Requiring "score" to use valor upgrades = poor system

You can’t tell people how they should be playing the game.

Pretty dumb.

I mean you could just git gud


Not everyone is that stupid but w/e.

See how you used the keyboard to type that, just use the keyboard in game to use spells and git gud

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I have a brain see, makes me estimate how my neurons are going fire using the keyboard to make those numbers you like to climb as null and void sensations.

Then use your brain and git gud dude its so simple

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Not worth the price.

The price of git gud is free, you have a brain remember i believe in you

Haha nothing is free.

I mean just git gud dude

Keeep talkin dude.

Totally have me convinced.

Good i wish you the best of luck on your near 15 year long WOW jounrey to git gud!

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Why the game is doing so well these days, right?

Youre still here so am I so is the poster above us and the one before them, idk if you dont like it why play? Maybe you really do wanna git gud!!! Yay!!! I believe in you dude you got this!!!

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yea, people who don’t want challenge can go play Hello Kitty or something.

Pretty sure that’s what Ion tells himself these days as the Microsoft deal looms closer day by day…

I play this game for reasons that aren’t M+ or brain dead Raiding.

So why you complaining about mythic plus then? Sure sounds like you wanna play it but simply cant git gud.
So just git gud dude

It’s okay for games to cater to a wide audience. You can have hardcore elitists in the same game as people wanting to ERP in Goldshire and everything in between.

That also doesn’t mean you need to provide everything for the ERP crowd so they can live out their fantasy of looking cool.

I play it sometimes.

I lost interest when they cut the loot rates.