Requiring "score" to use valor upgrades = poor system

It’s a built in system gate designed to slow down progress of players at the lower end so most of them will never become competitive. That makes high end players feel more epic.

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I’m told repeatedly that M+ players don’t care about gear and only run it for fun. If that’s the case, why does it matter to you that you need a score to upgrade gear?

whoever told you that has no idea what they’re talking about :100:

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modern valor is bad luck protection not a progression system.
That’s why there’s a rating requirement.

Now, it could be a hybrid badluck/catchup system if they just made the unlocks account wide again…

Ouch. You are playing the game wrong.

They have answered all your concerns:

That is wrong. You dont upgrade the lowest ilevel gear to 12/12. That would consume tons of Valors. You are doing it this way becoz of uncapped Valor. This uncapped Valor maybe temporary only for this short Season. In regular Season, we would have capped Valor… limited. So we farm high keys for loots not on low keys. With high keys, we only need fewer Valors to upgrade them to 12/12.

You cant upgrade a gear into 12/12 right now if you dont have 2000 M Rating. Here’s the table:

7 281 600 Mythic+ Rating
8 285 1,000 Mythic+ Rating
9 288 1,200 Mythic+ Rating
10 291 1,400 Mythic+ Rating
11 294 1,700 Mythic+ Rating
12 298 2,000 Mythic+ Rating

On me, I am not KSM yet as I am at 1850 M Rating. I could only upgrade M+ Gear up to ilevel 294. If you see me wearing a gear higher than ilevel 294 like my Range weapon, it means it came from Vault.

If you dont want to do high keys, you dont need gear upgrades.

You find the game fun when you faceroll it. On me, I find the game boring if I am facerolling it. It has to have difficulty and pressure to make the game interesting on me. But that is me. It is stressful to you becoz you are not used to it. Dont give up. Just keep fighting. Repetition improves your Muscle Memory. In time when you improve, it wont be as stressful… it would become easier and easier then you wont realize that you are already having fun.

Honestly I find 10s more fun. 15s get easier the more people get gear though.

Its nice to get the dungeon affix when it buffs you. Dungeons are rough when people still need gear.

That’s basically what happened this season cause there was no VP cap. People just bumrushed KSM and farmed 2’s for VP.

It made for some disgustingly quick gearing, as soon as I hit 2k IO I went up like a solid 8 ilvl overall.

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There’s no way someone is ‘stuck’ doing only low keys an entire season without being able to progress a little. If a person’s skill set is sooooo looooow they can’t muster a 5 for better vault rewards, it has be asked: is it a question of skill? Or motivation?


From someone with multiple characters KSM during multiple seasons, I agree.

There should be no rating lock for gear, the benefit to being better and having a higher rating or doing higher keys should be faster currency gain.


:skull: You are currently getting spoiled by mythic geared players farming low keys for valor so you want that to be a permanent feature and allow you to reach 304 because you only invite 300 ilvl dps to your +2 key? Those aren’t issues because you can literally solo the dungeon if you’re geared enough.

Nice bait if this is trolling, if it’s genuine, then :skull:


What I find annoying is being required to have a pvp rank of “facepwner” or something in order to upgrade certain items. I am a casual pvp player, as I only play them to get the points…but I digress.

If someone isn’t good enough to push high keys, but has a lot of time to play the game. hy can’t they grind 12/12 pieces by doing low keys?

If someone can only kill boars within Durotar, why can’t they just get epics doing that? Think about it, not everyone can actually fight mobs of the sae level.
There could be various reasons why normal mobs are too hard.

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It’s the entire point of the system. You acquire gear on the low end to run higher keys to get your 9/12 gear that you then use valor on to get to 12/12. That higher gear reduces the stress of the higher key level because you’re doing better dps/tanking/healing by having the higher ilvl gear. You’re getting IO at the same time and hitting the milestones to upgrade to 12/12 and get Keymaster.

What you’re suggesting could reduce carries but would destroy the system overall and actually lead to fewer players since they’d finish with lower keys quickly and either do other content or stop playing until the next season.

The real debate is making Valor and IO rank levels account wide. I agree with this somewhat but see it a bit differently. Instead of making these account wide from the start, have them go account wide when you’ve hit KSM in a Season on one character. After that then your alts have access to account valor and account rank to upgrade gear without needing to hit KSM themselves.


Have you tried Idk getting gud?

Sure there is one
For low keys that aren’t difficult you don’t require gear so you get gear that’s appropriate for that level of challenge, and if you want to improve your gear you have to do more difficult content, and that valor will now also be relevant to upgrade whatever gear you aren’t able to get to drop whilst working on your score

You may not like this, and would prefer to be able to get mythic ilvl gear from a +2, but that sounds more than a little bit insane
Especially since… then what’s the point in doing higher keys, since you can just farm valor and then suddenly outgear people running 15s

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More like pull out your wallet to win.

Git gud is also a option

it worked well for me - i was already pretty geared coming into the season and no weekly valor cap made it a fun grind - a fast one too.

maybe its more dreadful for someone coming fresh in s4 or something. still should be much better than when valor was capped heh

I’d like to see you try to sell a game to someone telling them that.

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I mean you been playing since 2008, if after near 15 years you cant perfrom the basic mechs and class rotations to time a 15 thats on you so yea dude git gud

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