Respeccing cost too high for low levels?

Exactly what I thought. Expected nothing less. Keep hiding behind your weak poorly defined beliefs whilst implying everyone else is a pleb. Nice to know I’m the first to call you out on your bull.

Eh, owned.

There’s 60 posts of people disagreeing, saying that change doesn’t fit, saying that you’re wrong, but he’s the one that got owned?

Sure buddy. Whatever you say.


lol, if his strategy was to be so dense and obnoxious that no one wants to engage with him…then mission accomplished. He got us.


There’s 60 posts of people presenting an argument which I challenge, then they refuse to expound upon it/explain why I am wrong.

How is offering pre-60 discounts to low levels detrimental to the game? Please explain. If your only argument is “thats just how it was back then” without explaining why it needs to stay that way, then you have no business posting here.

Free country I guess.

There’s no point. You’ll just ignore it. You have with every point so far.

It’s more efficient to just let you be wrong.


So now you’re projecting.

If I may also project, the reason why there is no point is because you’re either too lazy or incompetent to present one. But in the off chance you attempt it some day, my door is always open, buddyboi.

No projection. This thread has gone on for 60+ posts and you can’t name a single reason that’s been brought up.

You’re either ignoring them, or too dumb to realize them. I chose the option that was more charitable to you.

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Step 1) My argument

Step 2) Someone makes a counter-claim

Step 3) I challenge their claim

Step 4) They defend their claim -Hasn’t happened yet-

I responded to each point brought up, but nobody has responded to my challenge to their claim.

I’m waiting.

Ok bud. Sure.

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Quote an example then.

Nah man, you’re completely right. No one explained their points or responded to you at all.

It was undeniable proof that you totally owned those lamers.

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Having posted only 25 times he may have legitimately missed the supporting rationale behind NoChanges.

I dont believe it if course but the possibility exists.

The thing is, he never got to “step 3” on his list, after “step 2” he just repeated “step 1”…but angrier.



But it’s not that expensive to experiment, it’s only 1 g at first, then 5g, it really doesn’t start getting expensive until you’ve respec’d an excessive amount of times.

You don’t need a good talent loadout to do anything, and you can play suboptimally until you can afford the respec, or level up enough to get the talents you were missing out on.

Talent points are supposed to have some meaning, and not be changed willy nilly

Changes to the game are desired by many, but no one agrees on the changes because we all consider different things important, why is yours so vital it should be made when others aren’t

hell, he wouldn’t even agree that making respecs cost less makes the game easier by freeing up gold to spend on other things.

All arguments he failed to address well or properly in his “rebuttal”.

But of course, we should continue to waste our time on him, because he’ll totally respond for reals this time, we’re just out of excuses and have no reasons


I want a 12 inch D.

No, the argument still makes sense because levelers could get every ability as it is available rather than skipping some, as I have done. Plenty to spend money on. And frankly tons of players DO precisely that; buy what is fun in the moment consequences be damned. Our entire economy rests on this reality.

Also, the website thing happens whether people can afford respec or not, and even if it happened ONLY when they couldn’t afford it, that would be a GOOD thing, right? Player choice, options, all that?

Or are you in favor of removing others’ gameplay to make them play how you want?

The question was never if it does or does not, but rather if it should. If you desire to have gold sinks in your game (which all good games have) why would you target them towards player customization?

There are a plethora of gold sinks in this game, from crafting materials, to mounts, to repairs, to pots, food, elixirs, and so on. Claiming that the entire economy of the game depends on whether or not people choose to respec seems a bit ridiculous and is more speculative/reaching.

Whereas Pollz and Donkies are trapped in a endless cycle of incompetent circular reasoning, this particular statement is more along the lines of self-defeating rather than just straight up ignorant. You keep throwing up ‘player choice’ like its some wonderful thing that we should all celebrate, but you don’t seem to realize that the insane cost of respeccing actually PREVENTS people from making choices because they don’t want to lose all their savings.

There is no player choice. A website makes your choices for you and you go along with it.

It just sounds completely insane that you would imply that allowing people to try out other specs takes away from other peoples gameplay. Curious to see the thought process on this one if you wouldn’t mind elaborating.

When are you actually going to address the part where the cost isn’t prohibitive? That seems to be whole whole crux of what you’re trying to say, and at least 10 people have all told you that gold is so easy to come-by that there actually isn’t a drawback to respec’ing.

You keep on saying that you rebut all of our counters, but you literally have never managed to address this, dodging it while screaming at others for dodging.

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Bad choices and expensive choices are still choices.

And the crux of your argument, that it would be better design to allow more experimentation, I do agree with.

But this isn’t and should not be a game with the best design. It’s 2004 design on purpose. That’s almost the entire point.

Maybe this is why you keep on seeing people telling you to go back to retail? Because making choices to improve the game design is exactly how we got to the point that game is at. It’s a much more friendly, open to experimentation game.


Prohibitive to what? To getting 60? No. To getting your mount? Absolutely yes.

Trying out all the specs and returning to your original spec (assume the other two didn’t work out) would cost 16 gold.

Still waiting for you to explain why adding discounts for low levels and just for low levels would be detrimental to the game. So far the only counter arguments have been ways around the problem, not addressing the problem itselfs (I.E. ‘Farm more gold’ ‘Don’t make mistakes in the first place’ ‘Retail is -> that way!’)