"Requires Level 70" Issues since 10.2.7 Release

My guess is that the quest is treating one cosmetic change (the barber shop) as equivalent to another (the rostrum). For all we know, it always worked like that, except the rostrum was always working OK so no one ever got a chance to see it.

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Youre the best!

I’ll use this later, thank you! I did the dragon riding unlock quests on this character today which does give you a chance to fill out the tree but the icon is still missing from the minimap.

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this for “Requires Level 70” suddenly, but I noticed on “Warmth and Comfort” the Piles of Coal require level 70 now. You can still get the 5 you need from drops, but just picking up a pile as you pass by no longer works.

All of this!

I believe what the Rostrum actually does is open up a custom version of the barbershop similar to how druids see their forms and warlocks see demons, only the rostrum version hides the regular barbershop options and displays the drake selection. So the flag for the quest isn’t specific (“trigger the drake version of the barbershop interface”), it’s general “trigger the barbershop interface”.

I was doing a Dreamsurge on my alt who is 66, and he was unable to interact with the flowers on the elevated islands. It said it requied level 70. Killing the mobs still gave credit though.

This is still on going and my alt is now stuck on a quest for the Rostrum of Transformation “A New Set of Horns”, also any gear gained is non usable by sub 70

Thanks for the help. I actaully just pushed it 70. All is right. Ill keep that in mind if i see a similiar issue in the future.

This is happening to me as well. I put in a ticket and got an automated replay. Put the ticket in again saying I did all you said to try before putting in the ticket. That was days ago and I still don’t have a reply. Hopefully, today’s maintenance will fix it…? Crosses Fingers

Today’s maintenance has not fixed it, at least not for my level 61 monk. Great work, guys.

I just tried the rostrum and the valdrakken portal from org on my 63 horde warlock and both worked without issue. They were both locked to level 70 as of last night.

I also have the dragon isles icon on my minimap again.

Interesting. I just tried again on the monk and it’s no good. My mage is 63, and it doesn’t work for her.

In case it’s server-specific, I tried my 67 paladin on another server, no luck there.

In case it’s faction-specific, I tried my 68 Horde warlock (on a third server), no luck there.

I note by the way: She’s got her winding slitherdrake displaying Void skin, which shows that I was able to select it on her after I completed the Harbinger quest on a 70 the other day, so the Rostrum (and I’m guessing portals, world quest rewards, etc.) definitely broke after the 10.2.7 patch and not when it dropped.

You might try deleting the cache folder in the retail subfolder of your WoW installation (I also moved the WTF folder and Addons folder out to the desktop, but then put them back after loading the game, checking for the DF button, and then closing the game again, so IDK if that part was really necessary).

I had to do that just now to see the Dragon Isles minimap button again. IDK about the rest of it—the Rostrum or the portals—but the button is back, and the WQ rewards are displaying properly now as well.


Holy crap! It worked!

I just deleted the Cache folder – did not touch my WTF or Addons folders, figured I’d just try Cache first – and now rostrum and portals work and WQ rewards look like normal!

Spread the word, folks! Thanks, Mystraele!


Some things seem fixed after the maintenance for my characters between 60 and 69, like the reknown button is showing on my minimap, but unable to do the weekly quests which is a huge bummer especially for timewalking.

Can confirm, deleting just the Cache folder fixed most of, if not all, level 70 required bug issues.


This is a good workaround for “A New Set of Horns” turn-in.

This worked too! Thank you!

Deleting my Cache folder worked. Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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