the least useful and likely only to be 1 per raid after all was said.

one spriest was honestly always a waste and not worth it before the cap limit, simply a pitty slot tbqh. Now with the cap removal it’s fine and allows one spriest happily. VE yah, but only one on horde, no room for more. Possible to play around with a few on alliance, which argues against bringing a second druid so your OG post carries even less weight after VE talk.