"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

And don’t forget how angry they get if you suggest they play something else if they don’t like WoW.

How is it not true? The OP created this thread less than 24 hours after the patch went live. They’re upset that they don’t have something less than a day after it’s available.

Do you know when SoO was released? Do you know how long people have been farming it for the shoulders?

Do you have any idea how long BM Hunters have been after specific rare beasts?



It is what it is tbh.

It sucks sure, but we can’t do anything about it.

Now excuse while i camp for a purple kitty and purple dreamtalon

It’s not true, you’re assuming OP wanted it day 1, he did the post in less that 24 hours because he found the issue that you’ll have to wait 2+ hours for every respawn with a low drop %…If it was 100% drop after 2-3 hours this thread won’t even exist.

You’re providing an example of


Do I’ve to do the same annoying cap letters for you to understnad the difference betwene waiting for a rare without playing the game and a grind on which you can interact with the game?

SoO is annoying and We provided feedback for years in order to reach a skip to Garrosh but you can clear it at any time of your week with your alts and you manage your time.

True and that’s the same problem that we’ve been talking about and providing feedback, so it changes. Also, once you get the rare spawn as Hunter, if nobody kills it, that’s almost 100% sure you’ll get the pet compared to a combination of long respawn + low % drop.

You’re providing wrong examples…

Also, you probably got more flags for the cap letters that your comment.


Someone never played legion…

Is this better?


Also, really? How is all caps reportable?

I think the idea is that a druid comes across one randomly and gets the drop and is amazed to have a unique look. Most players don’t farm at an excessive level.

But i don’t disagree that these drops could be more common.

Imagine being a druid and complaining about getting special treatment all the time?!?!


Can someone please confirm we dont need the mage tower to get the new werebear form?

Why would you?

Looks like you just need to get lucky with a drop:

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It should drop from any rare, then you’ve more active gameplay because it’s not 1 single rare per drop… then increase rare spawns like Forbiden Reach and keep the drop % around 2-5% low but reasonable. Then Druids will have something to do around the zone, everything about RNG at the end is about Attempt Ratio and Drop %. , if both value are bad then you’ve a frustating experience or if 1 value goes to an extreme, it could cause the same issue.

I didn’t report your post at all but some people hate that kind of treatment because it feels like you’re screaming, I don’t care, for me it’s just like calling for attention…

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I appreciate the timer that I’ve noticed some rares having where you get the alert in /e and then there’s sort of a pre-event thing. Helps me get there in time. Until multiple pop at the same time and I have to choose…

Problem is that is incredibly boring, people pay a sub to play the game not to sit around with a thumb planted somewhere. 10 minutes might be too long as well, but the current time is too quick there is surely a good middle ground.

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Hi Zeropulse,

Could you suggest a better approach as part of your feedback? Maybe increase rare spawns and provide the drop from any rare, something more active, I’m not even farming these forms but this is a common issue as mentioned by Ravij on which Reward Devs add something behind a respawn that just provide AFK gameplay.

We need more active gameplay otherwise it feels like Devs are hidding the fact the actual active gameplay fails to provide good content.

I already have the fuzzy raptor, the cat, the owlbear, the stag…
Not hard to get them dude.
You are asking for special rare appearance colours to just be handed to you?

Go buy the stupid little runestones from the dude and go get your shape forms.
You basically picked Invincible as your target, and then came to the forums when you didnt get it aftera a couple of tries…

I mean crissakes dude, the flowerbear literally is just on the ground for you to pick up

/way #2200 63.7 39.1 Pollenfused Bristlebruin

That’s because blizz still hasn’t figured out how to fine-tune anything. Just surgery with a chainsaw over there.

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Yes. I suppose I am entitled. I had over 700 attempts on Underrot Crawg alone before I got it. I just want everything handed to me and don’t want to grind. That’s why i have over 900 mounts and farmed every one of them.

People just want to be jerks to be jerks I guess. The issue is not the grind. The issue is there are 6 of them with ungodly spawn times and low drop chance percent and they die instantly, one of which has multiple spawns.

That’s a lot of time to commit to sitting around if I want them, and they almost NEVER appear in group finder because they are too easy. At least with hard to get mounts, most of them are consistently going to a raid/dungeon every week or they appear in GF. Might take a while, but you are actively playing the game and know the time commitment required.

These are excessive. Again, there are 6. If you want the horrible grind, put it on two or something, but 6 is just too much to farm. I realize there are other things in the game to do, but that just makes this farm so much more annoying. If I want to get them, I must split my time between playing and sitting. I don’t need them today, but I don’t want to have to spend tons of hours committed to 6 rares every day. I have killed each of them through sheer will on two characters since patch launch and it’s only bearable because I work from home and can alt-tab and do other things. That is not fun or engaging, and REALLY unfriendly to players who don’t have that privilege.


It’s sad that the devs threw out a perfectly good vignette system we had in WoD/Legion/early BFA because a handful of people got stuck on “but the ‘rares’ aren’t rare”.

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so you can’t get the appearances.
I am missing a ton of them. You don’t see me coming here to cry about it though.

Its okay. You will grow up eventually and remember that when this game finally turns off…you will be left with nothing to show for all your collections…

its a game bro. As somebody who also farms very specific mounts instead of just trying to be a greedy dmonger and catch em all…I just pick the ones I actually like and use.
I tried for eight years on lik 13 characters, every week of those eight years, farming for Ashes and Invincible.
I got invincible.

Talk about respecting players time, but then you forget how hard it was to get some of those mounts you have.

Maybe YOU should respect your time instead of expecting a soulless cashgrab corpo to do it for you…

Or maybe instead of defending the practice and insulting someone who just wants to make it better for everyone, you could stop weirdly gatekeeping for this kind of excessive farming.

Like why insult someone because they want to give advice on how to make something like this more bearable? There are plenty of things in the game that are locked behind hard content. There is even a druid flight form tied to the mythic mount. I understand that. It is ok to have prestige.

But putting 6 forms behind this kind of rares isn’t fun or prestigious, and it’s odd you want to defend it.