"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

In which part OP asked for hand out?

He asked about better respawns or better drop % accordingly with the respawn time.

Checking the guide and comments for the rare drops for specific colors:

Shortest spawn timer I've seen: 1 hour and 26 minutes.
Longest spawn timer I've seen: 2 hours 40 minutes.

 first spawn I saw was at 1:28AM server, and the next one was 4:44AM server; 3 hours 16 minutes apart.
So it’s possible the spawn window is 1:30-2:00 hours.
Also, it seems like this is a once-per-day loot as the 2 other times I looted it only gave me grey items.

The whole post is about wasting time being afk and some players here don’t get it, just changing the topic to “hand outs”.

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They also don’t appear on the map with icons or announcements like other rares, meaning you don’t even know if you miss them or not.


Druids got time, they spend most of it sleeping.

But I assume this kind of thread is probably going to awaken “The Ones Who Camp” so players who love to inconvenience other players would have more targets. Like Spirit Beasts with their obscenely long timers for Hunters.

or accept that you don’t need it all.
But i can see you don’t like living in reality so I won’t waste more of my time trying to get you to see how pointless it is to worry.

its bearable and nobody is insluting. It is just presenting observations and facts.

six COLOURS. i already have the forms and they had nothing to do with rares.
your whole arguement is genuinely invalid when you remember that one little fact.
I haven’t killed any rares that give me druid forms.
But yet I have all the new ones.
You are complaining about colour variants.
none of the base forms are hidden behind anything.

If you’re feeling a time crunch two days into the patch that’s a you problem.

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all the bse forms are not hidden behind anything.
I literally bought some stupid rune stone, and then went and pressed the button on the mount forms I wanted.

op is talking about rare colour variants, not the base forms.
But as I just said its just like the legion colour variants for your artifact weapon…optional, purely cosmetic, and put behind achievements and actually playing the game.
it wasnt time wasting, it just simply is how you get optional cool stuff.
You want the base forms, they are there to go get in less than two hours. IT took me two hours using regular druid flight in the new emerald dream…
I now have all the new base forms.

op just wants handouts.

I dont know but what I can say is that every time I go around and not see any of the rares up its not a good feeling. Like I stated though I am not a great sample as I play in spurts of 1 or 2 hours twice a day. Maybe if I tracked their respawn times etc I could keep better track of the rares. They could increase how often the rares Spawn but I dont know if thats a valid option either.

Yeah it’s not even worth debating it with you.

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Thosee were hidden behind actual gameplay…

and some were grinds that you kept the player doing something instead of waiting for a rare.

I think you won’t understand, it doesn’t matter if it’s a recolor, its the practice of adding something behind a dynamic time respawn, I don’t want more lobby kind of gameplay in this game, it doesn’t provide any sort of gameplay, I’d even say that it only shows that Devs can’t keep the player entertain, therefore; they do this kind of approach for metrics.

When I farmed Brezeebiter at the start of the expansion for countless hours because every respawn was 2+ hours, I just played Magic Arena or watched anime in my second monitor, that’s not playing the game.

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Am I the only one who did Zereth Mortis? The rares all have a timer.
You are correct on the first part, you just aren’t really trying that hard to find them.

As a hunter main, I know a thing or two about having to camp out rare mobs.
Imagine spending 18 hours waiting for a red snake in a cave…only to have some random dude walk in right when it spawned…almost like a bot made by blizzard just to stop me…and he killed the pet.
I waited again. and again somebody came by.

Op can’t talk about being inconvenienced just because they had to take more than a day to get rare variants of the base forms we can just obtain in like an hour…

What is the drop rate on them? The respawn time seems pretty good as well. The only thing I really see now is people that want it “now, now, now”. If you are wasting time camping rares that is on you. There may even be addons, like when Timeless Isle was first out, that helped keep track of the spawn time. So that you can better keep up with that as well.

We are playing an RPG that is a time waster by its nature so there will be some things that do that. As of now I don’t see a problem with them and it has only been out two days if you take in account all the downtime.

So… your complaint is that rare mobs are… rare?

Devs could add the cosmetic drop from any rare as an option, so players don’t have to camp 1 specific rare and increase respawn for everyone because besides Druids, I don’t feel like there’s enough content if you’re activately playing this week.

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I have this POV as well, but I also agree that what OP is pointing out is an issue. Rares with sought-after drops associated with them should give people the opportunity to get to them within a reasonable timeframe and participate in their kill. There’s really no reason for them to add extra layers of difficulty to obtaining a RNG drop.

In a perfect world, these forms would be purchasable with a currency and they wouldn’t solely rely on RNG. But these guys have to prolong this content, so the least they can do is not make it frustrating on every level.


When you have to wait an excessive amount of time on multiple rares and the item has a sub 10% drop rate seemingly, yes that is not fun and something the game has largely moved away from in DF.


When the world boss is a thing next week, I’ll be swapping shards using the finder to find and kill the rares.

I find it funny you didn’t mention the stag mark you make as inscription. Currently you can’t trade or workorder the mark, so you need to be a scribe to even get one of the stag travel forms.

You can make rare mobs rare by adding an item that you can farm with a low % that trigger the rare respawn, same concept but you’re actually doing some kind of gameplay instead of being afk, also you can get raw materials from the farm.


“Nerf rares! They take too long to kill and we can’t solo them!” - Forum users all xpac.

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Honestly a simple fix would be “Emerald Dream Rares that have a chance to drop a Druid form now appear as a rare mob on the map and are announced a minute before spawning.”

Even that is better than nothing if people are so determined to die on this hill.


Just give it time homie, I haven’t played my druid since Cata, but this patch he is going from trashy to classy.

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