"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

Forbiden Reach had an item that showed the next rare…even that’s something. I’ll keep pushing for this topic because it also impact mount farming, we’ve this with Breezebiter and it wasn’t change, I hope this practice ends and Reward Devs find better approach which involve actual gameplay for rewards.

Otherwise, I’ll rewatch One Piece multiple time while farming this kind of grinds…


I farmed Breezebiter for days. Killed him a lot of times and got nothing. A friend came and joined me and got it first kill. I paid him 700k to trade it to me I was that desperate. Fun? No. Rewarding? No. I was just glad it was done.

Jesus Christ this guy’s insane. Do you think the patch revolves entirely around druids LMAO

Just look up the rares and go check on them on your own time what is this deranged yapping

I mean…

“Respect player’s time” is the new “slap in the face”



That’s sort of the problem you won’t. Bc with the low drop chance and people needing to camp it to get any amount of attempts you’re highly unlikely to stumble upon it. Not to mention the fact that for gearing for M+/raid this zone is useless so many players won’t really be engaged in the zone in a week or so.

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because you know you are wrong.
all the new base forms are readily available to you.
You are asking for special colour variants to be handed to you.

I mean I just took another solid hour of teleporting and flying around to get that Moon-Blessed Claw to get the cool colour variant for the new cat form.
WHILE YOU WERE HERE CRYING ABOUT HOW HARD IT WAS TO GET THE FORMS, I WENT AND GOT THE FORM…so now i have the base cat form and a colour variant in the time it took you to come here and complain about it.

Instead of disrespecting yourself by coming here, take your precious time and spend it actually doing something.
The rare items don’t come to those who sit in the forums…

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Exactly and there’s plenty of threads about that one and Soundless…an awful design that doesn’t provide gameplay besides being AFK waiting for an alert.

Yes, but Blizzard has largely moved away from this in their new “respect the player’s time” initiatives. Breezebiter was the only ridiculous one in DF. Even Karokta had consistent spawns and GF listings. I was there for these grinds back then. I farmed the Time-Lost Proto Drake. I even farmed the Seahorse in Cataclysm which was INSANE. It was never that fun or rewarding. Blizzard then came and changed things like the seahorse because they realized how ridiculous it was. Did I feel cheated? No. Just glad that they were learning and others wouldn’t have to do that. I don’t mind a grind. I don’t mind waiting. It’s not about entitlement. It’s about feeling like you are working towards something and not sitting in a random spot for hours not actively playing the game just to have a chance to pull a slot machine lever for the day.

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Dude, you are super volatile and hostile from the moment you came to this thread. I did all of those grinds to get the forms. They were fun, rewarding, and I actively played the game. Now I am moving on to the rarer ones, but having a low drop on a long timer and having so many of them is not fun or engaging. That is the main issue. You want one to be super rare and low drop. Go for it, but 6 is excessive.


I still doubt they’re learning but recently Reward devs responded to issues like MoP/WoD world bosses really low drop or the holiday events because they know that’s just a frustating experience.

DF has Breezebiter which is still a massive time sink and Karokta as you mentioned has a lot of GF listings, however; I’d consider it almost the same as Breezebiter.

In the other hand, We’ve improvements like Time Rifts mounts from RNG or vendor, Forbiden Reach mount from any rare that you can trade, there’s another faction mount that you can trade from Time Rifts.

This person won’t get it but at least this kind of players also provide visibility to this thread because each reply just bump up the topic :dracthyr_love_animated:

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and I just got the Mark of the Umbramane while reading your comment.

you just aren’t trying. And luck.
Asking them to change the whole game just because a handful of people suddenly can’t get rares…I mean did you expect to get them a couple days in? With all the people coming out to farm them, did you genuinely expect to get them?

I didn’t, because I know basic logic.
Day one, everybody is going to be farming the crud out of rares.
Wait till next week.

No, what I am is direct and specific and I refuse to let you try and wiggle out of this.
Your original post was just whinging. Simple as that. I DIDNT GET MY WAY IMMEDIATELY, SO IMMA COMPLAIN ABOUT IT WAAAAGHHH

I can show you hostile, but you would just probably say somebody tried to threaten your very existence in the universe.

ME calling you on your drama and nonsense is not hostile, it’s called keeping the forums cleared of people just making up excuses to be mad about something. Sure, complain away as is your right. But as is our right, we call you on your bluff.
How about the fact that people keep getting dismounted five miles off the ground?
Or mounts just turning invisible, or not mounting, or the literal eight seconds of lag people were experiencing.

my point is your issue is not really an issue, and where it IS an issue it only seems to affect like five people.
You and your alts, mostly it would seem.

