Respeccing cost too high for low levels?

The spec system is more of an RP thing than a gameplay thing. It’s not supposed to be easy to relearn a specialization, and it wasn’t intended for people to flop back and forth between specs.

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Your theory only makes sense if people say “costs be damned” and blow through everything they have with little thought to how it will impact them later. This just isn’t an option for low level players, especially new players and not alts.

What you have now is a system where people are HOPELESSLY dependent on third party websites to make every decision for them because using your own imagination and creativity will end up costing you hours or days worth of playtime farming.

Please tell me how you do this… I actually need good

You say something completely absurd, and then when we point out the absurdity of it you say “you have no point!” People have told you the reason why it is so expensive, just because you’re ignoring it does not mean we don’t have a point.

The reason why it is so expensive is because your choices should have consequences to them. If it becomes trivially easy to respec, then choosing your talent points no longer becomes a choice with pros and cons…you simply choose what is best for you at any given time.

I agree. I even outlined this in my original post. That’s why I’m in favor of the full 50g cap at max level. However, that isn’t the issue. The issue is that NEW PLAYERS cannot experiment with builds to find whats right for them. At max level you should have figured it out by then, at which point the 50g respec cost makes sense.

Tell me. What’s more trivial. Experimenting over and over with a class, using trial and error to find out what’s right for you, or copy and pasting a third party website’s build into your game down to the letter?

You hate stuff being trivialized? Well you got it. The consequences of making a mistake are so dire that everyone is forced to either follow guides down to a letter or cough up an enormous sum of gold. Guess which of the two people will go with?

Vanilla/Classic are not games where you get to just “experiment” though…your choices matter, even before you’re level 1 and your character customization choices become permanent.

Players either need to do the research themselves and figure out what build plays like how they like, or simply open up the talent tree and pick the talents they like and build a spec that way.

You also have to respec quite a few times before the cost comes anywhere close to being a concern…and it goes down over time. So yes, you can expriement and respec a handful of times leveling-up and by the time you’re 60 your respec cost will have gone back down a lot.

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There’s a great solution: Don’t respec.

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The better solution is to just make gold, it is so easy to make…and respec as much as you want. I have enough gold to respec twice a week from now until the new-year and still have some left over.


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At lvl 55 there are a few options available for you.

Your best option might be professions based. Try getting into a group for dire maul jump runs to farm herbs (herbalism) or ore (mining).

If you have neither of these you can go kill ogers in tanaris to farm and sell mageweave cloth on the action house, with those ogers being 48ish they shouldn’t be hard for you to kill. (Edit: this may be your best option with the blood vine set coming out and people rushing 300 taloring for the set bonus, making cloth much more valuable for the first few weeks)

Another option is unguro crater and kill raptors to sell the grays they drop to a vendor (recommended if your a Skinner).

And lastly you could sell yourself as a carry for low level dungeons. Make sure to reserve the rare items from said dungeons (for example SFK carries, reserve the blade that’s usually worth 50-100g+).

Then there is the option to constantly run mara-ST dungeons for a chance at the edge master gauntlet to sell, easier to do if your a healer as getting groups will be easier, but keep in mind it’s a rare and you may lose it. Possibly make friends with a warrior and have a preset deal that if they drop he gets them but he gives you 500-1k good for it.

There are options, they all require time though and it depends on how you want to do it.

Edit: with the new raid coming out farming elemental earth can also be lucrative

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Err… the games design isn’t the problem here.


It is an analogy.

hNNtt ps :/NN/ en.m. wikiNNpe. dia.NNorg/ wiki/ Analogy

Skirt around you trying to compare farming gold to losing a limb? Nothing to skirt around.
Told you. Farm more gold.

I’ve explained in the previous threads in greater detail but today. Just for you: Blizz caving to these ridiculous demands to make the game easier is how we got retail. In classic players adapt to the game. Not cry and have blizz change the game. You want cheap respecs? Retail is thar way>>>


No no, hold on. You’re trying to shift the conversation. You said that my proposal would trivialize the game. I challenged by suggesting that not having a discount trivializes the game whereas letting people find their own spec would add difficulty/depth to the game.

Imagine having to actually think about your spec?

“Hmm…45% crit chance on ambush…plus another 40% crit chance on remorseless strikes…plus an additional combo point from initiative with additional eviscerate damage?”

That’s me putting the pieces together by looking at several diffferent talents and wondering how they’d work together. No guide that I’ve seen on icyveins or wowhead has covered the build I had In mind so there is no way to tell if it works or not.

This current system, the one that you’re defending, trivializes the game because guess what?

No they don’t. Other people’s choices matter, you just copy it. How does that not trivialize the game?

Sure you can sit here and say “just try it out anyway” but if it -doesnt- work out, then you’re out a SUBSTANTIAL amount of gold, and that little bit of fun experimentation just isn’t worth the risk of it backfiring so harshly.

No, I did NOT say it would trivialize the game, i said if “it becomes trivially easy to respec, then the choices don’t matter” You saw the word “trivial” and went on some weird tangent made up entirely in your mind.


Right, and I said that by not being allowed to respec, your choices matter even less. As it stands right now, I’m following a build from Wowhead, taking whatever it tells me to do even though I don’t understand why because if I pick what I want to pick, it could end up costing me a ton of a gold and a slower leveling experience if it doesn’t pan out.

You say no pros and cons exist, but to me, having to go out into the world (on foot pre-40) to find level-appropriate mobs to test your build, then fly all the way back to a capital city, respec, make a new build, and go all the way back out into the world to try again would take up a substantial amount of time.

As it stands, you never have to do that, because the guide you follow on wowhead makes it so you never have to second guess yourself or backtrack.

Your problem is you’re trying to play this game like retail. It is not, nor will it ever be.

Think ahead and plan out your build, that does NOT have to include a guide. And if you’re unable or unwilling to mess around with a sub-optimal build for long enough for the respec-cost to decay naturally…then this game just might not be for you.


Now you’re just deflecting. Explain to me how my reasoning is incorrect? You can’t. Now you’re just hiding being your #nochanges and implying anyone else is just a retail baby. Exactly what I thought.

No logical person is going to plan out a build if it will end up costing them a large sum of gold. When faced with risk and consequence, humans will always abandon adventure for safety. It’s just our nature. Your suggestion is pointless.

Dude, there is an entire thread devoted to it…several people all telling you exactly the same thing. Scroll up at random and take your pick. Anyways, I’m done with you.

You know your options, use them or don’t…that is entirely your choice to make.


i respect every 3 days and im out of gold? what do i do?

Stop respecting every 3 days?