Noting issues since 10.2.7 release.
Alts less than level 70 (level 60-69) cannot use Rostrum of Transformation. Warned that it requires level 70.
World Quest equipment rewards that were available to alts less than 70 alts 5/8/24 now “Requires Level 70’.
[Correction 5/11: despite note on WQ reward that the gear piece “Requires Level 70”, my lower level alt, level 62, could perform the quest and equip the gear.]
Alts less than 70 no longer see the Dragon Isles Expansion icon on the mini map. Their previous Shadowlands covenant icons instead are visible. In the case of a Dracthyr that is less than level 70 sees no expansion icon.
Allts less than level 70 cannot use Valdrakken portal in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Now says “Requires Level 70”.
I’m having all those issues as well, and there are multiple other similar threads. I feel like this is a pretty significant bug that should be addressed ASAP. A lot of people are dusting off alts right now.
Agreed. Same problems here.
To the small degree that it helps, at least Alliance folks can use the Bel’ameth portal; it was working earlier when the Valdrakken one was not, unless it’s been broken too …
I can’t progress my character past 60 'cause i can’t see my renown track, or complete the campaign, or use the portal to val, or access my dragon riding talent tree
just adding my voice to report the issues.
weekly in valdraken no longer available under lvl 70 - any unfinished weekly from prior to the patch, was removed from a quest log.
world quests reward gear that has lvl 70 requirement, but ilvl of the rewards still corresponds to character level.
portal in capitol cities requires lvl 70.
dragonriding/renown button is missing, making it… difficult to assign glyphs to a newly arriving alt.
not a bug I have personaly experienced… so far, but it seems like occasionally people who take the airship to dragon isles due to portal not working - are ported back to their capitol city after loading screen.
Its as if the patch reset the level 60-69 characters to still exist in Shadowlands. Its a doozy of a bug.
Knee here is one of them:
also seeing all the above issues. is this a bug? have they not commented or posted anything about this?
Hopefully it is a bug and not intentional.
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Replying to this thread to help make it seen.
Having this issue too. Level 64 stuck in progression due to inaccessible rostrum of transformation. Cannot progress main quest line nor access dragon riding talent tree.
Nope, there have been zero acknowledgements that there is an issue. There was a post in the CS forum where Vrak said he was forwarding it on, but that’s it.
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Having all of the same issues. Hopefully they get this sorted soon.
Problem for me as well on my lvl 66 alt. Main has done the whole campaign, 3 alts at 70. I’ve already used the Rostrum to change the dragons up, but now can’t. WQ items that dropped for previous alts while leveling could be equipped but after the update they all require lvl 70.
This is a fun series of bugs. ![:confused: :confused:](
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The portal to Azsuna is now restricted to 45+. Chromie no longer gives the breadcrumb quests to WoD or Legion. I think this is all part of a spur of the moment decision to put restrictions on levelers by making popular leveling content less accessible. It probably pulled developers off the group finder project, while providing inadequate resources to complete and test either. That’s why it looks like everything is broken, because it is. And also why they aren’t saying it’s a bug they are working on, because it’s not and they aren’t. Welcome to the new WoW. Delete all your levelers and reroll them in MoP Timerunning.
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In addition to the issues above, there is a “requires level 70” tooltip bug. I looted a blue item from a rare on a level 64. The popup tooltip when I looted it stated requires level 70, but the actual item is useable prior to level 70.
I kind of doubt this is intentional. They basically force you to level in Dragonflight after 60, so locking you out of easy access to the content you’ve had all expansion is probably not their plan, particularly if it halts progression altogether as with the questline mentioned above. And Chromie still has all expansion options available. If the breadcrumb quests are broken, you should submit a separate bug report if not already.
The function IsAdvancedFlyableArea()
, and as a result the advflyable conditional, will also throw false if you are not level 70.
Yeah, not sure why I’d bother playing the game right now. My alts can’t use any gear from WQs because it all suddenly requires level 70 but still has lower ilvls. Also can’t access the DF window (with the reps and DR talent thing in it) at all. Did a full UI reset, still same issues.
Seems like the inaccessibility of the DF window is new since earlier in the week maybe? I just took a new alt there on Monday, and it was fine, because I remember spending the DR points with no issue.
I accessed the dragon riding talent tree from Lithragosa at the Sky Vault Ruins so at least I have the additional vigor charges. However I too am unable to use the rostrum of transformation so I cannot finish the questline related to this.
Wanted to provide an update: you can use the “lvl 70” gear acquired from WQs. I am leveling a lvl 61 shaman, and was able to equip the gear acquired from the WQs.
Adding my name to the chorus of discontent. I’ve got a few alts (levels 61, 63, and 65) who can no longer access the Valdrakken portal in Stormwind, nor can they use the Rostrum. They also no longer have the Dragon Isles icon on their mini map.
Another odd bug I found is that every time log my level 65 Draenei DK, her mining gear is showing. She hasn’t mined in months. Currently, I keep her in Shadowmoon Valley and she does the daily pet battle with Ashlei, and then I log her out. That’s it. That’s all she does right now. She has been to the Dragon Isles and does have DI mining. And yes, she’s talked to Mahra Treebender to hide profession equipment. That is one of the first things I do with every character I have taken to DI. So having her mining gear showing is so strange. Just now, I had her go talk to Mahra again, so we’ll see what happens tomorrow when I have her go kill poor little Doodle for the umpteenth time.