Rare timers are not there for YOUR convenience, they are just there because its a rare creature.
Did you ask for invincible drop rates to change? or did you just farm it out?

Well, I came across Breezebiter on a whim and the other variant that drops the egg instead was a matter of going to the spot and cycling to a CRZ shard, fortunately enough the first one I got into had the rare present.

I still don’t have any of the big Mechagon mounts that you had to camp for low-drop rates. Karokta hasn’t dropped a mount for me but at the same time, considering you could only loot it once per day and required a bit of time to kill solo unless you were fully geared was enough to knock down the chances of people randomly killing it. Heck, going into the Caverns, almost every rare is up at all times so I’d likely just grab a few claws to knock out the achievement all in one go.

The thing is… If they made the colors locked behind a “Once per day” kill with a low droprate and also requiring a lot of gear, time, or a group to kill (like Karokta, for example) how many people would complain on the forums? Number will be equal to or greater than one, as there exists no state where everyone would be happy.

I think a lot of people fail to grasp it because their main enjoyment of the game comes out of raiding, dungeons, and seasonal content.

I have done all of these to the extremes in my time playing the game, but the pinnacle of my love for the game still comes from collecting. This hostile person is so ready to criticize and attack because they don’t engage in collection in the way we do. So to them it just seems dumb or complainy, but they are the first to want change when something goes wrong with gearing or systems surrounding it.


Buddy: It’s been out for less than a week LMAO

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so you think that because YOUR gametime revolves around the acquisition of digital appearance…it means Blizzard has to cater to just you and the ten people who seem to be taking these timers extra personally?

That’s silly.

I haven’t really asked for much besides maybe to make it so people who actually NEED a piece of gear get a bit of a better chance at the loot, as opposed to a dude in full mythic raid tier gear needing on lfr gear lol

I am happy with these things because they add some flavour and variety to the game.
As somebody who has mostly collector friends, I do understand it a lot better than you think.

You are just filling the void in your heart, because irl isn’t going that well for you, so you put extra importance on digital items.
I know, because I was there for a long time. This game became my life, and everything became personal.
You see it all the time.

you just want the game catered to your playstyle, and that’s not how games work bro.

Buddy, did I ask to give them to me or say I should have gotten them by now? No, I just suggested a change to make the process smoother and less time-consuming. The duration of time since the patch’s release is literally irrelevant.

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True, that’s the difficult part to balance, for example. I don’t consider the boost attempt for holidays a good approach, since its still pure RNG for a limited time event.

You’re right and that’s the difficult part to balance, however; I think the core element of the game is that it should be FUN, its a game, so if you’re afk waiting for any kind of alert to provide 1-2 minuts of gameplay between hours of waiting a respawn that’s bad desing.

Also, it’s not about it been out for less that 24 hours or wait 1 week for people to do other things, you’ll have to wait 2-3 hours now or next expansion for each attempt if the respawn doesn’t change.

That’s why I suggest a way to farm a rare item from near mobs, so you can summon the rare…at least that way you’re killing something…doing something. Obviously if the drop is really low then there’s a problem but that’s the part of balance between Attempts ratio / Drop %.

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Literally couldn’t be more wrong, but thanks for assuming you know anything about me. I offered a suggestion to smooth out a pain point that goes against the new motto the game has been trying to head in. I didn’t come to debate personal life or impact on it. I only even checked this thread again because I was shocked at how many people go straight into being hostile. I wasn’t mean. I didn’t even attack the developers. They are doing good things and I appreciate it. I just offered a suggestion and suddenly I’m being accused of putting too much value into digital items to fill a void in my life. It is truly wild.


I mean… I was in a few War Supply Crate farming groups. Which consisted of sitting in a zone and waiting for 15~40 minutes before the first one was spotted and then frantically trying to cross the Isles by flight or various forms of teleportation if it spawned in a zone that I was not in, before flying back.

If you’re focused on chasing one specific thing in the game, there will be waiting involved. For the crates, it was a timer and random zone and even then it was possible to miss (not making it in time if it was opened early, group losing the battle for the box, box randomly disappearing completely upon landing, etc). For rares, it’s a timer that you can sortof cheese with CRZ grouping.

The less-than-100% drop rate isn’t nearly as offensive when it is something easily done. I’m not sure how long it’s been going on but this thread alone is almost a whole day old so there is some room to say if a spawn was missed because posting on the forums, or not shard hopping instead of sitting AFK… There are more active ways to increase chances.